How to escape from depression: methods and advice from psychologists

How to escape from depression: methods and advice from psychologists
How to escape from depression: methods and advice from psychologists

A lot has been written about how to get out of depression for a girl or a guy, a woman or a man. If the condition is very serious and there is absolutely no strength to cope with it, you should seek help from a qualified doctor. Previously, many people want to get acquainted with the recommendations for solving the problem on their own - it seems easier and more accessible than working with a specialist. So, where to start and is it possible to avoid taking drugs?

General information

Sooner or later, many of our contemporaries think about how to get out of depression. The problem of such a mental status is very relevant in the modern world. If you look around, you can see quite a few people who have coped with the trouble on their own. As many believe, those who are forced to deal with depression should remember that they are not the only ones in the world who have encountered trouble. There are a lot aroundpeople suffering from the same problem, and there will always be those who are ready to share their experience of successfully solving it. As you can conclude from reading medical reference books, depression is treatable, in many cases even without special medication, so there is no need to give up.

To understand how to get out of depression after a divorce, separation, loss of a close friend or other events, you must first understand what this term hides. It is impossible to call such a word a temporary deterioration in mood, whatever the reason that provoked it. Depression is a serious illness. A severe case is usually caused by a life catastrophe or an injury received by a person, the loss of a loved one. If the course of the case is complicated, you can not do without the help of a specialist. You should contact a psychotherapist. You can first come to an appointment with him, and then the doctor will refer you for additional studies and consultations to other narrow specialists.

how to get out of depression
how to get out of depression

Cases and causes

Sometimes you have to look for ways to get out of depression yourself, against the background of a somatic illness. There are also cases when a person does not know about such a disease, and depression is the only condition that makes it possible to suspect something was wrong with he alth. It is noted that depression often follows thyroid diseases and the malfunctioning of this organ. This leads to tearfulness, a person is irritable, his mood is unpredictable and changes quickly. Another possible reason is the wrong hormonal background, incorrect volumesactive substances produced by internal organs. There may be too many or too few of them.

There may be cases of influence of external circumstances, personal problems. With this root cause, the most positive forecasts. It is worth studying how to get out of depression on your own for a man, a woman, and try to practice such measures in reality. Surely soon you will be able to take your mental status under control. With the right approach, it will be possible to cope even with a protracted course of a mental disorder.

In practice: how to fight?

Very often trying to figure out how to get out of depression, men and women who are accustomed to looking for the root cause of their problems in others. Experts recommend such people to start looking for the root of troubles in themselves, to take responsibility for everything that happens in life. Many tend to condemn fate, look for the root cause of what happened in the will of some supreme forces, or simply blame others, often indiscriminately. The more often a person complains about circumstances, about how much others do not understand him, the more important it is to realize that the root cause of everything that happens to a person is herself. By changing himself, thereby such a person will change the perception of the world around, which means that the world itself, surrounding the person, will subjectively change. In fact, the way out of depression is hidden in the person who is prone to this disorder, but it is important not only to agree with this fact, but to accept it, to realize it.

When figuring out how to get out of depression after a breakup, dismissal or other life event, you should accept for yourself: the first point is awarenessresponsibility. Taking it for every perfect action and every act that took place in the past, thereby the person will certainly alleviate his condition. There is no need to loudly declare your new views of the world, it is enough just to change the manner of action in accordance with the new principles. Perception will gradually change, and with it, depression will disappear.

how to get out of depression tips
how to get out of depression tips

Why does this work?

Realizing that the person is responsible for every consequence, a person gives himself a sense of control over his life. The ability to change the situation to your liking and to your advantage returns. The ability to take responsibility for everything that happens in life is to take responsibility for your life. On the one hand, this is extremely simple, but at the same time, as many practicing psychologists note, getting rid of depression is quite problematic. A person lives in the current time moment. If you manage to take responsibility for it and thereby regain control over what is happening today, you can influence life in general. Practicing the described approach, thereby a person simply excludes in his life the free space that depression previously occupied.

Affirmation to help a person

There are plenty of tips on how to get out of depression on your own. Women, men are offered to resort to affirmations. Many psychotherapists consider this option one of the most effective. Affirmations allow you to work with consciousness. The term refers to dictionary imperatives, a kind of mantras designed to influencethe human subconscious and adjust the deep settings. Affirmations are short sentences, unambiguous, formulated in the affirmative. They must be chosen strictly individually. Suitable sentences are fixed in writing, regularly spoken aloud, in inner speech. You can record an affirmation on a voice recorder and constantly turn it on for yourself. It is necessary to resort to words that can heal, and this can only be done by those that greatly hurt, do not leave indifferent. Such phrases can change a person's state in a positive way, give him confidence in himself.

Affirmations can be formulated as "I trust life" or "I am glad for a new day", "I approve of myself", "I agree with myself". With affirmations, you can assure yourself of the ability to live in harmony with the world, give yourself confidence that accepting outside help is normal. You can inspire yourself with gratitude for what happens. Some formulate affirmations in order to learn through them to wish the best for others. In any case, when figuring out how a person can get out of depression, you need to look for affirmations that will help a particular person. These can be very personal messages. You should guess which phrase will work and start using it, controlling the response of your thoughts.

how to help get out of depression
how to help get out of depression

Basic rule

For affirmations to work, you need to repeat them regularly, often, write them down over and over again, listen and say as often as possible. According to psychologists, you need to practice this twice a day and more often. Be sure to repeataffirmations before sleep and immediately after waking up. There are authors who have devoted their work to this topic. When planning a cure through affirmations, it is worth familiarizing yourself with the works of psychotherapists devoted to the influence of words on the human subconscious. There are even series of books on the subject.

Society and loneliness

When talking to advice on how to get out of depression, you can see that psychotherapists categorically do not recommend suffering from a mental disorder to spend time alone. According to many, the most effective antidepressant is regular and constant communication with nice people. A person who seeks seclusion, diligently excluding contact with other people, will only sink deeper into frustration. According to experts, the desire to avoid communication is both a sign of depression and a consequence of such a condition.

The more often and more actively, more and more intensely a person communicates with other people, the less time and energy he will have to focus on himself and his own problems. Going deep into his own thoughts, experiencing the same thing over and over again, plunging into fears and experienced situations, a person only pushes himself to a more severe version of depression. It is likely that the only way out of this state will be with the help of medicines.

how to get out of depression for a woman
how to get out of depression for a woman

Communication: the nuances

Explaining how to get out of depression after an event, experts suggest putting more emphasis on interacting with other people. Even the most insignificant events and contacts already improve a person's condition. Canjust allow yourself a trip to a big store for your favorite sweets. This will ease the nervous tension and distract from the depressive state. No less useful are attending concerts or parties with friends, various events and holidays. According to psychologists, interaction with strangers of the opposite sex is especially effective. Such contacts allow you to quickly cope with depression.

Help is never superfluous

Having turned to a psychologist to learn how to get out of depression after some traumatic event, a person will surely hear recommendations to accept the help of others. Indeed, rejection of it, loneliness - all this only aggravates the course of the case, and in no way contributes to solving the problem. The treatment of depression must be practiced using all available means. Not the last in terms of efficiency will be help, assistance from friends, relatives.

Depressed people tend to "close in the shell", but this only makes the situation worse. The opposite option is to open up to society, to give it the opportunity to help the patient. To some extent, this echoes the previously mentioned benefits of communication.

It so happened that even when communicating with a psychotherapist, a person is not always sincere and frank, but it is easier to communicate with friends this way. It is noted that simple communication with loved ones is sometimes more useful than systematic treatment, even if no one does any special analysis of what has been said.

how to get out of depression after
how to get out of depression after

The spiritual world as a wayget distracted

Sometimes people wonder how to help a friend or relative out of depression. From the outside, it can be noticeable that the cause of the condition is the loss of life orientations. In this case, it is worth unobtrusively advising the person suffering from the disorder to get acquainted with philosophical, literary works, sacred books, if such are close to the human spirit. If there is no one to help and the person himself is looking for a way out of a difficult situation, you need to choose books and texts to your liking. Perhaps you should get acquainted with spiritual practices. In their writings you can find curious sayings that clarify many difficult life moments. For a long time, mankind has been trying to formulate answers to very complex ethical and psychological questions, and all the knowledge accumulated by civilization is available to modern man. Just a few minutes of searching on the virtual web, no more than 10 minutes in the library - and a person will surely find something that will seem interesting, informative, instructive to him. Perhaps this book will make depression a thing of the past.

When figuring out how to help a loved one get out of depression, many have probably come across recommendations for learning meditation more than once. If a person who wants to help is practicing meditation himself, he should involve a depressed acquaintance in the classes. Otherwise, you should just talk about the benefits of meditation practices in order to interest and captivate a person. Millions of our contemporaries have become happier by choosing a spiritual tradition that suits them. Unity with higher forces, nature or something special gives a personfeeling of happiness, harmony, peace. Such a person feels satisfied with life.

Bad habits

If you turn to publications that tell how to get out of depression on your own for a woman, a man, you can see recommendations on the complete rejection of any drug products, alcohol. It will not work to cope with the oppressed state with alcohol and other means that temporarily affect the consciousness. Intoxication due to the toxic influence of an external product temporarily creates a feeling of euphoria, without eliminating the root causes of a serious condition. The situation is gradually getting worse. When the effect of the narcotic substance disappears, depression is oppressed by a hangover, poisoning of the body. Physical ill he alth is combined with mental he alth, the condition worsens, depression progresses, suicidal thoughts occur to a person. Other aspects of deterioration are possible. Probably the only available treatment will be medication under the supervision of a doctor, possibly treatment in a clinic.

Materials on how to get out of depression on your own for a woman, a man, talk about the possible dangers of abuse of alcohol and other intoxicating products in this state. The fact is that the visible physiological consequences of taking alcohol and drugs are only the first wave of a negative effect. Alcohol, like other intoxicating chemical products, destroys both the body and the psyche of a person. This leads to the loss of family and work, the deterioration of the situation in society.

how to get rid of depression
how to get rid of depression

Sleep ishelpful

Psychologists, explaining how to get out of depression to a woman, a man, are advised to take control of their sleep and wakefulness patterns. There are many cases where only the introduction of a strict regime already made it possible to solve the problem of mental status. Often depression is due to the fact that a person allows himself only about five hours of sleep per day instead of eight. Fatigue, which at the same time appears in a chronic form, is assessed by many as an oppressed position, while a person convinces himself that this is only a whim and he does not need any rest. Of course, you can convince yourself of this, but you won’t be able to deceive the body; sooner or later it will respond with depression.

Steady lack of sleep leads to a change in work schedule and a lack of energy. This explains why the psycho-emotional sphere is disturbed. Accordingly, recommendations on how to get out of depression for a woman, a man by lengthening and stabilizing sleep will be effective. It is important not only to control the duration of sleep, but also to take into account what time a person goes to bed and how early he gets up. Doctors advise going to bed at 22 or earlier, and waking up around six in the morning. Such a simple measure allows you to positively influence he alth, will soon restore the body, return physiological processes to normal. The perception of the world will change for the better. This is due to the natural planetary rhythms to which life on Earth is subject. Of course, civilization and technical capabilities make it possible to move away from them, but it is precisely following the natural rhythm that gives the best results and positively affectshuman he alth.

Physical activity for mental he alth

Different magazines and publications, articles and medical advice on how to escape from depression, make a special emphasis on physical activity. Since ancient times, people have known that the spirit can be he althy only when the body is he althy. Physical activity has a positive effect on a person if it is balanced and reasonable. It is advisable to run or swim regularly. You can do yoga or archery, fencing or just work in the fresh air - a person has the right to choose what he likes and suits best. All sports, any physical activity, when practiced in moderation, allow you to leave depression in the past without resorting to medication.

Psychologists advise pouring cold water on yourself. This is more often recommended for men. You can swim in springs and rivers, try yourself as a walrus. Short-term interaction with cold water has a positive effect on the body both in terms of physical he alth and the psyche. Among the special advantages is accessibility to everyone and free treatment. The main task of a person is to practice bathing in moderation. Having plunged into ice water, you need to immediately rise to the surface, wipe yourself off and dress in dry and warm clothes.

get out depression self woman
get out depression self woman

Versatile but effective

No less useful, as you can conclude from the tips on how to escape from depression, go to the bathhouse. The effect of such a procedure is similar to the corresponding bathing, and the event itself is suitable for thosewho absolutely cannot stand the cold.

By keeping the body in excellent condition, a person improves self-esteem. It is believed that regular physical practice leads to the release of endorphins into the circulatory system. The biochemistry of the human body is corrected and stabilized. Inside the body, all processes are interconnected, so a change in the hormonal background affects thinking. As a result, self-esteem grows.

Love and friendship

Materials that tell how to escape from depression are advised to be selfless and show others your love and good attitude. Having shown other people his sincere feelings, the person will soon feel a change in his condition. Helping others, especially without subtext, allows you to somewhat escape from the troubling complexities, while improving the world. There is always an opportunity to do something good, just look around. Surely you will immediately remember a friend or relative who is faced with a difficult situation. If someone needs help, it can be offered free of charge.

Media & He alth

Among other options for escaping depression, interesting films are not the last. There are many inspiring works. They are devoted to important ideas, they have interesting plots. Such films promote the power of the mind and speak of the importance of goodness. There are hundreds and thousands of such works in the archives of modern cinema. What to see, it is up to the person himself, it is important that the work is liked. Perhaps one of the most famous is "Knockin' on Heaven". No less cult moviehelping to cope with severe depression - "Forrest Gump". A beautiful film called "Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind" is very well suited for this purpose.

Importance of state

If these simple methods do not help, you need to see a doctor. Depression should not be underestimated. If you can not cope with non-drug methods, you need to use pharmaceutical products. Otherwise, the quality of life will be constantly, but steadily declining, and at the same time, human productivity. At the same time, future prospects will worsen.
