Botulinum toxin is a toxin produced by the bacteria Clostridium botulinum, popularly called Botox. It is used not only in aesthetic medicine, but also, in particular, in neurology. It is a fairly strong poison, however, administered in small quantities, it is completely safe.
What is botulinum toxin?
Botulinum toxin is a substance produced by the anaerobic bacteria Clostridium botulinum. It is produced in soil, sediment, and improperly prepared and stored meat and vegetable cans. Eating such canned food can lead to botulism. It has an adverse effect on the neuromuscular tissue and affects the muscles. This substance is sensitive to high temperatures (decomposes at temperatures above 60o).

There are several types of this toxin, which are designated by letters from A to G. In order to improve the appearance, it is used in very small doses that do not cause side effects.effects. Botulinum toxin type A is used in aesthetic medicine.
Poisoning by this substance is much less common than in the past. This is due to the fact that food began to be stored in better conditions. When there is a possibility of poisoning with this poison, a gastric lavage should be performed and a laxative should be taken to remove as many toxins as possible from the gastrointestinal tract. In case of poisoning, the patient is given an antiotoxin (antibotulinum serum). It is very important to maintain proper body hydration and diet during treatment.
There are also possible cases of poison getting into the wound, for example, through the soil. In such cases, surgical cleansing of the wound and antibiotic therapy may be necessary.
Mechanism of action of botulinum toxin
The mechanism of action of this substance was first used in the treatment of neurological and ophthalmic diseases. The toxin was used, in particular, to relieve excessive muscle tension in children with cerebral palsy, or people who had a stroke. When they began to treat strabismus with it, it was noticed that it not only improves the condition of the eyes, but also smoothes wrinkles. By trial and error, doctors developed dosages, as well as methods for injecting the drug. In the 80s of the last century, the drug began to be used in aesthetic dermatology. It was a very popular complex.
Botulinum toxin type A causes suppression of the release of acetylcholine, a neurotransmitter responsible for the formation of impulses between nerves and muscles. It works by blocking the connection between nerveendings and muscles, that is, it blocks the so-called neuromuscular synapses. Botulinum toxin binds to the membrane of presynaptic receptors and blocks the release of acetylcholine. This leads to the fact that the muscles relax, and wrinkles are smoothed out for a while. This process is used in medicine.
In diseases such as strabismus, neurological pathologies that occur with excessive muscle tension, hyperhidrosis, facial wrinkles, botulinum toxin is used. The drug with this substance works locally, but since the nerve fibers have the ability to create new connections, the therapeutic effect decreases and disappears 4-6 months after the injection of the toxin. Therefore, the procedure must be repeated.

Drugs used in medicine are laboratory-produced from isolated strains of bacteria, purified and placed in vacuum packaging in strictly measured doses. They are used safely and effectively in many areas of medicine.
In aesthetic dermatology, to smooth out wrinkles, doses of the order of 20-60 units are used during one procedure. Their toxicity is out of the question, since the toxic dose for humans is from 2.5 to 3 thousand units.
Use in dermatology
Botulinum toxin type A-hemagglutinin complex (Botulinum toxin type A - hemagglutinin complex) is known in aesthetic medicine under the names of drugs "Botox", "Dysport", "Xeomin".

In order for the drug with this substance to begin its action, it must be injected into a specific muscle. Botulinum toxin injections block neuromuscular conduction, prevent muscle spasm and cause them to relax. In the end, a good cosmetic effect is obtained, that is, after muscle relaxation, small wrinkles cease to be noticeable. In addition, existing wrinkles will not become deeper, which is a kind of prevention that allows you to prolong youth. Also, people whose wrinkles are not yet visible can use botulinum toxin. Its timely application will help to keep the skin of the face for a long time young and smooth. This does not mean that teenagers should undergo the procedure. The introduction of botulinum toxin is carried out exclusively after consultation with a specialist in aesthetic medicine. The doctor should explain to the patient how the procedure is going on, talk about the results and possible side effects. The final decision to perform the operation must be made consciously by the patient.
Indications for use
This remedy is often used on patients with expression lines on the forehead and around the eyes. They can occur even in very young people and are associated with habitual facial expressions. If the wrinkles are very deep, sometimes an additional procedure is required - filling them with hyaluronic acid (for example, Dethail, Juvederm). Can be combined with other facelift methods.

The drug is used in removal:
- wrinkles between the eyebrows (forehead area);
- around the eyes (crow's feet);
- others: lower eyelid, area around the mouth, on the chin, neck.
In dermatology, it is also used to treat hyperhidrosis of the hands, feet and armpits. Injections are recommended in the treatment of diseases associated with muscle cramps and nervous tics, in the treatment of spasticity in children with cerebral palsy, in ophthalmology for the treatment of strabismus. Injecting Botox into the appropriate areas of the forehead and neck treats the headache.
Procedure progress
Botulinum toxin is injected into a muscle using a disposable syringe with a special needle. A small amount of the drug is accurately injected into several places on the face. The procedure does not take long. Depending on the number of injection points, it takes about 15-20 minutes. Pain associated with insertion is minimal. Many patients compare it to an ant or mosquito bite. The procedure does not require local anesthesia. For patient comfort, local anesthesia with a cream (such as EMLA) is sometimes used for about 1 hour before the procedure.

After surgery
Wrinkles are completely or partially eliminated, the facial expression becomes softer, looks natural, the general facial expressions are preserved. The dose used for cosmetic purposes is many times lower than therapeutic doses and is completely safe. Selected individually depending on your needs.
Toxin begins to act within 2-3 days from the moment of injection. A fullThe therapeutic effect will be noticeable only after 7-10 days. The effect after the procedure lasts an average of 6 months. It depends on the individual characteristics of the organism.
After time, the facial expression gradually becomes the same. After the full expiration of the injection, the treatment should be repeated. The face already after one procedure - that is, approximately six months of the injection period - looks younger, more rested.

Therapy using botulinum toxin for aesthetic purposes is relatively simple, carried out on an outpatient basis, does not require any special diagnostic tests. Immediately after its completion, the patient can return to their daily activities.
- disorders of neuromuscular conduction;
- hypersensitivity to the components of the drug (human albumin);
- skin inflammation;
- pregnancy, lactation.
- use of other drugs: aminoglycosides (streptomycin, gentamicin), aminoquinolines (chloroquine, hydroxychloroquine), D-penicillamine, Cyclosporine, Tubocurarine, lincomycin, tetracycline, polymyxins.
- blood clotting disorders;
- use of anticoagulants (eg aspirin).
Treatment not practiced in children under 12 (except in certain neurological and ophthalmic indications).
No indication for surgeryis also a contraindication, which should be remembered. Not every person needs to apply cosmetic procedures with this drug to reduce wrinkles, and the task of a competent doctor is to explain this fact to the patient.
Side effects
During and after the procedure may appear:
- pain at the time of injection;
- small hematomas at the injection site if the needle enters the vessel;
- excessively lowering the level of the eyebrow or lifting it too much;
- small swelling with slight tingling at the injection site;
- excessive sagging muscles (when lowering the eyelids, corners of the mouth);
- headache after taking pain medication.
Note: These reactions usually disappear after a few days. There is no risk of any scarring or damage, and the injection site remains invisible. The risk of side effects depends on the muscle into which the drug is injected, so the procedure should be discussed in detail with the doctor before performing it.
Behavior after surgery
After botulinum toxin injections:
- you can not train facial muscles for an hour;
- avoid massage at injection sites for 4 hours;
- after the procedure, do not tilt your head down (for example, when putting on shoes or while sleeping).
Repeat procedure

Injections can be repeated every 6-8 months, but not more than once every 3 months. This is one of those procedures that patientscome back with joy, because it gives a very fast and long-term result, visible to everyone. At the same time, this procedure is non-invasive and easy to perform.