"Muk altin" is a long-known drug with expectorant action and is used for difficult sputum discharge from the respiratory tract.
However, pharmacists are constantly improving this drug and creating new drugs based on it, similar to the usual Muk altin, but with a number of additional properties.
Muk altin forte with vitamin C
One of the developments of pharmacists is a new form of the variety "Muk altin" - "Muk altin forte with vitamin C".
This drug has the same qualities as the regular "Muk altin", but has a number of features that make its use more comfortable and effective.
Firstly, this form of the drug is presented in the form of chewable tablets with a pleasant sweet and sour orange taste. This quality will undoubtedly be appreciated by children who do not like to take tasteless medicines. So parents do not have to persuade their children to take the drug "Muk altin forte" for a long time, and timely treatment contributes to a quick recovery.
The bright packaging in which Muk altin forte tablets are sold is alsopleasantly pleasing to the eye and encourages children to take it without problems.
Secondly, the drug contains vitamin C, which, in addition to strengthening the immunity of an organism weakened by illness, also heals damaged tissues and normalizes capillary permeability, preventing them from breaking from stress during coughing and supplying cells moisture from blood vessels.
It has been proven that the density of mucus directly depends on the density of blood. Therefore, in order to thin the sputum, you need to supply the body with a large amount of fluid. This will reduce the viscosity of the blood and, consequently, sputum. A patient with phlegm in the lungs needs plenty of fluids and humidified air.

Why is Muk altin so effective
The composition of all varieties of the drug "Muk altin" includes polysaccharides of marshmallow, which has long been used to treat various inflammatory processes. The mucus of this plant, getting into the body, covers the walls of the mucous membranes and skin, protecting them from irritation (dry, cold air, dust) and holding microbes and viruses in itself, does not allow them to come into contact with the tissues of the body.
Thus, the recovery of the body and getting rid of sputum from the lungs is quite fast.
In addition, one of the properties of marshmallow polysaccharides is their swelling in a humid environment. This means that when taking the drug "Muk altin Forte", an increase in the amount of sputum should be expected, since the polysaccharides in the lungs, having been saturated with moisture, will increase in size. Therefore, the patient withsputum should be in a room with humidified air and drink plenty of fluids. This will make it easier for the swollen polysaccharides to absorb as many microbes as possible, protect the mucous tissues from irritation, and then allow the patient to cough up phlegm and get rid of the cough.

Properties of "Muk altin"
The secretolytic effect of the drug "Muk altin forte" provides liquefaction of sputum (secret) accumulated in the respiratory tract and accompanied by a wet (wet) cough. So sputum is better removed and does not accumulate in the lungs.
The bronchodilator property of the drug is aimed at relieving bronchospasm, which reduces pain when coughing, prevents the bronchi from narrowing (spasm) and also contributes to the rapid discharge of sputum.
Instructions for use
If you decide to purchase this drug or your doctor has prescribed you to take Muk altin forte, the instructions for use will help determine the dose according to the age of the patient:
- children from 3 to 12 years old - 0.5-1 tablet once a day before meals;
- children over 12 and adults - 3-4 tablets daily before meals.
Course of treatment: 5-7 days.
For the following diseases, taking the drug "Muk altin forte" is not recommended:
- gastritis;
- gastric and duodenal ulcer;
- thrombosis;
- thrombophlebitis;
- severe renal failure;
- phenylketonuria;
- allergic to drug components;
- age under 1year.
Attention! With excessively abundant sputum in the lungs, one should not take drugs such as "Muk altin", which will increase the amount of sputum, the patient may begin to choke on it.
In this case, you should simply liquefy the sputum in the lungs with a warm drink (tea, compote) and moist air (steam inhalation, an open container of water by the battery in the patient's room).
When, after these procedures, sputum begins to depart, after reducing its amount, you can use "Muk altin" to get rid of the remaining sputum.
Remember! Do not take cough medicines and expectorants at the same time, as this promotes mucus production and blocks its passage, leading to complications.
Take with care
Based on the composition of "Muk altin forte with vitamin C", instructions for its use recommend taking the drug with caution in such conditions: diabetes mellitus, age up to 3 years, malabsorption of polysaccharides.
Intake during pregnancy
Only a doctor can prescribe a drug for pregnant women, based on the individual characteristics of the state of the body.

Side effects
Despite the herbal origin of the components of the drug "Muk altin forte", the instruction warns that when it is taken, symptoms of an allergic reaction (rash, itching) or other side effects may occur:
- nausea;
- vomit;
- headache;
- heartburn;
- liquid stool;
- temperature increase.
In these cases, stop taking the drug and consult a doctor.

Analogues "Muk altina forte with vitamin C"
"Muk altin" - tablets that have all the qualities of a reliable expectorant and are successfully used in simple forms of wet cough of various etiologies. The main advantage of these tablets over analogues is their cost. It's cheap and effective, and has been proven time and time again.
"Muk altin" with even higher content of polysaccharides - "Muk altin Lekt". It can be taken for ulcers and gastritis, since polysaccharides absorb fluid from the body and, when in the stomach or intestines, envelop their walls with protective mucus, which reduces tissue irritation and helps to heal the body without unpleasant complications.
Analogues of the drug "Muk altin forte with vitamin C" can be considered other drugs that have a similar composition: polysaccharides of Althea officinalis and vitamin C. The effectiveness of certain drugs can only be determined in practice, but the effect of "Muk altin" has long been tested and proven, so the credibility of this drug is quite high.

Reviews about the drug "Muk altin forte with vitamin C"
Basically, the new form of the drug "Muk altin" - "Muk altin forte with vitamin C" - was satisfied with the parents, who found it difficult to persuade their children to take the medicine for expectoration of sputum. The kids love the bright packaging.and orange-flavoured chewables that are much more pleasant to take than other medications.
Many adults were also pleased with the addition of vitamin C, which is an indispensable tool for maintaining immunity in various diseases.

How to treat any cough
In any case, the main measures in the treatment of cough are abundant drinking and fresh humidified air, without which any therapy will be ineffective, and possibly even harmful. Therefore, do not forget to ventilate the patient's room, give him a warm drink, take him outside, moisten the air in the room with wet tissues on the radiator or an open container of water placed near the heaters.
Take care of yourself and stay he althy.