Implants "Straumann": features, types and reviews

Implants "Straumann": features, types and reviews
Implants "Straumann": features, types and reviews

Implants "Straumann" (Switzerland) are products manufactured by the leader of dental equipment in Europe. This company has vast experience and knowledge that it applies to create high-tech instruments for modern dentistry. Her dental implant systems have been proven over time and by a large number of clinical studies. They are easy to install, minimally traumatize the surrounding tissues, take root well, and the fact that they are given a lifetime warranty indicates their high reliability.

Types of Straumann implants

The company offers a choice of three main types of implants, produced in various lengths and diameters, solving specific clinical problems:

  • Standart.
  • Standart Plus.
  • Tapered Effect.

Standar t implants - this model allows one-stage implantation with transgingival healing. They canto install without cutting the gum, which allows you to quickly perform operations (about 10 minutes) and reduces the time of the rehabilitation period.

Standart Plus implants have a smooth shortened neck that is suitable for closed and transgingival healing. These implants are perfect for placing maxillary teeth where aesthetics are important.

Tapered Effect implants are tapered and should be placed immediately after tooth extraction. Cylindrical apex with self-tapping threads provides excellent stability while minimizing trauma.

Straumann implants
Straumann implants

The difference between Straumann implants and others

Straumann implants have an advantageous difference from their own kind. Many of the usual contraindications are not related to the placement of these implants. They can be installed in patients with bone atrophy, hepatitis, and those with diabetes. These diseases will no longer prevent implants from being placed.

Conventional implants have a hydrophobic surface that interferes with normal blood circulation. Straumann implants have a hydrophilic surface, which makes them suitable for patients with diabetes and hepatitis.

Why Straumann implants take root so well

Due to the fact that the inner surface of the implant has a unique treatment, deep pores are created in its structure. Because of this, the risk of rejection is greatly reduced, because the bone tissue grows strongly into the pores of the root.

Bone has such a closecontact with the implant due to a special alloy technology. Pure titanium is used to make the implant. It is not rejected by the body as a foreign material, the microflora of tissues does not change, thanks to which the alloy of titanium and zirconium and the body actively interact. Most implants are made using vanadium, which prevents them from taking root normally.

Straumann implants price
Straumann implants price

How implants are selected

The pure titanium from which Straumann implants are made is biocompatible. The surface of SLA implants makes it possible to reduce the time required for healing by up to 6 weeks.

Each implant of the appropriate length, diameter and type is selected individually. When choosing it, specialists are guided by the fact that it must fully fit the parameters of the tooth being removed.

To make it as easy as possible to choose the diameter of the implant, the caps of the ampoules containing the product are color coded in relation to the enossal diameter.

Any highly qualified dentist agrees that Straumann makes Switzerland a leader in dental implants.

Straumann implants switzerland
Straumann implants switzerland

Unique Straumann designs

The company not only develops standard lines of implants and related instruments, it also manufactures some unique products that are used in a number of difficult clinical cases.

Roxolid - a material that was introduced into productionin 2009. Its purpose is implantation in non-standard and difficult situations, for those people for whom this procedure is contraindicated. It is an alloy of titanium and zirconium, its strength and biocompatibility are much better than titanium. The material is used to make small Straumann implants. They are used when there is a lack of bone tissue, or when the interdental spaces are very narrow.

Designs containing Roxolid alloy are used for both single restorations and implant-supported removable dentures.

Straumann has developed a special Straumann Pure ceramic implant, consisting of the same white alloy, in order to carry out complex aesthetic restorations.

For those patients who lack bone height, Straumann has developed the Straumann Standard Plus Short implant, the shortest internally connected screw implant.

And also Straumann produces its own material that accelerates the regeneration and growth of bone tissue - Straumann Bone Ceramic.

Straumann implants reviews
Straumann implants reviews

Installation of implants "Straumann"

To make a full installation of implants, one visit to the dentist is enough, if you do not include a consultation. Having passed the necessary examination procedure and having installed the Straumann implant on the advice of the doctor, it is already possible to replace the missing tooth by the next appointment.

Implantation into the jawbone is surgically performed underlocal anesthesia. There are cases when you can immediately put a permanent crown on the implant. But most often a temporary one is placed, until the tissues are completely restored.

Straumann's main advantages

The products of this Swiss company are of high quality. What are the main advantages that Straumann dental implants have:

  • These implants have the shortest survival time, the average time is from 1 day to 4 weeks.
  • The percentage of rejection of these implants is the lowest among all the others.
  • All surfaces of Straumann implants are hydrophobic.
  • The implantation procedure can be performed even with complex diseases such as diabetes, hepatitis, and smokers.
  • When using Straumann implants, the average healing time is reduced to 28 days.
  • Lifetime warranty on implants.

In addition to all of the above, Swiss Straumann implants are the most widely used system worldwide. The products of this company give the patient confidence that he is installing the most unique and aesthetic dental structure in the world.

Straumann implant placement
Straumann implant placement

Contraindications for Straumann implants

Contraindications cannot be ignored, they exist. The installation of the Straumann implant is contraindicated in the following diseases:

  • In chronic diseases, as well as inflammatory processes of the oral mucosa.
  • Tooth diseases, caries, which appear due to poororal hygiene.
  • Upper jaw surgery may be difficult due to the proximity of the maxillary sinuses.
Straumann dental implants
Straumann dental implants

Disadvantages of Straumann Implants

Whatever the pros, Straumann dental implants have their cons.

This dental system should only be fitted by a qualified dental professional.

Install Strauman implants, the price of which is 2-3 times higher than budget counterparts, it is unlikely to be less than 40,000 rubles, not everyone can afford it.

Important to know

Today, all implant systems have almost the same characteristics:

  • Made of medical titanium.
  • Does not cause allergies.
  • Quick settling in.

The main thing is the choice of a real specialist, it should be a dentist-implantologist who will perform the operation. The overall successful result depends on his experience and qualifications.

Straumann dental implants
Straumann dental implants

Straumann system: reviews and benefits

If we evaluate any specific advantages that Strauman implants have, reviews of dentists and ordinary people, then it is quite difficult to single out something specifically. They are, in fact, perfect, without flaws, with high security and durability. Everyone talks about it: both dentists and patients. This system gives doctors the opportunity to learn and share experiences with each other, so doctors love it. For patients, the Straumann dental system is ideal forsuch items:

  • The survival rate of implants is the highest. Scientific developments in technology and numerous ongoing studies have made almost 100% survival of these dental implants.
  • The result is almost perfect, regardless of the clinical situation. Implants can be installed even with diseases such as hepatitis and diabetes.
  • Terms of treatment are as short as possible, the patient can be completely sure of the final ideal result.
  • Any patient is satisfied by installing Straumann implants, this is evidenced by the numerous reviews that they leave online, this company is rightfully considered the best in the world.
