What is the discharge after conization of the cervix?

What is the discharge after conization of the cervix?
What is the discharge after conization of the cervix?

In the article, we will consider what kind of discharge from the uterus after conization of the cervix.

This manipulation is carried out in order to take the tissues of the organ and subsequent histological examination, as well as to eliminate the area that is prone to dysplasia or malignant formation. The technique was called "conization" due to the cone-shaped format of the neck excision.

What kind of discharge can be observed in patients after conization?

Despite the simplicity of the intervention, after such an intervention, the patient normally experiences some discomfort. Discharge after conization of the cervix can cause concern. In order to notice the pathology in time, a woman must definitely know what to pay attention to. What kind of discharge after conization of the cervix can be, the doctor will tell.

discharge after conization of the cervix normal
discharge after conization of the cervix normal

The following is considered normal:

  • The secretion is quite intense, but still does not exceed the volume of menstrual bleeding.
  • Colornormal discharge after conization of the cervix may be burgundy, brown or pink.
  • They may have a specific strong odor due to the activity of the cervical glands.
  • The first period after surgery can be painful and intense, but the amount of blood produced will gradually decrease.

When should a patient see a doctor?

Patients should see a doctor if they notice the following symptoms:

  • Post-operative secretion exceeds menstrual blood in quantity.
  • Temperature stays consistently above thirty-seven degrees.
  • There are large blood clots.
  • An unpleasant smell is constantly felt, and this may be a consequence of an infectious complication.
  • Pain in the lower abdomen is regularly felt like algomenorrhea.

According to reviews, discharge after conization of the cervix in two percent of patients is abnormal. Abnormally heavy bleeding is sometimes observed, an infectious complication develops in the same number of patients, almost four percent suffer from pathological narrowing of the uterus in the future.

Contraindications for conization

Despite the fact that this operation is not considered difficult, there are cases when it is categorically not recommended to do it. These include:

  • The patient has confirmed uterine cancer.
  • The appearance of acute inflammatory and infectious diseases of the reproductive system in a woman or pathologies of other pelvic organs.
  • The onset of pregnancy or lactation.
  • Any chronic disease that progresses at the acute stage.

At the same time, a histologically confirmed malignant neoplasm is a contraindication, and after the elimination of the acute stage of pathologies of internal organs, conization is allowed.

What determines the discharge after conization of the cervix? The duration and specifics of the recovery directly depend on the method in which the operation was performed, aimed at excising the tissues of the neck.

brown discharge after conization of the cervix
brown discharge after conization of the cervix

Knife technique and yellow highlights

Find out what yellow discharge means after conization of the cervix?

The most painful and having certain complications after the intervention is the knife method. The incision is made with a surgical scalpel, and after the procedure, there is an extremely high probability that heavy bleeding will occur along with prolonged healing and scarring, which is not at all the norm. Severe complications are noted in ten percent of cases.

Due to the prolonged healing of the tissue layer of the cervix, severe pain in the lower abdomen is noted along with an extended bleeding period. Allocations after intervention by this method are characterized, as a rule, by the usual red color of the blood (this is normal), as well as the presence of blood clots, however, in a small amount. The appearance of elements of a yellow tint with white or brown patches is not the norm and indicatespenetration into the body of infection.

Patients are often worried about spotting after conization of the cervix. What does this say?

Laser method and red highlights

This method allows you to remove the affected areas as accurately as possible with minimal damage to the capillaries and cervical vessels. In the postoperative period, there is practically no discharge of blood clots (this is noted in two percent of cases), the discharge can cover a short period of time, there is practically no pain in the lower abdomen. The secreted mucus has a dark color, indicating scarring of the tissue in the remote area. Healing continues for no more than four to six weeks, in connection with this, burgundy and red discharge, which are observed longer than this period, are not the norm, and thus notify about problems with healing.

Brown discharge after cervical conization - is it normal?

what is the discharge after conization of the cervix
what is the discharge after conization of the cervix

Electroloop technique: brown and spotting

This method makes it possible to carry out the operation on the neck with the help of an electrode loop as accurately as possible. The procedure proceeds without pain and bleeding, and the bloody secretion is usually replaced by clear mucus. The body, as a rule, recovers much faster, the possibility of any complications is reduced to zero. After the loop conization procedure, the menstrual cycle in women returns to normal quite quickly, and menstruation ceases to disturb without any pronouncedsoreness, and, moreover, without severe blood loss. The color of the blood is normally dark red, clots that differ in a brown tint come across singly. Such allocations are considered to be the norm.

What kind of discharge after conization of the cervix are there? It's important to find out ahead of time.

Deep conization and spotting

Deep conization is carried out only for women who have given birth or for those who do not plan a child in the future. But if the patient has severe cervical pathology, for example, second and third degree dysplasia, or pre-invasive cancer, this technique is carried out. Cone-shaped tissue excision is performed deeply, with the capture of he althy elements. The operation can lead to stenosis - narrowing of the lumen of the cervical canal.

In the future, there is a fairly high probability of developing cervical insufficiency or problems with conception. This procedure is more painful than classic conization. A longer recovery period will be required. Allocations after radio wave conization of the cervix are normally abundant, red and have a small amount of dark clots. There may be a delay in menstruation, which takes much longer than usual. There may be discharge with an extremely unpleasant odor if purulent inclusions are present. Usually, in this case, the temperature rises, which indicates the development of an inflammatory process or infection.

After deep conization, you should carefully monitor your he alth. At the same time, you need to visit the doctor regularly. Medicobserve the progress of recovery and the general process of tissue healing. Normally, blood loss should not be accompanied by fainting or a sharp drop in pressure.

Deep conization is generally characterized by a longer healing period, which is normally four weeks. I must say that this method is quite traumatic and can adversely affect the functions of the cervix during pregnancy.

spotting after conization of the cervix
spotting after conization of the cervix

Which discharges in patients are not the norm, and what are the reasons for their appearance?

There are a number of reasons that lead to postoperative complications. The main symptom is abundant, and at the same time, heterogeneous bleeding, which does not correspond to the norm. These reasons include the following factors:

  • Damage to blood vessels during surgery. Cervical conization is a traumatic procedure even with a gentle method: using a radio wave knife, laser and electrode loop. After the operation, the patients are under observation in the hospital for one to two hours, and then go home. In the event that the patient begins to bleed at home, as evidenced by the high rate of filling of the pad, you should immediately contact an ambulance. The more blood lost, the harder it is to recover. This can lead to the development of anemia and other extremely negative consequences.
  • During the operation, tissue infection is observed. Normally, a high temperature lasts one ortwo days and then goes down. When infected, it rises to thirty-nine degrees and intoxication occurs.
  • Resumption of sexual activity earlier than a month after conization. The exclusion of sexual contact is the main guarantee for successful healing. In the event that a sexual encounter for a woman ends with an orgasm, then this leads to uterine contractions. In turn, this provokes deformation of the scars along with a slowdown in healing, and there is also a high probability of infection.
  • The factor of lifting heavy objects (things heavier than three kilograms are considered such). At the same time, the abdominal muscles tense up, and the uterus contracts and the scar diverges. Fitness with yoga and running in the morning should be excluded for four weeks. Peace with moderation in all things is the key to a successful recovery.
  • Taking a hot bath along with a visit to the pool and sauna. Under the influence of heat, the body temperature rises, and at the same time blood flow accelerates. The body is filled with blood, in addition, the pressure increases. In this regard, bleeding resumes with renewed vigor. Normally, the resumption of the water procedure is carried out no earlier than four weeks after the operation.
  • The effect of overheating. For the recovery period, it is necessary to abandon the thermal procedure, physiotherapy and holidays in extremely hot resorts.
  • Aspirin is also excluded. It can thin the blood, and after surgery on the neck, full clotting is required in order for wounds to heal faster.

Nowlet's figure out when patients should not panic, and the allocated secret belongs to the category of normal and not alarming symptoms.

discharge after radio wave conization of the cervix
discharge after radio wave conization of the cervix

What discharge after cervical conization is considered normal?

Any bloody secret after conization of the cervix, which lasts for several days, is considered normal if their volume does not exceed menstrual standards. On the fourth or fifth day, fresh blood may be replaced by smearing, which has a brownish tint. There is a rapid renewal of damaged tissues. Sometimes on the seventh day after the manipulation, the resumption of bleeding is not excluded, for which burgundy large clots are characteristic.

Such discharges after conization are normal, thus the formed scab comes out, which forms on the surface of damaged tissues from the moment of operation, which allows the deeper layer to regenerate. The scab comes out on its own, after which the bleeding stops gradually. For two to three weeks, a daub may be noted. I must say that such a process is the norm.

The normal course of the recovery period is carried out without heavy bleeding. In the event that the operation takes place with complications, then patients may notice a number of symptoms, among which there are unusual discharge. For example:

  • Bleeding after conization of the cervix was observed in a normal volume, and immediately after the scab fell off completely stopped. Normally minorbleeding should continue for another one to three days. The cessation of these may indicate the process of improper healing.
  • Scanty discharge along with cramping pains in the lower abdomen that radiate to the lumbar sacral region during the next period. This is characteristic of abnormal narrowing in cervical stenosis.
  • The appearance of a sharp unbearable menstrual pain, cramping pain in the lower abdomen, along with vaginal discharge with a cheesy unpleasant odor, a curdled structure and a dark color, indicate an infection in the uterus. In he althy women, if pathogenic bacteria enter the organ cavity, the protective functions of the body do not allow inflammation to develop.

You need to know what kind of discharge after conization of the cervix. Even if there is no severe pain, fever and other symptoms, with an abnormally large volume of vaginal discharge, you should immediately consult a doctor. Normally, this should not be the case. When discharge is a cause for alarm, do not hesitate. It is better to show concern than to ignore a problem that has arisen, which can lead to a new disease.

discharge after conization of the cervix reviews
discharge after conization of the cervix reviews

How long is the discharge after cervical conization?

This is a common question. In patients, bleeding after conization of the cervix can last from one to three weeks, depending on the characteristics of the body. As for the secret, the main thing is that itvolume did not exceed menstrual values. Otherwise, we can talk about complications.

Possible adverse effects

In the event that the operation was performed in a trustworthy clinic by qualified doctors, then complications after such, as a rule, are not observed in women, and the healing itself occurs quickly enough. But, sometimes, they can occur due to non-compliance with doctor's prescriptions after the intervention. These include bleeding along with infection of the wound, narrowing of the uterine canal, a decrease in the obturator ability of the uterus, which leads to miscarriage during pregnancy.

This does not mean at all that after conization women have no hope of pregnancy, such a procedure does not affect the reproductive ability of the patient in any way. True, scars on the neck, if the electroconization technique is used, can make it difficult to open during childbirth.

Feedback on the discharge after conization of the cervix is presented below.

what is the discharge after conization of the cervix
what is the discharge after conization of the cervix


According to reviews, complications in the form of heavy, prolonged discharge and infection after the intervention are practically not observed today. Cervical conization is a minimally invasive and, in most situations, completely safe operation for therapeutic or diagnostic purposes.

It is extremely rare to develop cervical insufficiency after the procedure. At the same time, women cannot bear a child for the full term, and pregnancy is very difficult, soas the cervix, as the fetus develops, opens prematurely and therefore is not able to hold it, against the background of all this, premature birth occurs.

We looked at the discharge after conization of the cervix.