Exercising to strengthen the muscles of the back and spine: a set of exercises

Exercising to strengthen the muscles of the back and spine: a set of exercises
Exercising to strengthen the muscles of the back and spine: a set of exercises

The spine in the human body is one of the most important elements of the skeleton, since it bears most of the daily load when walking or sitting. The smooth functioning of the body is ensured by its connection with various organs and bones. All movements of the head and torso are carried out with the help of the spine. Everyone has experienced back pain at some point. Physical therapy can help relieve pain and reduce the risk of various complications in the future. It is necessary to select the appropriate exercise to strengthen the muscles of the back and spine according to several criteria at once, including the general preparedness of a person, the presence of he alth problems or chronic diseases.

Charging for the back and spine with a hernia
Charging for the back and spine with a hernia

Benefits of regular morning exercise

After waking up, many do not have enough time for any training, because there are still many more important things ahead. However, it is still worth devoting some time to the exercises, if only because it isan activity can increase the overall tone of the body, charge a person with vigor for the whole day, and also reduce or completely remove unpleasant sensations. Moreover, the purchase of some special expensive simulators or the development of complex techniques is not required. Morning exercises for the back and spine at home are performed in just 10 minutes.

This approach is much better than irregular workouts twice a week, even if they last several hours. You can do it with the whole family, because even younger students experience high loads due to long sitting at their desks. The lack of such physical activity against the background of a sedentary lifestyle leads to many unpleasant consequences, such as the development of scoliosis.

Charging for the back and spine
Charging for the back and spine

Compliance with security measures

Ill-considered actions can adversely affect human he alth. Even useful exercises will only help if basic safety rules are followed. To begin with, it should be noted that exercises to strengthen the muscles of the back and spine should be carried out daily, since it does not take much time. Irregular exercises can provoke destabilization of the internal systems of the body and thereby cause a number of painful symptoms. In addition, doing a set of exercises every day not only helps to invigorate the body for the whole day, but also solves the problem of insomnia.

It is also worth noting that physiotherapy exercises are not designed to solve the issue of body shaping or help to lose extra pounds. Main actionrather, it is aimed at general strengthening of muscles and the occurrence of a healing effect. However, first of all, when practicing, you should always pay attention to your own feelings. If you experience discomfort and pain in certain parts of the back, you should immediately stop exercising. In this case, you cannot continue such training without consulting a doctor.

Charging to strengthen the back and spine
Charging to strengthen the back and spine

Useful tips for beginners

Regardless of what the set of exercises is aimed at (exercises to strengthen the muscles of the back and spine will be given below), it is advisable to follow certain rules when performing it:

  1. Optimal class time varies from 10 to 15 minutes a day.
  2. After finishing your workout, you should wait about half an hour before eating. In the morning, this time can, for example, be spent on a shower.
  3. Don't practice in a stuffy room. It is recommended to ventilate the room beforehand or practice outdoors.
  4. Therapeutic gymnastics does not imply any sudden movements. Everything should happen smoothly and measuredly.
  5. During the exercises, it is imperative to monitor the uniformity of your own breathing.
  6. There is no need to take on the most difficult types of training in the first days. You need to start small, gradually moving to more complex complexes.
  7. Exercising a few hours before bed can also be very beneficial. Thus, you will be able to load your spine and get rid of rolling fatigue.
Morning exercises for the back and spine at home
Morning exercises for the back and spine at home


Even before a light workout, you need to stretch and warm up your muscles. In addition, the body will receive an additional supply of oxygen, which can prevent the occurrence of pain during the main activity. A preliminary warm-up before exercising to strengthen the back and spine includes the exercises described below:

  1. Sipping. In the starting position, the back is straight. Next, raise your hands up and stretch, and then lower them and relax.
  2. Feet placed shoulder-width apart. Hands should be placed on the belt, and after a deep breath, take them back to the maximum possible distance. When moving back, exhale and take up the starting position.
  3. You can use a chair for the next exercise. It is necessary to rise on toes, lightly holding hands on this or any other suitable object.
  4. At the end of the warm-up, you can go walking on the spot. Don't push yourself too hard, but keep your knees as high as possible for efficiency.

Complex for stretching muscles

Regular exercise will reduce cramps, improve blood circulation and help prevent the development of chronic diseases. The complex is perfect as a daily morning exercise for the back and spine:

  1. Exercise "vis". To perform, you will need a simple horizontal bar or wall bars. The technique is pretty simple. You need to hang on outstretched arms withlegs down to the floor. The execution time depends on the endurance and preparedness of the body. The number of repetitions is optional.
  2. Exercise "cat". In the starting position, the arms fall along the body, and the legs are placed shoulder-width apart. Next, a tilt is made with a girth of the knees. After the back gradually rises up, but the hands do not move. The exercise is named so for the reason that when performed, a kind of cat's bend is obtained. You need to bend as low as possible, bending at the waist.
  3. Exercise "ball". Sitting on the floor, knees are clasped with hands, and the head is lowered to the chest. Next, you need to roll on your back eight times.
  4. Exercise "bridge". It is allowed to perform the standard version both from a sitting and from a standing position. Hold the bridge for about 15-20 seconds.
Charging for the back and spine at home
Charging for the back and spine at home

Muscle Strengthening Complex

The second option is preferable for those who want to improve the muscular corset. Charging to strengthen the muscles of the back and spine includes four exercises:

  1. Starting position - lying on the floor. Hands are raised with palms inward. The legs are lifted off the support and held suspended for 5 seconds. It is enough to do 10 sets.
  2. You should start in the same way as in the previous description. When performed, the back arches, and at the same time the left arm and right leg rise up (then the right arm and left leg).
  3. Lying on your back, legs bent at a right angle. After you need to raise the pelvis to suchlevel so that the hips and torso are in the same plane. Must be completed at least 20 times.
  4. The last exercise is done while standing: feet shoulder-width apart, arms bent at the elbows. The next step is to turn the body to the left. At the same time, the right arm is extended, as if it is trying to reach the back. Similar actions are performed for the other side. Enough for 15 repetitions for the left and right turn.

Complex for maintaining he alth

This includes three charging options for the back and spine at once, depending on the area being worked on. There are separate complexes for the cervical, thoracic and lumbar regions.

Each of the following exercises to work out one of the three indicated zones is performed 7 or 8 times. Such a relaxing exercise is useful both for preventive purposes and for the treatment of existing he alth problems.

Morning exercises for the back and spine
Morning exercises for the back and spine

Cervical exercises

The development of this zone includes three main activities:

  1. Fingers folded in the lock are placed on the back of the head. Move the head back.
  2. At the table, the left hand props up the left cheek. The neck also moves to the left, overcoming the created resistance. Then the same is done for the right side.
  3. Chin rests on hands. Next, you need to move your head towards the body, overcoming the resistance of the palms.

Chest Exercises

After that, it is worth doing the second set of exercises for the muscles of the back and spine. It is aimed atchest strengthening:

  1. On all fours, hands alternately bend up and down.
  2. When sitting or standing, the body leans to the sides. At the same time, the hand opposite to the direction of the inclination rises up with shaking movements.
  3. Lying on your back, arms stretched to the ceiling, and try to raise your head as high as possible.
  4. Now you need to lie down on your stomach. Hands are pulled forward. Head should try to rise as high as possible.

Lumbar exercises

Without a doctor's approval, only the simplest exercises for back and spine exercises relating to this zone can be performed:

  1. When squatting in the fetal position, wrap your arms around your knees. At the same time, the lower back relaxes as much as possible.
  2. Next, just hang on the horizontal bar so that the spine stretches under the weight of the body.
  3. In the last exercise, you should lean against the wall with your shoulder blades, buttocks, calves and heels. You need to try to stretch up as much as possible, without looking up from the surface.

Hernia complex

With such a disease, you should carefully select the right exercises. Charging for the back and spine with a hernia is best done daily or every other day:

  1. On all fours, try to squeeze the shoulder blades for 6-8 seconds. 5 repetitions are enough. Further, from the same position, the back bends up as much as possible for the same 6-8 seconds. The number of repetitions is the same. In conclusion, in this starting position, the right arm stretches forward, and the left leg,respectively, back. Then the limbs change. 4-5 sets is enough.
  2. A lightweight bar is performed using a special technique with an emphasis on the lumbar region. The shoulder blades are brought together, the hands hold the load. The body is stretched forward so that the position of the person in space remains the same.
  3. In the starting position, the buttocks rest on the feet. Hands lead behind the back and grab the legs. The elbows should rest on the floor. Next, you need to try to make a semicircle from the back. It is enough to spend 6-7 seconds in this position.

Complex in the presence of scoliosis

Workout consists of a number of simple but highly effective exercises. In general, exercises for the back and spine with scoliosis include the following activities:

  1. Rotation of hands in a standing position. The back should be straight and the chest should be straightened.
  2. Tilts to the sides. Legs are slightly wider than shoulders.
  3. Hands lock together, back arches forward with outstretched arms.
  4. You need to stand on your toes and then on your heels. In this case, the back is pulled up as much as possible.
  5. In the prone position, the legs are bent and the arms are crossed over the chest. On exhalation, the body is transferred forward. Hands rest on the floor and a push-up is performed.
  6. Does a position on all fours. The right arm and left leg are raised while inhaling, then a repeat is made with the other pair of limbs.
Charging for the back and spine with scoliosis
Charging for the back and spine with scoliosis

Exercise for the back and spine of Bubnovsky

Known in the areaKinesitherapy doctor has developed many complexes for different cases. An example is a general variant that can help with pain and also help prevent its occurrence.

Exercising for the back and spine at home includes a simple movement on all fours around the room. The emphasis is on the knees and palms. The movement is quite slow and smooth. Gradually, the pain will begin to subside. If it is too hard to move on your knees on a hard floor, then you should first wrap them in bandages.
