Irregular periods after childbirth while breastfeeding: reasons, how to recover

Irregular periods after childbirth while breastfeeding: reasons, how to recover
Irregular periods after childbirth while breastfeeding: reasons, how to recover

Pregnancy for any woman is a difficult test that falls on her shoulders. Her body is undergoing certain changes, because it has to ensure the full development of another living being within itself. But after the birth of the child, everything returns to normal, as before. The restoration of the menstrual cycle in the postpartum period does not occur immediately, but gradually. In addition, in some cases, women may have a number of questions, as in the case of irregular periods after childbirth while breastfeeding (HB). What might such a phenomenon mean? This will be discussed further.

No period during lactation

With the onset of pregnancy in the female body, cardinal changes occur at the physiological level. Throughout the entire period of bearing a child, the concentration of hormones periodically changes. After his birth, the reproductive system, having completed its mainwork, is now responsible for the production of another equally important hormone - prolactin.

Can I have irregular periods while breastfeeding?
Can I have irregular periods while breastfeeding?

Thanks to this biologically active substance, the formation of breast milk occurs. The production of gonadotropic hormones (FSH, LH, LTH) is significantly reduced or blocked completely for the period of breastfeeding.

For this reason, a woman has no periods or comes a little later. Here it should also be borne in mind that the mucous membrane of the reproductive organ has not yet recovered. This process is slow.

The arrival of menstruation

Why is menstruation irregular with breastfeeding? Mostly young mothers ask a similar question, because those women who are already raising a child and expecting a second one know perfectly well what this is about. Since hormonal restructuring largely depends on the individual physiological characteristics of the body, it is impossible to name the exact dates for the end of this process.

Usually nature itself provides that it lasts from 1.5 months to a year. The end of the lactation period is accompanied by the removal of the blockage on the production of sex hormones, and as a result, the cycle is restored. As practice shows, this happens 2, 3 and even 6 months after the birth of a child.

There is an opinion among people about the influence of delivery methods on the appearance of menstruation during lactation. This opinion is erroneous, as, indeed, the dependence on the methods of conception. Neither IVF nor caesarean section contribute to early onsetmonthly.

Physiological changes after childbirth

What happens in a woman's body after the birth of a baby, in addition to irregular periods with breastfeeding? Immediately after this, a special process is launched - the involution of the reproductive organ. At this time, the uterus is restored to the state that preceded pregnancy, which usually takes 2 months.

This process affects not only the reproductive organ itself, but also the entire birth canal. The cervix is also subject to restoration, after which the internal os is closed. And when the process is completed, the menstrual cycle resumes to its previous state.


At the same time, for some women, the recovery procedure may be delayed, which does not always indicate the presence of pathology and other he alth problems. As practice shows, the delay in the restoration of menstruation after the birth of a child occurs in 70% of all cases.

Irregular periods - normal or abnormal?

Irregular periods while breastfeeding - is it normal? The changes that occur in the body of a woman who has already given birth lead to the restoration of reproductive function. But in some cases, this is not enough, which leads to an irregular cycle during breastfeeding. Some mothers, out of ignorance, begin to worry about this - no matter how something serious happens. In their opinion, the absence of spotting or their rarity is perceived as a sign of a gynecological disease or infection.

Reasons forthere is no concern, because in itself the irregular nature of the cycle for several months after the birth of a child cannot be considered a pathology. Especially when a woman feeds her child with breast milk, and not with its analogues. As previously mentioned, during lactation, the hormone prolactin is produced, which is due to the physiological characteristics of the female body.

Consequently, the absence of menstruation after childbirth with HS is due to the fact that the level of "milk" biologically active substance is still very high. Therefore, the production of sex hormones is still at the blocking stage.

Factors affecting the resumption of the menstrual cycle

Every woman's menstrual cycle recovery process is different. Some earlier, others later. As we now understand, during lactation, a woman definitely does not have periods in the first month - they appear a little later, which should not be regarded as a pathology.

Menstrual cycle after pregnancy
Menstrual cycle after pregnancy

At the same time, different factors can influence this process:

  • woman's age;
  • parturient diet;
  • how exactly does mom go on vacation;
  • complications during delivery;
  • hormonal imbalance;
  • the way to feed your baby is breastfeeding or dry formula.

Now the question should no longer arise whether there can be irregular periods with breastfeeding. The answer is unequivocal - yes, and this is the norm. But it is worth noting that at first there will be postpartumbleeding that women perceive as menstruation. In fact, such secretions are of a slightly different nature and are called lochia.

This is a consequence of injury to the cavity of the genital organ when the placenta separates. Together with these secretions, the remains of the placenta, part of the endometrium and other cells that are no longer needed leave the body.

Caesarean section operation

After this procedure, the restoration of the menstrual cycle is the same as in the case of natural childbirth. Unless this period after surgery can be increased due to the fact that the operation requires a special approach to rehabilitation.

At the same time, some women endure irregular periods after childbirth when breastfeeding is harder, which is associated with stitches and severe stress that the body experiences. Postpartum bleeding in this case passes on the 3-4th week and is more abundant.

Chronic diseases

If during the period of bearing a child, for various reasons, a woman has any disease in a chronic form, then after the appearance of the baby, relapses cannot be ruled out. The restoration of the menstrual cycle is strongly influenced by endocrine disorders. In particular, this is hyperthyroidism against the background of increased production of thyroid hormones, as well as hyperprolactinemia.

Irregular menstruation while breastfeeding
Irregular menstruation while breastfeeding

In addition, other diseases can add fuel to the fire - endometritis, diabetes, kidney disease and a number of others. Not worth itdiscount and obesity.

When you should not hesitate to visit a doctor

Irregular periods after childbirth while breastfeeding are not in themselves a cause for concern, but if the arrival of menstruation is accompanied by unpleasant symptoms, then you should already be wary. Most likely, this indicates a malfunction in the body or the development of a disease.

List of signs, in the presence of which you should immediately contact a specialist:

  • pain in the lower abdomen is sharp and pulling;
  • the discharge itself is bright scarlet, sometimes with an admixture of dead tissue, accompanied by an unpleasant odor;
  • burning and itching in the bikini area;
  • obvious discomfort or pain when urinating.

Timely examination allows you to establish the presence of a pathology, including its provoking factor. Compliance with the appropriate course of treatment, as well as he althy sleep and rest, avoiding stress - all this contributes to the rapid recovery of the female body after childbirth. And the irregular periods themselves during breastfeeding will become balanced.

Besides, the child during the first year of his life is still connected with the mother physically and emotionally. Therefore, the main thing for a woman is to ensure peace for herself, which as a result will benefit both.

Is there a reason to stop breastfeeding

Over time, breastfeeding a baby is gradually replaced by eating a different kind of food, as we all usually do. As a result, the concentration of prolactin in the female body decreases, whichin turn, it turns into a gradual restoration of the menstrual cycle, and the body begins to function as before. At the same time, the level of progesterone and estrogen increases.

Irregular periods after childbirth
Irregular periods after childbirth

According to a number of reviews, irregular periods during breastfeeding are a good reason to transfer the child to external food. This is usually associated with certain concerns - some mothers tend to believe that due to the growth of sex hormones, the quality of milk may deteriorate.

But there is no good reason for a quick termination of the usual lactation procedure during the period of menstruation that has begun. Medicine has proven the fact that the amount of sex hormones in breast milk is small and they do not pose a danger to the baby.

In this regard, you can not worry about the menstruation that has already begun - there is no danger here. In other words, it is up to the woman to decide when to stop breastfeeding. Here it is mainly worth relying on your well-being, emotional state, as well as the needs of the child. Menstruation itself should not be taken into account!

Ways to restore the menstrual cycle

Often, after the onset of the first menstruation, the second is in no hurry to come. As a rule, the regularity of a normal cycle varies from 21 to 35 days, plus or minus a week. After childbirth, this gap may differ, but its equalization can occur after 3-4 cycles, which is the norm. If even after this period of time the regularity has not yet come, thisa good reason to see a specialist.

Timely seeking medical help will avoid aggravating the situation. To bring the irregular cycle of menstruation to normal during breastfeeding, you can help your body recover faster after the birth of a child. A number of useful recommendations will help in this matter:

  • provide a proper and balanced diet;
  • vitamin complexes will be very useful;
  • physical activity is not prohibited, but it should be dosed;
  • ensure hormonal control;
  • avoid stressful situations;
  • Regular drinking should not be underestimated.

If you follow these tips, the condition of the female body (in particular the reproductive organs) will be improved. Just keep in mind that positive dynamics can be seen after a month or a little longer.

For the good of the cause

The best option for restoring the cycle with irregular periods after breastfeeding - swimming, yoga, Pilates. Therapeutic exercise in combination with massage procedures will not hurt either.

Periods after the birth of a child are irregular
Periods after the birth of a child are irregular

Often, women experience postpartum depression, which negatively affects the state of the nervous system. To eliminate psychological discomfort or stop its appearance in the bud, you can contact a psychologist. In addition, herbal teas or light herbal-based soothing preparations will bring significant benefits.

Besides, duringto avoid violation of microcirculation in the inguinal region, it is necessary to correctly select underwear. Breastfeeding women should prefer appropriate bras (there are special products for lactation), as well as panties made of natural fabric. This will allow not to squeeze the blood and lymph vessels.

Following simple advice, as well as the recommendations of the doctor who led the pregnancy (if any), will ensure the restoration of the regularity of the menstrual cycle.

Features of hygiene after childbirth

Some women experience certain difficulties regarding the choice of hygiene products after the birth of a child. During the period of postpartum discharge, it is best to purchase special postpartum pads or absorbent underwear. And after irregular periods during breastfeeding return to normal, you can give preference to the usual means.

A useful thing would be a menstrual cap made of medical grade silicone. It is used in the same way as a tampon, and the service life can be up to 5 years. Such a device is economically beneficial, has hypoallergenic properties and, in addition, you can measure the amount of blood loss.

Hygiene products
Hygiene products

It is also important to consider that during menstruation, hygiene products must be replaced every 3 hours! Such a precautionary measure has a reasonable justification, since blood is, in fact, a favorable and nutrient medium for the development of pathogenic microorganisms. And they are the main triggers.various inflammatory diseases of the genitourinary system.

Since a woman's immune system is still weakened after the birth of a child, neglect will further aggravate the situation and inevitably lead to more serious consequences.

Besides this, during the period of "special days" it is necessary to wash yourself more often than usual. Such regular gentle care will help maintain a normal vaginal pH level.

As a conclusion

What conclusion can be drawn? Irregular periods after childbirth while breastfeeding is not a reason to see a doctor. As a rule, they come in due time, and it all depends on the individual physiology of each woman. In order for the menstrual cycle to become regular, it is necessary to wait until the body returns to its previous state. Normalization of hormonal levels takes a certain amount of time.

When you should not hesitate to visit a doctor
When you should not hesitate to visit a doctor

Everything does not end with the birth of a child, because now a woman has an increased responsibility - it is necessary to monitor her he alth even more closely in order to provide full support to her child if necessary. If you experience any alarming symptom, you should immediately consult a doctor. Let this be a worrying little thing rather than overlooking a more serious state of affairs.
