Detailed blood test: appointment, preparation, what shows

Detailed blood test: appointment, preparation, what shows
Detailed blood test: appointment, preparation, what shows

A blood test is considered informative, since the hematopoietic organs are susceptible to physiological and pathological influences. Many patients are interested in the question of where it is taken from in a detailed blood test? Modern medicine uses both capillary and venous blood to determine the state of he alth using a biological fluid that carries a lot of information. The choice is based on the characteristics of the particular problem and the need for additional indicators.

Quite often, a survey is used - a detailed blood test, based on the results of which the tactics of the treatment course are chosen. This type of examination is also carried out in order to detect hidden infections and ailments in the initial phase.

Determine the percentages and values of all components allows a detailed blood test. Based on the results, appropriate therapy can be arranged.

hand ingloved flask
hand ingloved flask

Prerequisites for examination

The basic method that shows the general condition of the patient is a detailed blood test, since all functional disorders are reflected in the number of elements that make up the blood. The study is prescribed for almost all pathologies or if a specific ailment is suspected, as well as for prevention purposes. Most often, the laboratory method of research is used for:

Blood diseases. By examination, the percentage and number of blood particles, their shape, isomorphism, and parameters are revealed. The study gives the opportunity to identify pathologies of peripheral blood (blood circulation outside the hematopoietic organs)

Pathologies of the hematopoietic organs. The study is carried out in case of suspected problems of the bone marrow, spleen, lymph nodes

Repeated examinations after a therapeutic course. The analysis allows you to check the effectiveness of the treatment

Research is mandatory for pregnant women, it helps to monitor the course of the physiological process, as well as to assess the correct development of the fetus and the condition of the pregnant woman as a result of the restructuring of the body and hormonal balance. Indicators of the analysis during the expectation of the child may be shifted (in permitted values), which is not considered an indication of the development of a pathological condition.

Complete blood count is also used as a preventive measure. Workers in the food industry, teachers are examined every 6 months, since many diseases in the initial phasesoccur without pronounced symptoms, and examination of the biological fluid helps to identify them and prevent their further progression.

doctor and blood test
doctor and blood test

Rules for manipulation

Distinguish between clinical and biochemical studies, the difference between which is the examination of certain indicators. The choice of blood sampling method depends on the type of examination prescribed by the doctor and on how informative it should be.

- A sample of biological fluid should be taken in the morning, on an empty stomach. If for some reason the procedure falls on the daytime, manipulation should be carried out eight hours after the last meal. On the eve of the procedure, you need to drink clean water, exclude the use of carbonated drinks, coffee, tea.

- 2 days before the delivery of biological material, it is necessary to adjust the menu, excluding fatty, spicy, spicy, dishes containing fatty meat, as well as alcohol.

- It is advised to refrain from smoking the day before the procedure or at least one hour before the procedure.

- Required to stop taking medications. Certain medications need to be canceled the day before the blood sample is taken for analysis, others - a week before. The accuracy of the results may be affected by the use of antibiotics, aspirin or preparations containing aspirin, iodine, multivitamins.

When evaluating the results of the analyzes, it is necessary to take into account the factors that influence them. Tangible are the order of nutrition, stress, body position inperiod of manipulation, time and conditions of delivery of the biomaterial to the laboratory. Other important factors are the age and sex of the patient, smoking and drinking, which can lead to an increase in hemoglobin and red blood cells, as well as a decrease in white blood cells.

blood test and result
blood test and result

Carrying out the procedure

The results of a blood test are greatly influenced by a well-executed manipulation and a site for taking biological fluid. Often patients are interested in the question, when prescribing a detailed blood test, where does the blood come from? The answer is ambiguous. In most cases, capillary blood is used for analysis. The biomaterial is taken from the soft pillow of the ring finger. The incision is made from the side, since the collection of capillaries is thicker there, the blood must flow without interference so that tissue fluid does not mix in it. This type of blood collection is used for newborns, burns, when the veins are small, as well as in the presence of a fatty layer and a tendency to thrombosis.

Analysis from a vein is considered a more suitable biomaterial for examination, due to the use of special analyzers used to process biomaterial from a vein. Blood is taken from the cubital vein.

Differences between CBC and a comprehensive blood test

Research is prescribed both at regular examinations and before surgery, to clarify the diagnosis. A general blood test is performed when it is necessary to evaluate changes in internal organs - systems. Such an examination is mainly used to confirm the diagnosis of pathology inendocrinology, cardiology, gastroenterology.

An extensive blood test, the purpose of which is to identify auxiliary indicators needed to diagnose a specific disease, is prescribed to examine the composition of the blood, identify uniform components, blood concentrations of biologically active elements, hormones, the causative agent of the disease (virus or bacterium), and so next.

If we give a definition of how a general blood test differs from a detailed one, the answer will be the same - that the latter gives the opportunity to obtain more extensive information about the patient's he alth status by examining the biomaterial.

When KLA a sample of biological fluid is taken from the finger, and for deployed (biochemical) - from a peripheral vein.

test tubes with blood
test tubes with blood

Cholesterol test

If there are specific prerequisites, a detailed blood test for cholesterol is prescribed, which makes it possible to choose the tactics of the treatment course and accurately diagnose atherosclerosis and diseases of the cardiovascular system. The standard value in women is HDL - 1.42 mmol / l, and LDL varies from 1.9 to 4.5 mmol / l. For men, the norm is HDL - 1.68 mmol / l, and LDL varies from 2.2 to 4.8 mmol / l.

Hemoglobin, transcript

This element is the main component of the erythrocyte. The role of this component is the removal of CO2, as well as the delivery of O2 from the lungs to other organs, tissue structures. A detailed blood test, the decoding of which allows you to determine the content of hemoglobin, is used to diagnose anemia. Leastelement content - 10 g/l. The norm is 120-140 g / l in women, 130-160 g / l in men. When the hemoglobin level is low, it indicates anemia. An increase is considered a signal of the presence of a violation of erythropoiesis, cardio-pulmonary insufficiency.

two cones
two cones

RBCs, value, deviations

Erythrocytes make up the bulk of the aggregate of blood particles. The function of this formed element is the distribution of oxygen with the assistance of hemoglobin, as well as the removal of CO2. The default value is 4.2 to 6.0 X 1012. A decrease indicates anemia, a condition also seen in pregnant women when blood flow increases.

The increase in erythrocytes is fixed in violation of erythropoiesis. A detailed blood test in children may show an increase in red blood cells in the first 3 days of life. In adults, erythremia can manifest itself as a consequence of strict diets, dietary disorders.

five flasks of blood
five flasks of blood


Leukocytes are involved in strengthening the immune system, as well as in the distribution of nutrients. What does a detailed blood test show in this case?

It provides information on the value of blood components with high accuracy and makes it possible to diagnose infections with coccal pathogens, inflammation, pneumonia, leukemia.

Elevated is 10 X 109 G/l or more, a condition known as leukocytosis. Standard value - 4, 0–9, 0 10 X 109 G/L.

A decrease in the number of leukocytes indicates differentinfections.


Blood cells are involved in the formation of a blood clot at the site of damage to the vascular wall. The rate of the indicator is 180–320 X 109 G/l. Thrombocytopenia indicates cancer and viral infection. An increase in the rate stands for an indication of rheumatic problems and tuberculosis.

Hematocrit, component role

Calculated as the ratio of red blood cells. The norm is 35–45%. Deciphering a detailed blood test in pregnant women may indicate deviations that are considered normal. An increase in the value of an element in expectant mothers is often a signal of the development of a pathology of the blood or kidneys, a decrease is a sign of anemia.


The norm is 0–5%. An increase indicates a parasitic infection, allergic rhinitis.


Responsible for the body's resistance. Due to the age difference of the particles, it is possible to determine the severity and severity of the inflammatory process or problems associated with hematopoiesis. An increase in the percentage indicates infection with bacteria, traumatic events, heart attack, cancer.

hand blood test
hand blood test

NON- monocytes

This element is a variation of leukocytes in macrophage form. The norm is an indicator from 0.1 to 0.7109 e/l.

Decrease indicates the presence of rheumatoid arthritis, syphilis, tuberculosis, mononucleosis. Often a low level of the component is fixed after major surgical interventions and after the use of corticosteroids.

Color index

Color is determined by the percentage of hemoglobin in red blood cells. Examination for this component is important in the differential diagnosis of anemia. A decrease in CP is recorded with anemia and with pathologies associated with a failure in the production of hemoglobin. An increase is fixed with a lack of vitamin B 12, in the presence of malignant tumors, polyps of the digestive tract. The default is 0.85 – 1.1.

RBC connection speed

What does a detailed blood test for the study of red blood cells show? It allows you to determine the speed of the process of separation of blood into plasma and shaped particles. The value of the component is determined by the number of erythrocytes, globulins and fibrogen. An increase in the number of red particles provokes their slow settling. An increase in globulins and fibrogen activates the process of erythrocyte sedimentation.

Indicators of a comprehensive blood test allow for a short time to assess the patient's he alth status with high accuracy, detect the presence of pathologies, and also prevent their further progression and possible complications. Painless, safe and easy examination can help to detect latent infections, cancers in time and prevent their development.
