Many people, especially with age, have bags under their eyes. The reasons for this fairly common phenomenon are different: both the usual chronic lack of sleep and a serious illness. Some people prefer not to pay attention to changes in appearance and continue to live a normal life. Such a chosen path can subsequently lead to irreparable disturbances in the functioning of the human body. Therefore, when bags under the eyes appear, the specialist must establish their causes and prescribe the appropriate effective treatment.

Anatomical structure
In the human eyeball there is fatty tissue that protects it from external factors. What are the causes of bags under the eyes? The specified adipose tissue and the skin of the eyelids are separated by a thin membrane that controls the location of the tissue within the orbit. If the organs are elastic and there are no failures in the body, the person does not have bags under the eyes. The reasons for their appearance are in the exit of the fat layer beyond the boundaries allotted to it. Thus, the tissue grows, puffiness appears.
Common reasons for education
Reasonsbags under the eyes can be as little as an extra cup of tea before bed. But not always the face changes only from an excess of fluid or lack of sleep. Most often, the modifications depend on the influence of external factors: alcohol, tea, coffee, poor diet, constant stressful situations, the use of low-quality cosmetics, and non-compliance with personal hygiene. Existing diseases of the body can also be reflected in the eyes, which are especially affected by malfunctions of the heart, liver, kidneys.
In he althy people
People who do not have he alth problems can get bags under the eyes from great fatigue and lack of sleep. These two reasons are the most common. It is enough to rest well, and the face will again delight with freshness and smoothness. But this is the case if a person does not eat too s alty food and drink a lot of water, especially in the evening. Since the human body rests at night, accordingly, all its organs do the same. Responsible for the removal of fluid from the body are the kidneys, which during their non-working (night) time function much more slowly, not having time to get rid of excess fluid. This is the cause of bags under the eyes and the treatment is to restrict water at night. Such swelling, appearing in the morning, will subside in the evening.
In addition, the body of a he althy person will react with bags under the eyes when alcohol is abused. The sun, which almost everyone is waiting for and going to the sea, also contributes to the appearance of swelling. This is due to the protective reaction of the body to ultraviolet rays, sincethe skin accumulates extra fluid. Among the reasons that cause the modification of the eyes, one can name even long hours of work at the computer, the person's age and genetic predisposition.
Kidney disease
Kidney disease is the most common cause of eye bags in women and men. Basically, it is pyelonephritis. But the kidneys also react to complications after respiratory infections, cystitis. Edema in these cases appears almost instantly. For example, waking up in the middle of the night and looking in the mirror, you can not find any changes on your face. And after a few hours, in the morning, swelling under the eyes already appears. By evening, everything will be back to normal. Kidney disease affects not only the face. There is a general malaise due to the inflammatory process in the body, the kidneys cease to function normally. The body temperature rises, the lower back hurts, the skin turns pale.
These symptoms are accompanied by a change in the color of urine, the appearance of sediment in it, a decrease or increase in its quantity. In the presence of the above factors, you should immediately visit a doctor for an examination and effective treatment.
Another enemy of beauty is allergies. It is manifested by swelling on the face after contact with the allergen. There are several states of edema.
- If you have an allergy, most often to plant pollen, allergic conjunctivitis develops. This state is inherent in certain seasons. Edema, bags under the eyes develop, causes andwhich will be treated with antihistamines. They are accompanied by redness of the eyes, itching. Relieve unpleasant symptoms easily enough with appropriate medications.
- Some people react violently to insect bites. In this case, swelling occurs under the eye that suffered from the bite. Strong allergens are bees, wasps and bumblebees. If you come into contact with such insects, you should consult a doctor and take antiallergic drugs.
- The most severe allergic reaction, accompanied by large swelling and bags under the eyes, is Quincke's edema. At the same time, the itching of the skin of the face becomes unbearable, it hurts, turns red, and the eyes water. Swelling of the throat is accompanied by dry cough and shortness of breath. Failure to take timely measures to eliminate the symptom can lead to death due to blockage of the airways by edema.
Inflammatory process: SARS
The causes of bags under the eyes in men can be infectious and inflammatory diseases. The most common is adenovirus infection, in which there is inflammation of the fatty tissue in the orbit and the appearance of red swelling under the eyes. At the same time, unpleasant manifestations are accompanied by itching, pain in the eyes, nasal congestion, and elevated body temperature. Treatment should be carried out to eliminate the virus from the human body.
Another reason for the modification of the face is sinusitis. What it is? In the maxillary sinuses, which are located on both sides of the upper jaw, under the eyes, inflammation develops. Itreflected in the form of swelling, redness and pain. Thus, bags under the eyes appear. The reason, the photo clearly demonstrates, is the accumulation of pus. They can occur under both eyes at once, or just under one of them.

The eyes are not the only thing affected by this condition. The general condition of the person is also deteriorating. Characterized by nasal congestion, discharge from it, which does not stop for a long time. The body temperature rises, this state also lasts for a long time. When the described symptoms appear, you should not postpone the visit to the doctor and treatment. Otherwise, sinusitis will go into a chronic stage.

Facial injuries
Blows are a common cause of bruising and bags under the eyes. Most often, they do not pose a serious danger, causing inconvenience only with a changed appearance. Another thing is when it comes to a fracture of the bones of the skull. This is where medical attention is needed. Any force impact on the nose, upper jaw, is reflected in the form of swelling of the eyes in combination with bruises. In case of such injuries, it is necessary to consult a doctor and take an x-ray of the head to rule out fractures.

Other diseases
When bags under the eyes appear in the morning, their cause may lie in a pathological condition characterized by a decrease in the production of thyroid hormones. This is called hypothyroidism. External manifestations - mucous edema under the skin, appearing in various areasbody, including under the eyes. It is possible to diagnose such a disease by other signs: body weight increases, vitality and activity decrease, drowsiness, lethargy appear, a person quickly gets tired. The digestive system malfunctions, memory is disturbed, constipation appears, hair and nails fall out. In this case, in the presence of the described symptoms, it is necessary to take tests to determine the hormonal level of the thyroid gland.
Heart ailments
Causes of bags under the eyes in women, the photo clearly demonstrates this, may be associated with cardiovascular pathology. In the presence of interruptions in the work of the heart, the legs primarily suffer from edema, but the eyes may also not be left out. The heart cannot cope with the pumping of blood through the organs, which is manifested by dark circles under the eyes, pain in the heart, palpitations, fatigue, shortness of breath. If you find such symptoms in yourself, you should immediately consult a doctor to examine the work of the heart and prescribe effective treatment.

With good he alth, when bags under the eyes appear after 50 years, there is no need to look for reasons. It's all about aging skin. Over time, the skin of a person loses elasticity, as they have a reduced content of water and collagen. The skin sags, overgrown with folds and wrinkles. First of all, the eyes suffer, especially because of the delicate skin around them. Lack of normal sleep duration, stressful situations, abusecigarettes and alcohol - all this leads to premature aging. If the body is generally he althy, then bags under the eyes in this case do not pose a danger. This problem is solved by visiting a beauty salon and careful facial skin care.

It is unlikely that some people like bags under their eyes. Therefore, many try to get rid of such an unpleasant factor. First of all, starting this process, it is necessary to establish the cause of their appearance. If it is associated with a disease of the body, you need to be cured. If a person is he althy, it is enough to follow some rules, then the eyes will become better.
- Exclude bad habits: smoking, drinking alcohol.
- Try to ensure that the duration of night sleep is such that a person needs - at least eight hours.
- When sedentary work, you need to do a little gymnastics every hour.
- Restrict food and liquids at night.
- Make it a rule to wipe your face with cosmetic ice with chamomile in the morning.
If you suspect the presence of a disease, you must consult a specialist and undergo a thorough examination: blood tests, ultrasound examination of the kidneys, heart. If the doctor reveals a disease in the body that leads to the formation of edema under the eyes, then first of all it will be necessary to eliminate the pathology in the body. After the treatment of which the face will return to normal.
Some decide to use plastic surgery to improve their appearance. This operation iscalled blepharoplasty. It does not take much time, the rehabilitation process is also not particularly difficult. Allows you to get rid of wrinkles under the eyes.

If you do not pay attention to bags under the eyes, causes and treatment, the photo can later show an increase in the problem. It is one thing if a person is already aged and does not get sick. But if there is a disease that signals itself by the appearance of edema, they cannot be ignored. Without treatment, the disease can cause a lot of trouble in the future, go into a chronic form, which will become impossible to cure. Therefore, when you see the above symptoms in the mirror, you should not postpone a visit to the doctor.