How to quickly remove alcohol from the body in simple ways

How to quickly remove alcohol from the body in simple ways
How to quickly remove alcohol from the body in simple ways

"I wish I had died yesterday!" - exclaims a man who had gone too far the day before. A hangover is a terrible thing, but how to quickly remove alcohol from the body so that relief comes? This issue is especially of concern to those who need to show up for work, get behind the wheel or go to a meeting, and just recover as soon as possible.

Alcohol in the body

how to quickly remove alcohol from the body
how to quickly remove alcohol from the body

Before you quickly remove alcohol from the body, it does not hurt to find out how it behaves there. Let's start with the fact that if you feel all the characteristic signs of a hangover syndrome (unbearable headache, vomiting, nausea, dizziness, lack of coordination, memory lapses, shaking hands), then you are simply poisoned by alcohol. And this is the same poisoning as, say, mushrooms or expired sprats. In the sense that the body is attacked by poisonous substances - toxins (ethanol breakdown products). And they, doing their dirty work, lead to the above ailments. If you think howto quickly remove alcohol from the body with improvised and affordable means, then it will not be possible to do this in a couple of hours. Because now a complex biochemical process is underway, the speed of which largely depends on the work of organs and the general state of human he alth.

How alcohol leaves the body

Once in our cells, alcohol is excreted from them like this: 70% of alcohol converts the liver into acetaldehyde (which poisons the body) and only 30% is excreted in its original form (in the form of alcohol) through the kidneys, lungs and skin pores. The rest after the oxidation of acetaldehyde is transformed into acetic acid. So, how to quickly remove alcohol from the body?

remove alcohol from the body quickly
remove alcohol from the body quickly

We need to speed up the process of the kidneys and lungs. Even if you are unbearably ill and you cannot get up, try to go out onto the balcony, into the courtyard, or at least open the window into the room. Fresh air will make the lungs work, and detox will go faster. To speed up the process, drink plenty of plain, clean water. This will lead to frequent urination and normalization of metabolism. A cup of sweet tea with lemon or strong coffee helps: caffeine will invigorate, help you concentrate, citrus works well for nausea. It is advisable to replace sugar with honey - its qualities are more healing. Drink activated charcoal, which absorbs toxins. If it is completely unbearable, then prepare a manganese solution to clear the stomach. This remedy is very effective and brings noticeable relief.

alcohol-removing productsorganism
alcohol-removing productsorganism

How to remove alcohol from the body quickly

It is clear that this cannot be achieved with harmless home remedies. You can quickly get back to normal only by medical means, namely, by purifying the blood with special intravenous droppers. This procedure must be carried out in a hospital or by a he alth worker called to your home. He will inject Reopoliglyukin, Gemodez, glucose in combination with B vitamins (to ease the work of the heart), Riboxin. It makes sense to try products that remove alcohol from the body: these are juices (fresh) with a high content of vitamin C, pickles (cucumber, tomato), lactic acid products, hot meat broth.
