The drug "Isoprinosine": reviews, instructions for use, analogues

The drug "Isoprinosine": reviews, instructions for use, analogues
The drug "Isoprinosine": reviews, instructions for use, analogues

In the article we will consider instructions and reviews for the drug "Isoprinosine". It is a modern antiviral agent that has a pronounced immunomodulatory property. Among the many medicines used for infections, this medicine occupies a special place. The fact is that the presented drug adequately passed a number of clinical trials and confidently confirmed its effectiveness in placebo-controlled studies. The vast majority of other antiviral drugs and immunomodulators, unfortunately, have not been subjected to any tests and have unproven effectiveness. Reviews of Isoprinosine abound.

Description of the drug

This drug is an antiviral agent. This medication is endowed with an immunomodulatory property, which is used to normalize immunity. Thanks to this medicine, it is possible to correct violations of the body's defenses in the presence of viral infections.infections.

isoprinosine instructions for use for children reviews
isoprinosine instructions for use for children reviews

Especially effective remedy against influenza and otolaryngological diseases. This drug helps to cope with almost all types of herpes. Thus, it is used in the treatment of genital and labial herpes, for the treatment of herpes zoster and chickenpox. The drug also saves from the papilloma virus, genital warts, measles, molluscum contagiosum, etc. Reviews of the use of Isoprinosine confirm this.

Composition of the medical product

The active ingredient is inosine pranobex. Inosine is a biogenic purine that is an important precursor of coenzymes in the human body. The fact is that inosine is of animal origin and plays an important role in the course of various biochemical reactions in the body. Many well-known pharmacologists have repeatedly argued that one of the most important tasks of pharmaceuticals is the search for new drugs based on active components of animal origin. Isoprinosine is just such a medicine. This is indicated by the instructions for use for Isoprinosine. Reviews and analogues will be considered below.

Indications for use of the drug

"Isoprinosine" is indicated for patients with a viral infection against the background of weak immunity. In such situations, the presented drug is very effective. According to statistics, it is used in many countries for a variety of indications, including, for example:

  • presence of influenza or anyotolaryngological diseases;
  • appearance of infections associated with the herpes virus;
  • appearance of smallpox infections;
  • development of mononucleosis;
  • appearance of cytomegalovirus infection;
  • appearance of measles in a patient;
  • papillomavirus infection;
  • treatment for molluscum contagiosum.
use of isoprinosine reviews
use of isoprinosine reviews

So says the instructions for use for "Isoprinosine". Reviews and opinions of patients will be discussed below.

How to use it

According to the attached instructions for use, the standard dosage of this drug is calculated according to the patient's body weight. The average dose of the drug is 50 milligrams of inosine pranobex per kilogram of weight. The multiplicity of reception is from three to four times. Adults who are not malnourished or obese need to take about six tablets, which corresponds to 500 milligrams per day. There are mostly positive reviews about the drug.

In the instructions for use for "Isoprinosine" for children, the recommended dosages are also signed, which are half a tablet for every five kilograms of weight. Do not neglect the recommendations given by the doctor regarding the use of this drug. In order to obtain the maximum effect, it is necessary to take Isoprinosine up to five times a day at regular intervals.

It is necessary to emphasize separately that against the background of a severe clinical manifestation of a particular disease, the dosage of "Isoprinosine" shouldselected strictly individually. In such cases, it can be increased several times. According to the instructions, an adult patient can take up to eight tablets per day. It should also be borne in mind that for each specific infection, the treatment regimen is significantly different. This is confirmed by the instructions and reviews of doctors for Isoprinosine.

Duration of an average course of therapy

Every good doctor has his own therapy regimen, which has already proven its effectiveness. Therefore, there is probably no single standard course of treatment. The instructions indicate that the duration of therapy for an uncomplicated form of infection can be from five days to two weeks. In addition, experts in some cases recommend continuing to take Isoprinosine for another two weeks after the symptoms of the disease have disappeared. This is required in order to avoid recurrence of the disease.

isoprinosine instructions for use reviews opinions
isoprinosine instructions for use reviews opinions

Possible long-term use of this drug for a month or more. And again, it must be emphasized that in such a delicate matter as the treatment of a viral infection, it is worth relying not on instructions or the opinion of a friend, but directly on the experience, as well as on the knowledge of your doctor.

Side effects while taking

According to reviews of Isoprinosine, the likelihood of side effects during treatment reaches ten percent. Among the most common reactions are the following manifestations:

  • The appearance of dyspeptic disorders innausea and epigastric pain. Among other things, the occurrence of diarrhea or, conversely, constipation is not ruled out.
  • Itchy skin.
  • The appearance of headaches and dizziness.
  • Occurrence of joint pain.
  • The appearance of an exacerbation of gout due to an increase in the level of urea.

It is extremely rare that drowsiness or, conversely, insomnia is recorded as a side effect.

Contraindications for the use of the drug

Among the contraindications to the use of "Isoprinosine", the leading place, perhaps, is occupied by kidney diseases. Thus, the presented drug should in no case be taken in the presence of chronic kidney failure, as well as in the development of urolithiasis. Given the increase in the level of uric acid against the background of the use of Isoprinosine, it is not recommended if a person has gout. It is worth noting that with long-term treatment with Isoprinosine, experts recommend conducting a study of the main renal parameters every four weeks.

isoprinosine instruction reviews
isoprinosine instruction reviews

Instructions for the use of the presented medication also reports that it is not recommended for use in children under three years of age weighing less than fifteen kilograms. This contraindication is based on the fact that no studies proving the safety of the drug for this group of patients have been conducted. Nevertheless, the active substance inosine pranobex is actively used in pediatrics for the treatment of certain diseases, for examplemolluscum contagiosum. Moreover, such treatment is allowed starting from the second year of life.

Among the contraindications to the use of Isoprinosine, among other things, individual sensitivity to the active ingredient of the drug is also indicated. Despite the fact that the probability of such a reaction in itself is extremely small, it still cannot be completely excluded. This is especially true for the most sensitive patients who are prone to certain allergic reactions. So it is said in the instructions for use for "Isoprinosine". Reviews on this score also abound.

Can I take the drug in combination with alcohol?

It is worth emphasizing that alcohol is incompatible with this drug, therefore, during the entire course of treatment, you should refrain from taking drinks that contain even a small amount of ethyl alcohol. This incompatibility of Isoprinosine with alcohol is due to several factors:

  • Alcohol can enhance the side reactions of "Isoprinosine", increasing the risk of their development. This means that if you take alcohol with this drug, a person is very likely to develop an arrhythmia along with renal colic, kidney failure, pyelonephritis, or allergic reactions.
  • In addition, "Isoprinosine" is able to have a strong effect on the liver. This body is also subjected to very tangible stress on the background of alcohol consumption. Thus, the combination of "Isoprinosine" with alcohol is very toxic.and harmful to the liver, as it can provoke jaundice along with cholestasis, hepatitis and other disorders of this organ.
  • In addition, "Isoprinosine" is able to increase the production of interferon, which, in turn, enhances the negative effect of alcohol on the human body. If you use "Isoprinosine" in combination with alcoholic beverages for several days, then the development of psychopathology is very likely, which will manifest itself in depression and suicidal thoughts. Among other things, it is very likely that there will be disturbances in the activity of the peripheral nervous system, which will be expressed by numbness, tingling of the limbs, and the like.
isoprinosine reviews of doctors
isoprinosine reviews of doctors

Thus, "Isoprinosine" several times increases the harmful effects of ethyl alcohol. In this regard, it is impossible to combine it with alcohol in any case. Feedback on the use of "Isoprinosine" is presented at the end of the article.

Modern analogues

"Isoprinosine" is a rather expensive drug, in this regard, many patients would be more than happy to purchase a cheaper drug that could replace it. So, the price of this medication starts from 700 rubles. Therefore, it is really worth trying to find an analogue.

Note that analogues have the same active ingredient as the original drug. But it should be borne in mind that, unlike the brand drug, similar drugs or, as they are also called, generics do not undergo clinical trials. For this reason, the absence of costs fornecessary research has a positive effect on the cost of a particular drug. This is why generics are usually always much cheaper than original products. Many people are interested in reading reviews about the analogues of Isoprinosine.

The Russian pharmaceutical market, unfortunately, cannot please with a wide choice of generics of inosine pranobex. To date, only one analogue of Isoprinosine has been registered, which is Groprinosin. This analogue is produced in Poland and Hungary. Due to the presence of the symbol “S” in the Latin name, the drug is sometimes transformed into “Groprinosin” during translation. The cost of Groprinozin is somewhat lower than that of the original brand, but the difference, say, is not so great. So, when buying twenty tablets, this analogue will cost only 70 rubles cheaper than the original medicine.

isoprinosine instructions for use reviews analogues
isoprinosine instructions for use reviews analogues

It is worth emphasizing that the quality of the drugs "Isoprinosine" and "Groprinosine" is approximately the same. Thus, replacing a brand-name drug with an analogue, one can be completely confident in the absolute effectiveness of the substitute.

Reviews about "Isoprinosine"

Having studied the reviews about this drug, we can say that it is quite popular and effective. According to vote counts on websites and forums, about sixty percent of people recommend the presented drug.

So, first of all, people write not just about its effectiveness, but about the rapid onset of the desired result. For example, some say that Isoprinosine turned out to bethe only medicine that managed to help get rid of warts. And this remedy helped someone from an attack of laryngotracheitis.

Isoprinosine, according to reviews, has the lowest toxicity compared to other antiviral drugs. The main thing is not to exceed the prescribed dosage and take the drug according to the treatment regimen that was prescribed by the doctor.

Consumers don't like the fact that this drug impairs kidney function. In this regard, it is better to avoid its long-term use, and the treatment requires control over the activity of this organ. As part of the control, patients have to periodically take urine and blood tests. This drug also negatively affects the liver.

What can you learn from reviews of "Isoprinosine" for children? Children do not like the fact that this drug has a rather bitter taste. In addition, some parents complain that after taking this medication, babies have allergic reactions. There are also many complaints about the cost of the medication, since if long-term treatment is necessary, it costs a fairly large amount.

isoprinosine analogues reviews
isoprinosine analogues reviews

Reviews of doctors about "Isoprinosine" are mostly positive. This drug helps people with various diseases. In general, experts call this medication an excellent immunomodulator and report that it copes well with various infectious diseases. Among other things, patients note the good tolerability of this medication.

Thus, the drug "Isoprinosine" ontoday is a very effective and powerful tool in the fight against various viral infections. Based on the reviews, you can also make sure that this is a very strong immunomodulator. But it should be borne in mind that against the background of its use, the work of the liver and kidneys may suffer, and various side effects are not excluded. However, it is often noted that this medicine is well tolerated.

We reviewed the instructions and reviews for Isoprinosine.
