Milk with cough honey: recipes, reviews

Milk with cough honey: recipes, reviews
Milk with cough honey: recipes, reviews

Every mother knows what a strong cough in a child is. He does not let you sleep and takes away strength, which means that he postpones the date of recovery. In addition, cough is not only a symptom of a certain disease, but also a sign of an inflammatory process. Therefore, sufficient attention should be paid to its treatment.

Most parents do not want to use pharmacy drugs and try to get by with traditional medicine recipes. One of the most famous is milk with cough honey. This is how our parents treated us in childhood. Almost immediately after the procedure, relief is felt. The child falls asleep peacefully, and restful sleep is the first step to recovery.

milk with honey and cough soda
milk with honey and cough soda

How safe is this treatment

In other words, can milk with honey hurt? From cough they are used very widely, and there is no talk of the dangers of these products. If aonly there is no individual intolerance. Allergy to bee products is not uncommon. And babies are often banned from milk because of lactase deficiency. If one of these restrictions is true, then milk with cough honey cannot be used.

Healing effect

Why are we feeling relieved? Is this a placebo effect or does the drink actually have medicinal properties? Milk with honey for cough helps no worse than pharmaceutical preparations. The warm drink is a unique cocktail of vitamins and minerals as well as anti-inflammatory properties.

It becomes much easier for the patient to swallow, pain decreases, coughing fits become less frequent and intense. Helps and fat, which is part of the drink. It envelops the mucous membranes, thereby reducing pain. A warm drink can relieve spasms in the airways.

There is another important feature. Milk with cough honey is also used because it has anti-inflammatory and antimicrobial properties. Honey contains a high concentration of biologically active substances. Among other things, it provides nutrition to a weakened body.

milk with honey and cough oil
milk with honey and cough oil

Indications for use

When is it recommended to use milk with cough honey? Reviews suggest that it can alleviate the course of any inflammatory process of the respiratory system. Doctors prescribe it for:

  • Asthma.
  • Bronchitis.
  • ARVI.
  • ORZ.
  • Flu.
  • Cold.

This is all direct evidence. If there is no allergic reaction, then you can safely drink a tasty and he althy drink. It is worth noting that the milk should be warm, not hot. Otherwise, the inflammation will only increase. Before treatment, you need to consult with doctors.

These two simple and affordable products help get rid of the cause of its occurrence. Drinking helps fight the spread of infection, which means that recovery will be faster.

Classic recipe

Milk with honey for cough is not difficult to prepare. To do this, heat a glass of milk to a warm state. This can be done in a saucepan or in the microwave. The choice depends only on what is now at hand. Now you need to dissolve 10-15 g of honey in it. Even a candied product will easily disperse in warm milk. The best time to drink is before bed. It will allow you to calm down and tune in to rest. You can drink all day long. Reviews allow us to judge that after a glass of milk, the cough subsides, sleepy. This is exactly what the body needs now.

milk with honey for cough reviews
milk with honey for cough reviews

Add oil

There are a lot of treatment options for inflammatory processes in the respiratory system. Each of them has its own advantages. Milk with honey and cough oil is great for relieving irritation and pain. This recipe is especially good if the cough is dry, obsessive and unproductive.

It is important to choose quality butter. It can enhance the softening effect. Whereineven a child can easily master the preparation of a drink. Put a spoonful of honey in a glass and pour milk over it. Reheat in the microwave until warm. Now add a small piece of butter. Children enjoy drinking this drink.

By the way, this mixture can be supplemented with a small amount of mineral water like Borjomi. In this case, you will get an analgesic and anti-inflammatory effect.

Useful properties of figs

They can also be used to treat SARS and colds. For this, milk with cough honey is given to the child along with he althy fruits. They can be taken fresh, dried or dried. This drink eliminates a painful cough and strengthens the immune system.

  • For 200 g you need to take one medium fruit.
  • Put milk with figs into a saucepan, bring to a boil and simmer for 10 minutes.
  • Tightly close the pan and leave to cool until warm.
  • A glass of drink can be divided into several doses.

Delicious medicine

If you need to alleviate the condition of the child, then this recipe will help out. Milk, butter, honey - for coughing, these are indispensable helpers. But if the child refuses to take such a mixture, then the treatment may come to a standstill. Try adding crushed banana puree to the recipe. This tasty medicine should be given to a child at 50 g every three hours. And at night you can immediately drink a glass.

Sometimes a banana causes severe bloating and abdominal pain. In this case, the exotic fruit should be discarded.

cough milk with honey
cough milk with honey

Onion from seven ailments

He and in itself is an excellent assistant in the fight against viruses and bacteria. The essential oils that it contains perfectly inhibit the growth of pathogenic bacteria. Onion perfectly disinfects mucous membranes and dilutes sputum. As a result, you get the same effect as advertised and expensive cough syrups. And if there is no difference, then why pay more?

So, we need all the beneficial properties of the vegetable to pass into the drink. To do this, a small onion is poured with a glass of milk and boiled until softened. The drink should be given one spoonful, every two to three hours. But the unpleasant taste and smell often repels children.

Milk with garlic

The fragrant vegetable is considered a panacea for flu and colds. It also has a beneficial effect on coughing. Milk, garlic and honey - this is exactly the mixture that quickly relieves pain. In parallel, the development of microbes is also blocked.

Preparing the product does not take much time and effort, and is also affordable. To do this, boil a few cloves of garlic in half a liter of milk. A drink is taken in a tablespoon. You can add some honey to it. Of course, not everyone likes a specific aroma. But this is not a high price, given the effectiveness of this drink.

milk with honey cough recipe
milk with honey cough recipe

Milk and black radish juice

Another record holder for healing the body. Who does not remember the taste of radish juice with honey from childhood? To strengthen the immune system, mix milk with black radish juice inproportions 1:1. After that, the drink is taken 20 ml every few hours. Add some honey to the drink first. Children really like this medicine, it allows you to quickly stop the inflammatory process and speed up recovery. The drink has a pleasant taste, so children do not refuse such treatment.

Add propolis

This is a beekeeping product with unique medicinal properties. Added to milk, it will allow the child to cope with a strong cough. If you are going to treat an adult, you can take an alcohol tincture. For children, water or oil is used. Dosage: 1 drop per year of life. Take a warm remedy before going to bed. This will not only relieve the symptoms, but also quickly stop the inflammatory processes. After the course of treatment, it is recommended to drink tea with honey for a few more weeks to restore the body's defenses.

milk butter cough honey recipe
milk butter cough honey recipe

For thinning sputum

If the cough is dry and unproductive, then milk with honey and soda is an excellent choice. You will not get rid of the cough immediately, but after the first dose it will become less painful. The mucus will start to go away and the inflammation will decrease. Soda has an anti-inflammatory, expectorant and enveloping effect. There are several recipes, each of which has a positive effect on the body:

  • Mix half a teaspoon of soda in a glass of warm milk and drink it all at once.
  • If the drug is intended for a child, then dissolve a teaspoon of honey in hot milk and the samebutter. Then add half a teaspoon of baking soda and drink before bed.
  • If you add a pinch of s alt, the drink will increase the amount of phlegm in the respiratory tract and facilitate its discharge. At the same time, the taste qualities practically do not change.

This is the best cough recipe ever. Milk, butter, honey and soda is a unique combination that allows you to quickly alleviate even a severe course of the disease, relieve inflammation and soften the throat. The result is restful sleep and a speedy recovery.

cough milk oil honey and soda
cough milk oil honey and soda

Instead of a conclusion

Milk and honey are not only delicious, but also very he althy. With the onset of autumn, it is simply necessary to have both at home. If your throat is just starting to hurt, make yourself a warm drink at night and wrap a scarf around it. In the morning, there will be no trace of pain. And, of course, a natural and safe remedy helps a lot when children get sick. Various supplements can increase the effectiveness of the treatment, but it is better to consult a doctor before using them.
