The useful properties of kumquat have been known since ancient times, this fruit is especially widely used in China and Japan. However, due to its large area of growth, today it is gaining popularity almost everywhere.

After foreign fruits became available to Russian people, the beneficial properties of kumquat became known in our country. In appearance, it looks like a small orange in the shape of an oval. It has long been recognized both in the historical territory of its cultivation in Japan, and in the USA, China, Argentina, Israel and many other countries. In addition, it is grown as a houseplant for decorating interiors. The beneficial properties of kumquat are due to the fact that it is considered an excellent source of vitamins A, B and C, dietary fiber. When fresh, it can be safely eaten with the skin. For long-term storage, it is s alted, dried or preserved.

Japanese quince fortunella, as the kumquat is also called, the beneficial properties of which are increasing every year todaypopularity of this fruit, contains very few calories. It contains a large amount of vitamins, fiber, antioxidants, minerals (calcium, potassium, iron, phosphorus, sodium, manganese, zinc, selenium, copper) and essential oils. All this makes the kumquat very attractive for widespread use both in medicine and in everyday nutrition. Especially among the antioxidants, it is worth highlighting carotene, lutein, zeaxanthin and tannin.
When the kumquat is dried, its benefits in a number of indicators remain almost at the same level as that of fresh fruit. The essential oils contained in it have a bactericidal effect. Therefore, it can be used to treat colds and kill fungi. It can help lower cholesterol levels. In addition, kumquat is a good tool to combat hangovers. The minerals contained in it contribute to the normalization of blood pressure and heart rate, are involved in the processes of oxidation in cells and the formation of red blood cells.
The benefits of kumquat due to its high vitamin C content are recommended for rapid wound healing, prevention of diabetes, arthritis, neurodegenerative diseases and cancer. To get the daily norm, it is enough to eat only eight raw fruits. The presence of fat-soluble vitamin A in the fruit makes it an excellent tool for the prevention of diseases of the skin, musculoskeletal tissues, nails and teeth. In addition, for people it is a good alternative to carrot juice. The B vitamins (riboflavin, pyridoxine, folate, thiamine, niacin) contained in kumquat contribute to a betterdigestion (similar to cofactors). By eating eight fruits, you can provide ten percent of the daily proportion of calcium, which is needed for the formation of bone tissue, teeth, and the transmission of nerve impulses.

Because of the richness of kumquat in dietary fiber, its consumption has a positive effect on the gastrointestinal tract, heart he alth, insulin concentration and blood glucose levels. The fruit contains tannins, pectins, cellulose and a number of polysaccharides. No serious contraindications in humans to kumquat have been identified. True, it is not necessary to consume it excessively, irritation of the kidneys may appear. In cooking, kumquat tea, confiture and marmalade from this fruit are the most famous.