Juniper: medicinal properties, chemical composition, methods of application and contraindications

Juniper: medicinal properties, chemical composition, methods of application and contraindications
Juniper: medicinal properties, chemical composition, methods of application and contraindications

The juniper is an evergreen tree that grows in all parts of Europe, Asia and North America. There are many varieties of this plant, but the Juniperus communis species is considered the most common in the world. Juniper reaches three meters in height, is distinguished by needle-shaped leaves and seed cones. The most used part of the tree is the berries, which look like dark blue scales with a black tint. This is a unique plant, because it can mature from 2 to 18 years (it all depends on the sex of the plant - male or female). In this article, we will talk about the healing properties of juniper, as well as share the secrets that will help keep the skin, hair and body as a whole young.

juniper branch
juniper branch

The scientific name of this plant comes from the word "rough", referring to the sharp taste of scaly berries.

Healing properties of juniper

Greek physician and botanist Dioscorides in one of his works mentioned that this plant is ideal for improving blood circulation and as a diuretic. Studying the benefits of fruits and essential oils, the scientist came to the conclusion thatJuniper is ideal for coughs, convulsions, poisonous animal bites, spasms and kidney stones.

Chemical composition:

  1. Juniper is rich in acids such as formic, ascorbic, acetic, glucuronic.
  2. The main feature of the evergreen tree is the presence of terpenes, which are obtained from resin and berries. This class of hydrocarbons is the main ingredient in the creation of balms and essential oils. This chemical composition, which includes borneol, cadrene, limonene, sabinine, eucalyptol, alpha-pinene, beta-pinene, gamma-alpha-terpineol, alpha-thuyene, products derived from juniper have a special aroma and taste.
  3. Flavonoids (catechin, epicatechin, apigenin, gallocatechin). These components are very important for our body, as they prevent early aging of cells, their mutation and destruction. Thanks to flavonoids, the body is able to fight against irritants that cause allergies, tumors, viruses and infections, and inflammation.
  4. Minerals: calcium, cob alt, iron, manganese, magnesium, potassium, selenium, phosphorus, sodium, zinc.
  5. Vitamins: vitamin C, vitamin B3 (niacin), vitamin B1 (thiamine).
  6. Sugar: fructose, glucose.
  7. Resin.
  8. Menthol.
  9. Terpenoids: camphor.
  10. Unipirin.
  11. Tannins, gallotannins.
  12. Fiber: pectin.
juniper twig
juniper twig

Works of scientists

The healing properties of juniper inspired not only Dioscorides, but also the pharmacologist Segovia Andres Laguna, who, using resinevergreen wood and linseed oil began to make varnish for processing iron structures.

But Nicholas Culpeper, who lived in the early 17th century, believed that juniper berries are an excellent remedy for gout, and they also cleanse alcohol, removing toxins and toxins.

Effect on the body

Tinctures of juniper berries help relieve inflammation and also have a beneficial effect on the gastrointestinal tract. That is why it is recommended to use remedies prepared from an evergreen plant for indigestion, heartburn, flatulence, bloating, loss of appetite, helminths, and various infections that affect the gastrointestinal tract.

Due to its antiseptic and diuretic properties, juniper fights urinary tract infections. In other words, any agent disinfects the ducts, is effective for urethritis and cystitis, for kidney and bladder stones. In addition, juniper removes accumulated fluid from the body, which disrupts the functioning of our lymphatic system. This helps to get rid of excess uric acid, which later leads to gout.

kidney pain
kidney pain

The healing properties of juniper amaze and surprise at the same time. After all, this plant is able to reduce the amount of fluid around the joints, which prevents the development of arthritis and rheumatism. Juniper tinctures and oils are high in natural insulin and therefore lower blood sugar levels. It can also help heal the pancreas if there are no complications or malignancies.formations. Another feature of the plant is the restoration of the menstrual cycle, reducing pain and the amount of discharge.

Skin diseases

Juniper can be used topically to treat skin conditions such as eczema, acne, warts, papillomas. The resin is especially effective in combating psoriasis that affects the scalp. And thanks to the antibacterial properties, decoction and tincture of juniper berries treat wounds, snake bites, insect bites.

Juniper essential oil

Juniper berry extracts and essential oils contain the compound terpinen-4-ol, which both stimulates the kidneys and acts as a diuretic. But another compound, aphtoflavone, has antiviral properties.

Essential oil of juniper
Essential oil of juniper

Juniper essential oils are good for the respiratory system. They are often used to treat bronchitis, as well as against inflammatory processes accompanied by pain. But juniper is not only used for medicinal purposes. Essential oils have a distinct aroma and slight bitterness, which is why many use it as a seasoning or flavoring for foods and drinks such as gin, such as Beefeater.

Juniper berry extract can also be found in some beauty products such as lipstick, concealer, eye shadow, hair conditioner and shampoo, bubble bath and bath oil.

Who wouldn't this plant suit

You need to use juniper-based products with caution. Contraindications:

  • Long-term usetinctures and oils taken internally can lead to kidney problems, convulsions.
  • Topical use of juniper may cause skin irritation, burning, redness or swelling. It is strictly forbidden to use this plant for the treatment of deep and large wounds.
  • Do not use remedies for gastritis, frequent constipation, stomach and intestinal ulcers, bleeding.
  • Overuse may cause diarrhea. Also, if you're a juniper lover, don't be alarmed when you find purple urine.
  • It is not recommended to use this plant as a medicine if there are problems with the kidneys and the cardiovascular system. It is not uncommon for blood pressure to rise after use.
  • Excessive use may interfere with the beneficial absorption of iron and other minerals by the body.
  • Treatment with juniper must be careful. This herb greatly lowers blood sugar, so diabetics should be especially careful.
  • Two weeks before the planned operation, it is worth stopping all use of products with juniper. Beauty products such as shampoos can be used.
  • With caution, you need to use products based on an evergreen tree for pregnant, lactating women, as well as those who have been trying to conceive a baby for a long time. Juniper can cause uterine spasm, which can affect fertility and lead to miscarriage. It is not yet known how this plant affects young children. A woman must remember that all components of any product orplants are passed on to the baby through breast milk.
juniper berries
juniper berries

Use for rheumatoid arthritis

Juniper berries, branches and trunk are used to make medicines against rheumatism. The plant helps reduce the inflammation of arthritis, which causes swelling in the joints, eliminates the accumulation of fluid, reducing pain.

So what is juniper good for? The fact that its chemical composition contains more than 30 anti-inflammatory compounds, including flavonoids and terpenoids, which have anti-rheumatic properties. Ascorbic acid, selenium, menthol, zinc, carotenoids have a beneficial effect on the joints.

How to apply? Take 1 tablespoon of juniper berries, pour 1 liter of water, put on fire. Wait until the broth boils, and then cook for 10-15 minutes, making the stove power to a minimum. Drink 2-3 glasses a day. It is advisable to carry out treatment in courses of 3-5 days, taking a break of several weeks.

For excellent digestion

Juniper tincture on alcohol can improve appetite and facilitate the process of digestion. Anti-anorexic properties come from the content of zinc in the plant. A yellow amorphous compound - uniperine - increases the production of acid in the stomach, thereby causing a feeling of hunger.

Juniper tincture is drunk with flatulence, aerophagia, dyspepsia, pain in the upper abdomen, heartburn. To prepare such a remedy, you need to take 50 grams of dried berries, pour a glass of vodka, pack tightly and put away in the dark. Can be replacedalcohol on dry white wine. Drink tincture 1-2 teaspoons 30 minutes before a meal.

Dried juniper berries
Dried juniper berries

Recipes for the respiratory system

Juniper has expectorant properties due to its high content of terpenes and terpenoids. It is also a good antiseptic and antispasmodic. Thanks to this, the use of juniper can be directed to getting rid of respiratory diseases, such as colds, bronchitis, sinusitis, pharyngitis. Just take 100 grams of dried berries, pour a liter of hot water and insist for 15 minutes. Drink sweetened with real honey beforehand.

Terpineol together with terpinen-4-ol created a powerful weapon against asthma. Juniper can actually soothe coughs and relieve cramps in people suffering from this disease. Take dried berries (5 tablespoons) and pour a liter of dry white wine. Insist 7 days, and then strain. Drink 50 ml during an asthma flare several times a day.

The beauty and strength of curls

Juniper for hair is used as an essential oil. This tool has excellent regenerating properties, allowing the cells of the scalp to be updated. This improves the blood circulation process, which means that tired and atrophied hair follicles will again begin to receive the nutrition they need for the rapid growth of he althy and strong hair.

Essence derived from juniper
Essence derived from juniper
  • But pure juniper oil is not recommended. For maximum effect, mix within equal proportions also the essence of rosemary and sage.
  • To get the first visible result, you need to make hair masks. But in no case should you use the essential oil in its pure form - it must be diluted with a base (sunflower, olive oil, grape seed oil, peach).
  • Perform the procedure 2 times a week, preferably before shampooing. You can use burdock and castor oil as an additional source of nutrition.
  • Add 6 drops of essence to 2 tablespoons of foundation, rub into the scalp with massaging movements, and then cover it with polyethylene and leave for 15-20 minutes. After application, you will notice that the work of the sebaceous glands is normalized, and the hair becomes shiny and voluminous for a long period.

Adding to food

Juniper berries are rich in sugars and have a resinous flavor. Some Indian tribes use the dried fruits of this plant to make flour for baking bread. These same dried berries were previously used as a coffee substitute.

Get rid of acne and dermatitis

For cosmetic purposes, mainly juniper essential oil is used, which has antiseptic, astringent, healing properties.

Components such as alpha-pinene and alpha-terpineol, zinc, selenium, chromium, beta-carotene, camphor will help get rid of acne. Simply dilute 10 drops of essential oil in a glass of water, then soak a towel in the liquid and wipe the inflamed area on the skin. You can use the same procedure to treatdermatitis and eczema.

As an analgesic

Juniper not only has an effect on hair and skin, but is also used to treat muscle and joint pain due to gout, rheumatism, injuries and bruises.

Simply dilute 10 drops of essential oil in 100 drops of olive oil, and then wipe the painful area with this mixture. You can also make a tincture using a tablespoon of dried berries and 1 cup of vodka. You need to insist in a dark, warm place for a week and a half, and then wipe the damaged area with a prepared solution.

Juniper is a true gift of nature. Over the centuries, people have learned how to properly use this plant for good, treat gout, prevent kidney stones and much more.
