"Complivit magnesium": instructions and reviews

"Complivit magnesium": instructions and reviews
"Complivit magnesium": instructions and reviews

The modern diet often leads to vitamin deficiency in people. Therefore, recently it has become popular to take multivitamin complexes for additional intake of microelements into the body. Sometimes they are also prescribed by doctors for recovery from serious infectious diseases or chronic diseases. Adults with beriberi, heart failure and decreased performance are advised to take Complivit Magnesium. This biologically active food supplement contains all the vitamins and minerals necessary for a person to function normally. And additionally, the preparation includes magnesium lactate, a very important trace element for the normalization of the heart and nervous system.


When the drug is used

This dietary supplement is recommended as an additional source of vitamins and minerals. "Complivit Magnesium" is prescribed for adults with magnesium deficiency. It is this mineral that is very important for the normalization of the heart muscle, so the drug is often used for cardiovascular diseases.

The need for magnesium supplementation can be identified by the following symptoms:

  • irritability and nervous excitability;
  • disturbed sleep, insomnia;
  • muscle weakness and frequent cramps.

When else is "Complivit Magnesium" prescribed? The instruction recommends using it for spring beriberi, chronic fatigue and reduced immunity. It is important for the normal functioning of the reproductive organs, so you can take a course of treatment before conceiving a child. Taking the drug has a positive effect on the condition of a woman during menopause.


"Complivit magnesium": the composition of the drug

This biologically active food supplement contains many vitamins and minerals necessary for the normal functioning of the body. The composition of the drug is chosen so that the microelements are successfully combined with each other. Some of them provide 100% of the daily value, others - in smaller quantities. Most of all in the preparation of vitamins of group B. They enhance the effect of magnesium and improve the functioning of the heart and nervous system. Complivit Magnesium contains calcium pantothenate, riboflavin, pyridoxine, thiamine and vitamin B12 in the amounts necessary for an adult. In addition, it has other important vitamins:

  • tocopherol acetate;
  • nicotinamide;
  • retinol acetate;
  • folic acid;
  • ascorbic acid.

Of the minerals, the preparation contains zinc and a large amount of copper. In addition, the composition of the tablets includes sugar, lactose, magnesium stearate, propylene glycoland dyes.


The effect of the drug on the body

The remedy has a general strengthening effect. The action is determined by a combination of all components of the drug, which are specially selected taking into account compatibility. A feature of this vitamin remedy is the content of magnesium in an easily digestible form (magnesium lactate). It is because of its positive effect that this drug is often chosen:

  • it relieves muscle spasms and relaxes smooth muscles;
  • normalizes heart rhythm;
  • soothes and reduces anxiety and irritability;
  • participates in metabolic processes.

In addition, the other active ingredients of the drug have the following effect:

  • improve metabolism;
  • protect cells from free radical damage;
  • improve the functioning of the organ of vision;
  • increase the body's defenses;
  • improve tissue regeneration properties;
  • participate in hematopoiesis, increase hemoglobin;
  • strengthen vascular cells;
  • improve cellular respiration;
  • positively affect the functioning of the nervous and muscle tissue;
  • have a beneficial effect on skin condition and accelerate hair growth.
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Complivit magnesium: instructions for use

It is recommended to drink this remedy 2 tablets a day. It is best to start in the morning, during breakfast - at this time, vitamins are better absorbed. The dosage should not be increased, since the daily norm contains so muchtrace elements, how much an adult needs per day. The course of treatment is a month. One package usually contains 30, 60 or 90 tablets. Most of all, 60 tablets are on sale, which is just enough for a month of taking an adult. If necessary, the course of treatment is repeated, giving the body a rest of one month.

Features of use

Complivit Magnesium is not a drug. But still, before using it, you need to consult a doctor, especially if a person has some kind of chronic disease in which the use of certain trace elements is contraindicated.


Need to know about the features of the use of the drug:

  • cannot be taken with hypervitaminosis;
  • Vitamins "Complivit Magnesium" can cause an allergic reaction, if this happens, the drug should be stopped;
  • do not take it for lactose intolerance and use it with caution in diabetes;
  • Use this dietary supplement during pregnancy and breastfeeding only with a doctor's prescription;
  • if there is a need to take enterosorbents or antacids, the interval between them and vitamins should be 1-2 hours, otherwise the absorption of trace elements will decrease;
  • it is unacceptable to take other multivitamin complexes simultaneously with this drug;
  • In some cases, urine may turn bright yellow when taken, this is normal and is due to the effects of riboflavin.
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Reviews about the drug

Users mostly respond positively to taking this dietary supplement. Compared with similar drugs - "Centrum", "Magnerot", "Magne B6", "Supradin" and others - "Complivit Magnesium" is more accessible and better absorbed. The average price in pharmacies for this drug is about 250 rubles. Therefore, many with beriberi and problems associated with a lack of magnesium choose exactly “Complivit Magnesium”. Reviews of his admission note that after a course of treatment, the condition improves significantly, efficiency increases and drowsiness disappears. No one noticed side effects, the drug is absorbed well. Yes, and doctors often give preference to him when prescribing vitamin complexes.
