Almost all medicines are recommended to be used only after consulting a doctor. But some patients still prefer to self-medicate. In this case, you need to carefully study the instructions and read the reviews about a particular drug. The entire responsibility of such therapy falls on your shoulders. This article will tell you about the tablets "Magnesium B6" (Evalar). Instructions for use, price, composition of the drug and its description will be presented to your attention below.

Description "Magnesium B6", price
"Evalar" (the instruction on the drug says that the drug belongs to vitamin complexes) includes magnesium aspartate and vitamin B6. The combination of such components resulted in the name of the tablets.
The remedy is produced in the form of white oblong pills. In one pack, you can purchase 36 or 60 pieces. The cost of a small pack is about 300 rubles. A large package will cost 400 rubles.

Indications for use of the drug
When is it recommended for a patient to take Magnesium B6 tablets (Evalar)? The annotation states that the drug is prescribed for magnesium and vitamin B6 deficiency. The product is a biologically active food supplement. Doctors report the following indications for use:
- increased physical and mental stress;
- irritability and stressful situations;
- minor sleep disturbances;
- diseases of the stomach and intestines, as well as the cardiac system;
- muscle spasms and so on.
Often, the medication is used in complex therapy and combined with the use of other medicines prescribed by the doctor.

Limitations to watch out for
About the medicine "Magnesium B6" (Evalar), we can say that the drug has certain contraindications. You should always pay attention to them, as incorrect use can only aggravate the general well-being. It is not recommended to carry out therapy among persons with hypersensitivity to its components. This is where the instruction stops describing the restrictions. Doctors can make their own additions.
Specialists do not prescribe medication for severekidney failure. Doctors do not recommend using the remedy for children under the age of 6 years. Use during pregnancy and lactation may have consequences. Therefore, such an issue is always resolved on an individual basis.

How to take?
You need to take the medicine as prescribed by the doctor. If you do not have individual recommendations, then it is better to adhere to the information from the instructions. The drug "Magnesium B6" (Evalar) is recommended at a dose of 6 tablets per day. This portion should be divided into three doses.
It is preferable to take the tablets with meals. So the ingredients will be better absorbed. The duration of use of the drug is determined individually. The instruction advises taking the pills for a month. But on the recommendation of a doctor, this period can be extended or repeated after a short period of time.
Drug action: positive and negative
How does Magnesium B6 (Evalar) work? After taking the drug is rapidly absorbed in the digestive tract. Magnesium is distributed to cells that lack this component. Normally, magnesium enters the body with food. But if this substance is not enough, unpleasant symptoms appear. Magnesium is necessary for every system and internal organ. The drug helps to strengthen the nervous system, it improves the functioning of the heart and normalizes the state of blood vessels. A medication containing magnesium makes sleep stronger and longer. Also, after the course of the drug, there is a strengtheningimmunity.
The second component is vitamin B6. It promotes better absorption of magnesium. By itself, magnesium is very quickly excreted from the body. Thanks to vitamin B, this does not happen. An important element is fixed in a cage and performs its functions.
Does Magnesium B6 (Evalar) have any side effects? Reviews of doctors report that the medicine is usually well tolerated by consumers. If the patient has an increased sensitivity to magnesium or intolerance to vitamin B6, then an allergy may develop. It is manifested by abdominal pain, diarrhea, rash and itching of the skin. Usually these symptoms go away on their own after the pills are discontinued. Only in particularly difficult situations may the use of sorbents be required.

Magnesium B6 (Evalar): reviews
Consumers say only good things about this drug. Patients note the attractive cost of the drug. After all, 60 tablets can be purchased for only 400 rubles. Many similar products that have magnesium in their composition (Magne B6, Magnelis) are much more expensive.
Also, patients note the convenience of using the drug. You need to drink only 6 tablets per day, while for similar drugs the amount reaches 12. One cannot fail to note the positive effect of the drug on the human body.
Patients who took "Magnesium B6" (Evalar) after a few days noted a positive effect. Sleep improved, mood improved, appetite improved. The drug did not disrupt the work of the intestine, subject to the specifieddoses.
Representatives of the weaker sex note that the use of Magnesium B6 tablets (Evalar) helps to strengthen hair and nails. The hair has become shinier and stronger. If earlier a woman suffered from delamination of nails, now this unpleasant symptom simply disappeared.
The annotation says nothing about the use of the drug in children. Pediatricians do not advise giving medication to children under the age of 6 years. However, in exceptional cases, neurologists prescribe Magnesium B6 (Evalar) to children. Parents say that the medicine helped their child to adapt in kindergarten and school. If earlier the child had memory problems, they disappeared. Children became more diligent and attentive after one course of the drug.

Let's make a small conclusion
You were able to learn about the vitamin complex "Magnesium B6". Instructions for using tablets and reviews about them are presented to you in the article. The drug has a predominantly positive effect on the human body, it does not cause almost any adverse reactions. Despite this, before using it is still worth consulting a doctor. Remember that excess magnesium will not lead to anything good. A person needs only 400 milligrams of the active substance per day. At the same time, during pregnancy and lactation, the need increases. Stay he althy!