Meningococcal infection is Concept, definition, symptoms, diagnostic testing, medical consultation, treatment and possible consequences

Meningococcal infection is Concept, definition, symptoms, diagnostic testing, medical consultation, treatment and possible consequences
Meningococcal infection is Concept, definition, symptoms, diagnostic testing, medical consultation, treatment and possible consequences

Today, the common cold causes many complications: weakness, headache and earache, craving for sleep and other unwanted symptoms. Under the most harmless sores, a really serious illness can be hidden. One of them is meningococcal infection.

What is meningococcal infection?

Meningococcal disease is an acute infectious disease transmitted by airborne droplets. It has many clinical manifestations: from rhinopharyngitis (problems with mucous membranes) to meningitis (inflammation of the membranes of the brain and spinal cord). It is transferred by airborne droplets. With untimely treatment, the disease leads to severe complications, and later to death.

Spreading through the air and through contact, meningococci first enter the nose, mouth, respiratory tract, and from there they affect the entire body. This leads to diseases of organs and systems (specific septicemia) and purulent leptomeningitis. The infection is activebreeds at 37 degrees.

The main causative agent of the disease is a person with pronounced signs of meningococcal infection or a carrier of the same bacteria. It develops well during dampness, mild frosts (March - May). Symptoms of meningococcal infection in adults are quite difficult. Most common in children.

The incubation period of meningococcal infection is on average 2-3 days, but possibly longer (up to 10 days). At the onset of the disease, the patient complains of migraines, drowsiness, fever and sweating.

Outside the body, bacteria are very weak: they quickly die under the influence of the sun's best, disinfection, drying, low temperatures (less than 22 degrees). This disease is actively distributed in China, South America and Africa. Russian regions such as the Murmansk and Arkhangelsk regions and territories bordering China and Mongolia are under threat.

Disease classification

According to the forms of development, three types of infection are distinguished: meningococcal sepsis, meningitis and meningococcal nasopharyngitis.

When meningococcal nasopharyngitis appears, the patient notices:

  • Elevated temperature (up to 38 degrees).
  • Nasal congestion and runny nose with little discharge.
  • Weakness.
  • Pain and dryness in the throat.

All of these signs strongly resemble the common cold, which is why people do not attach any importance to them. Having drunk standard medicines, we completely forget about the disease, and at that time it begins tofirmly bond with the body. Whatever the symptoms, always see a specialist.

Meningitis is the most common form of the disease, affecting all genders and ages. Death is most common in children.

Symptoms of meningitis:

  • Sudden increase in body temperature.
  • Nausea and vomiting.
  • Severe headache not relieved by painkillers.
  • Increased sensitivity to loud sounds and bright lights.
  • Convulsions.
  • Blurred consciousness.
  • Constant thirst and complete refusal to eat.
  • Sometimes the liver and spleen enlarge.
  • Blood pressure drops and heart rate increases.
  • Child lies on its side with head thrown back.

Meningococcal sepsis is characterized by a rash all over the body. The spots have a burgundy hue, and later dry gangrene and necrosis form. Delayed treatment always leads to death. This outcome can occur at any time during the course of the disease.

With the provision of first aid and proper therapy, the patient's condition improves after 6-12 hours. The disease itself may disappear completely in 2-3 weeks.

Meningococcal disease is a disease that requires prompt and timely treatment.

A sick man
A sick man

Appearance of disease

As mentioned above, meningococcal infection is transmitted by airborne droplets. The main source of infection is the carrier of this disease. Meningococci are transmitted fromhelp:

  • cough;
  • sneeze;
  • during a conversation with a patient;
  • while screaming;
  • crying.

Most often, the disease spreads within the family, as close contact is necessary for infection.

Infection has two types of transmission: localized (to a separate organ) and generalized (to the whole body). For example, nasopharyngitis refers to a localized form of spread.

With the generalized form, things are more complicated. The disease first spreads to one organ, and then through a chain reaction to the entire body. This mechanism leads to very dangerous diseases:

  • Purulent meningitis. The membranes of the brain become inflamed. There is a disorder of consciousness, severe headaches, nausea, vomiting, problems with the cranial nerves.
  • Pneumonia or pneumonia. The disease is characterized by weakness, sweating, pain in the chest, severe cough with mucous or purulent sputum.
  • Meningoencephalitis. In addition to the membranes themselves, the substance of the brain becomes inflamed. Sometimes the disease also affects the spinal canal.
  • Meningococcemia. Leads to blood poisoning. It can be both an independent disease and the result of complications of meningococcal infection.
  • Arthritis. Joints become inflamed.
  • Osteomyelitis. The spread of purulent infection to the bone tissue of the brain and nearby soft tissues.
  • Myocarditis. Inflammation of the heart muscle (myocardium).
  • Iridocyclitis. The iris of the eye becomes inflamed.

Meningococcal infection -is an infection throughout the body. The disease is divided into three stages. Among them:

  1. Incubation period for meningococcal infection.
  2. The manifestation of her clinical signs (rash all over the body).
  3. Spread throughout the body.

How MCI is detected

In order to identify the disease, use the results of an epidemiological history, bacteriological analysis of blood, cerebrospinal fluid and mucus from the nasopharynx. If the signs of MCI are not set, then on the basis of the clinical picture, the patient is recognized as absolutely he althy.

In addition, an MRI of the brain can be additionally performed.

If meningococcal infection is already in moderate or severe forms, then the patient is prescribed control over coagulogram parameters, electrolyte balance, kidney and liver function, ECG.

In emergency situations, to make an accurate diagnosis, a lumbar puncture is collected. You should not be afraid of this procedure: the canal is punctured in the area where any nerves do not depart from the spinal cord, so no paralysis or other mythical sores will appear.

In case of a real suspicion of meningitis, the doctor is obliged to perform a lumbar puncture procedure. In addition, the analysis also has a healing effect. CSF collection reduces intracranial pressure.

doctor examining a child
doctor examining a child

Spread of meningococcal disease

  • This disease is actively picked up by children under five years of age. It is at this age that you want to feel everything andto taste. But with interest in personal hygiene, things are much worse. Unwashed hands, dirty objects - thousands of microbes sit on all this and no one knows what they will lead to in the future. Also, children are characterized by close communication, and they will not immediately be able to guess that this person is unhe althy.
  • Young people between the ages of 15 and 25 love to be nocturnal. But who said that clubs are not a source of infections. Just imagine: a large crowd of people, shared glasses, screaming, smoking, kissing - a "paradise" for hidden meningococci.
  • Diseases are exposed to people over 40 years of age. For them, the disease is much more difficult than, for example, for a child of four.

Most often, the virus can be obtained at a time when the immune system is most weakened. That is, this is the period of the end of winter - the beginning of spring. Hypothermia, triggered SARS or influenza increase the risk of developing meningococcal bacteria.

The source of the infection is one - a person. Bacteria can also be found in the body of perfectly he althy people. That is, they are an "intermediary" between him and the future patient.

Outside of the epidemic, the percentage of infection is ten. In enclosed spaces, it rises to 60.

Man sneezes
Man sneezes

How adults get sick

Most often, adults catch such diseases in hostels, barracks, offices - in general, in places where there is a large crowd of people. Meningococcal disease has a number of characteristics in adults:

  • Men are more likely to get sick because they spend about a yearin the army. And there hardly anyone will keep the room clean.
  • People over 40 and old people get sick less often, but become carriers of this infection. With children, things are the other way around: they get sick more often and almost never are carriers. And treating meningococcal infections in children is more difficult.
  • In a perfectly he althy adult, meningococcal infection passes without dire consequences. In bedridden patients and the elderly, as well as people with concomitant diseases, the infection is extremely difficult.

Which doctor to contact

At the first signs of diseases of the nasopharynx, you should contact your local pediatrician. If the child's condition is rapidly deteriorating (headache, fever, skin rash all over the body), call an ambulance. Further treatment is carried out in the infectious diseases department of the hospital. The child will need to be examined by a neurologist, ENT, ophthalmologist and other doctors if new complications appear. For example, sometimes an examination by a cardiologist or dermatologist is also required.

Doctor - neurologist examines the patient
Doctor - neurologist examines the patient


When the first signs of illness appear, you should immediately consult a doctor. The treatment process depends on the level of the course of the disease and subsequent complications. If the doctor diagnoses or only suspects the development of this disease, he prescribes "Prednisolone" or "Levomycetin sodium succinate" (these drugs are administered intravenously). However, this outpatient treatment only works on localized forms. In the case of a generalized form, the patient is hospitalized ininfectious disease hospital. A photo of a rash of meningococcal infection is presented below. In a critical condition, the patient is transferred to the intensive care unit.

If a person has been diagnosed with purulent meningitis, then after providing first aid for meningococcal infection, he is prescribed intravenous administration of the necessary drugs. In addition to them, the patient takes antipyretics, Furosemide, Diazepam (in case of convulsions) and antibacterial substances. The dosage is selected taking into account the individual characteristics of the body.

It is necessary to provide the patient with plenty of fluids, vitamins. During this period, special attention should be paid to B vitamins, taking ascorbic acid.

After discharge, further control of your he alth is necessary. For example, children who have had purulent meningitis need to be observed by a neurologist for several more years. This is due to the fact that the infection could damage any brain cells. Often after treatment, the child develops cerebrosthenic syndrome. It is characterized by fatigue, sleep disturbance, loss of appetite, distraction, sometimes aggression and emotional instability. Give your child more sleep, outdoor activities, rest.

Urgently call an ambulance if you notice symptoms of meningococcal infection in children (the photo shows what the rash looks like). In no case do not self-medicate at home. You can alleviate the condition of a person, but not cure him. When calling a doctor, provide the patient with peace, dim lighting in the room. Apply cold to the head, let's drink plenty of water. Atcramps, make a solution of s alt and vinegar and soak the sheet in it. Squeeze well, wrap the child with it. Also cover the top with blankets and wait for the doctor.

Already in the incubation period, meningococcal infection affects the entire body.

primary symptoms
primary symptoms


With untimely treatment, the disease will lead to many other, more serious diseases. These include:

  • Swelling and swelling of the brain. The patient has a severe headache, vomiting, weakening of vision (a fog or veil appears before the eyes). A decrease in respiratory rate signals an urgent hospitalization.
  • Infectious-toxic shock. A large amount of toxins from the infection enters the bloodstream. There is a chill, pain in the head, convulsions, loss of consciousness, vomiting.
  • Paralysis. Lack of ability to move limbs (muscle dysfunction).
  • Pulmonary edema. Fluid accumulates in the lungs and leads to hypoxia (lack of oxygen in the blood), suffocation.
  • Hormonal dysfunction. The amount of hormones produced by the body becomes less than normal.
  • Epilepsy. Sudden seizures that occur due to brain damage.
  • Gastrointestinal and uterine bleeding.
  • Deafness.
  • Herpes, otitis media, pneumonia (are rare infections).

Any complications of meningococcal infection require urgent hospitalization in the hospital, as they can be fatal.


There are two types of preventive measures for meningococcal infection: specific non-specific. Let's take a look at each one.

Specific include:

Administration of the meningococcal vaccine

Vaccination should be given to people who have had contact with an infected person (such patients should drink "Rifampicin"); tourists (especially those who have been in China and Africa for a long time); students who live in hostels; workers in aerosol factories; in the barracks and in collectives from one to eight years.

There are two types of meningococcal vaccines:

  1. Polysaccharide injections do not work on all forms of meningococci, but are widely used in the treatment.
  2. The second type of injection is conjugated. It destroys all dangerous bacteria and does not harm the immune system. It has the most positive reviews among mothers. And doctors recommend introducing it to a child under two years old.

9 out of 10 vaccinated receive protection against meningococcal disease. Acquisition of immunity to this disease takes about a week. In the future, the vaccine is valid for 3 to 5 years.

Protection even in the event of an epidemic will provide you with a conjugated injection. Re-vaccinate every three years. If your child goes to kindergarten or lives in a hostel, then it is essential to put the vaccine.

Vaccination contraindications:

  • The disease is moderate or severe. In this case, it is worth waiting until the patient has fully recovered.
  • Acute or chronic formmeningococcal infection.
  • Having an allergy to the vaccine.

Weakness, fever and pain at the injection site are all normal consequences of vaccination. In some cases, hives, asthma attacks, and pallor may occur. But all these symptoms pass with time.

About meningococcal infection, Komarovsky said that vaccination against it passes without consequences.


After being vaccinated, even if infected, you will experience a milder form of the disease. Doctors say that it is not worth refusing the vaccine, since the child will be threatened not only by meningitis, but also by all subsequent complications. Remember that immunity must always be kept in good shape, therefore, when refusing a vaccine, weigh the pros and cons.

Non-specific forms of prevention mainly include clinical guidelines for meningococcal disease:

  • Compliance with sanitary standards. In kindergartens, it is necessary to treat toys and cribs with disinfectants, carry out wet cleaning, and ventilate the room.
  • Preventing too many children in one room.
  • When someone is diagnosed with meningococcal bacteria, the garden (or school) must be quarantined. Children who find themselves in the focus of meningococcal infection are not accepted to camps and other children's he alth centers. Likewise, personnel are not allowed to be transferred to other groups or classes.
  • During the quarantine period, medical monitoring of the condition of other children is established in the outbreak.
  • If there is any suspicion ofmeningococcal infection, medical workers of the institutions must notify the sanitary and epidemiological surveillance authorities within two hours. A second notification must be made after 12 hours and an accurate diagnosis of the patient should be announced.
  • Ventilation of premises in offices.

For a more detailed set of rules, see the Meningococcal Sanpin.


Historical background

It is known that in the period of the beginning of our era or, for example, the Middle Ages, little was known about disinfection. Therefore, it was at that time that there were frequent outbreaks of infections. For example, meningitis was studied in 1805 after a mass infection. And already in 1965, the World He alth Assembly introduced the term "meningococcal infection" - this was the beginning of the study of this disease.

The virus itself spreads anywhere on our planet. But the "meningococcal belt" are the countries of Africa (especially the regions of the equator). For example, Sudan, Nigeria, Chad, etc. Here, there are 200-500 patients per 100,000 people.

And in our country there were outbreaks of this terrible disease. The highest level of patients was registered in 1976. The result is: 9.6 patients per 100,000 he althy population). But it is worth noting that even now in Russia the level of diseases is quite high: 5-5.5 per 10,000 he althy people.

After 1976, a group of Russian scientists (Pokrovsky, Vlasov, Ivanov, Lobzin, Timina, Favrova and others) conducted many studies on the study of meningococci. It was their work that improvedtreatment system. In subsequent years, the mortality rate for generalized forms of treatment decreased.

What they say about MCI

There are a lot of reviews on the Internet about meningococcal infections in children. Parents are extremely concerned about the lack of prevention of the disease in kindergartens and schools, as well as the incompetence of doctors who make the wrong diagnosis, putting the child's life at risk.

There are many descriptions of the course of the disease with a fatal outcome, which further "warms up" the anxiety of both married couples with small children and the adult population. After all, the incubation period for meningococcal infection is too short, that is, the interval between the first signs of the disease and deadly complications.

Who would have thought that such a terrible disease could be hidden behind the usual signs of SARS. This is what is misleading, both for parents who, out of habit, try to bring down the temperature of the baby and wait for what will happen next, and for emergency doctors. It is necessary to pay attention to accompanying symptoms: rash, shortness of breath, rapid heartbeat and others.

Watch your kids. Do not take them to rooms where there are a large number of adults, as they are the main carriers of meningococci. Carefully study Sanpin on meningococcal infection. Pay attention to the environment in the kindergarten or school where your child goes. The disease spreads very quickly throughout the body and every hour counts. Also, do not forget about the clinical guidelines formeningococcal infection. Get vaccinated, keep the room clean, see a doctor at the right time. And in no case do not self-medicate.

What are people saying about meningococcal vaccines?

As noted by many parents, the most commonly used vaccine is Meningo A+C. This vaccine is a polysaccharide vaccine, but it contains only certain meningococcal cells, and not the bacterium itself. The advantage of this vaccine is easy adaptation inside the body, without subsequent diseases. The drug is widely distributed in the outbreaks of the epidemic (for example, in Africa).

You can administer the vaccine from the age of two, but if there is a patient in the family, from three months. The immune system will protect the body for up to 10 years. Further vaccination is required.

Many mothers note that their children have been vaccinated very easily. Doctors informed them that this medicine protects against meningococci, but it does not protect against other bacteria that can cause meningitis. You can earn meningitis during chickenpox, flu, measles, etc. But the fact that you can get it due to the lack of a hat on your head in winter turned out to be a myth. For this, only the microbe itself is needed.

Doctors. in turn, they write that almost every person during his life meets with meningococcus. But very rarely it can cause even a simple runny nose. The fact is that by the age of five, a child has developed complete immunity to this disease. Therefore, to receive it, there must be at least one sick person in the family. In other cases, meningococcal infection is bypassed.

It is worth notingthat the Meningo A+C vaccine only protects against type A and C infections. These are the two most common types found in Asia, Africa and Europe. However, type B infection lives in Russia, and there are no drugs against it yet. Therefore, the Meningo A + C vaccine will only be useful if you are going to travel to countries where there have been MKI epidemics.

In the case of Russia, the vaccine is made individually. It all depends on the region of residence, the threat of infection, proximity to areas of the epidemic, etc. Usually, children are immediately given a set of vaccinations. What was said above about vaccination against meningococcal infection, Komarovsky confirms: most children tolerate it well.
