Series of balms "Siberian propolis" is distinguished by its unique composition, which includes bee glue and valuable medicinal plants of Altai. Each balm is distinguished by its focus and a wide range of effects. All products help to strengthen the immune system and are one of the best drugs for normalizing the microflora in the body. Below we will talk in more detail about this product.
Propolis - what is it

Bees provide people with many medicinal products: royal jelly, honey and wax. Propolis is a unique remedy that is obtained by collecting the sticky substance from the buds of trees and mixing it with their saliva. Due to the special properties of bee glue, dangerous microorganisms do not appear in the hive and mold does not start. And the organic substances that make up propolis endow it with the following properties:
- Excretion and binding of toxinsand allergens.
- A powerful antidote.
- Destruction of pathogenic microflora and an obstacle to its re-formation.
- Anti-inflammatory effect.
- Removing swelling, preventing the development of adhesions and scars.
- Antioxidant and immunomodulator.
On store shelves you can find tinctures, ointments, sprays and dried propolis. All these products, of course, have some effect on the body. But you should know that only a small part of the active substance is absorbed by the body, and long-term use is needed to obtain the desired effect.
Besides this, for better absorption, propolis must be processed in a special way. During the manufacture of medicines, it must be subjected to special effects, as a result of which the ionic bonds inside the substance are destroyed and the product is much better absorbed.
About "Siberian propolis"

The company "Siberian He alth" has developed a unique series of healing products, which includes several types of balms based on medicinal herbs and propolis. During production, all products undergo special processing and structuring with metal ions, after which the positive effect of balms on the body is enhanced:
- gold ions have a positive effect on cerebral circulation, increase the supply of energy to the brain, and normalize the functioning of the nervous system;
- copper ions have a beneficial effect on the hormonal background of the female body, improvecondition of hair, skin and nails;
- silver ions in the balm strengthen the immune system, supply it with antioxidant properties.
Healing herbs that are part of the balms further enhance the positive effect. For example, eyebright normalizes blood circulation, chaga mushroom improves the functioning of the nervous system, and calendula fights inflammation. All balms are produced using our own patented process, which makes balms unique.
All products undergo clinical trials supervised by well-known Russian scientists in the field of he althcare. For each released product, a special intake scheme has been developed, the observance of which increases the effectiveness of balms. All products of the Siberian He alth company are of high quality and are certified.
Indications for use

The line of balms includes several preparations: "Siberian propolis immune silver", "Golden", "Malachite", "Pomegranate" and "Agate". Each of them affects the human body in its own way and has a unique composition. Drugs are recommended for:
- Flu, colds.
- Various female disorders.
- Diseases of the gastrointestinal tract.
- Stomatite.
- Inflammatory pathologies of the genitourinary system.
- Chronic fatigue.
- Weak immune system.
There are several types of propolis balms, each of which contains natural supplements and biologically active elements:
- "Siberian silver propolis". From the name you can understand that this balm is enriched with silver ions. It is used to improve the functioning of the liver, brain, circulatory system, as well as to increase hemoglobin levels. In addition, the product has antibacterial and antiviral effects. Experts recommend drinking Siberian Silver Immune Propolis during seasonal cold epidemics. It perfectly strengthens the immune system, protects against infections and compensates for the lack of vitamins. It can also be used at the first sign of a cold. In order to prevent flu epidemics, you can alternate the balm with other bee products: dead bee, mummy and perga.
- "Agate balm". This product contains medicinal herbs, silicon ions and lactulose. The remedy eliminates dysbacteriosis and normalizes the intestinal microflora. It fights indigestion, constipation and bloating, and is also able to inhibit pathogens. "Agate propolis" is used to treat food poisoning and rotavirus infections. For preventive purposes, they drink it in chronic pathologies of the gastrointestinal tract.
- "Siberian malachite propolis". This balm has a positive effect on women's he alth. It contains mountain honey, copper ions and medicinal plants. The drug has a good effect on blood vessels, corrects the work of the hormonal background, has an antifungal and anti-inflammatory effect. The drug alleviates the condition with menopause, menstrual irregularities and inflammatory diseases of the appendages. This balm has not only healing properties, but also improves the condition of hair, skin, nails, produces a rejuvenating effect. To maintain women's he alth, it is recommended to take a prophylactic course with drone milk and dead bees at least once a year.
- "Gold Balm". This product belongs to neuroprotective drugs. It contains gold ions. The balm normalizes the functioning of the nervous system and protects nerve cells from damage. It has been successfully used for depression, neurosis and mental disorders. "Siberian golden propolis" can be taken both for the treatment and prevention of stroke and atherosclerosis. The drug helps to recover faster from injuries, improves blood circulation and memory.
- "Pomegranate balm". This tool contains iron ions, which are part of the mineral pomegranate stone. The drink has a tonic and biostimulating effect. It helps to activate the body's reserve forces, which positively affect mental and physical performance. The body becomes more resistant to infections and stress. "Pomegranate Balm" is recommended to be taken during periods of increased mental and physical stress. In addition, expertsit is advised to drink this remedy in order to prevent colds.

Contraindications and side effects
The instructions for the balm "Siberian propolis" indicate that its use in recommended dosages does not cause side effects. The only contraindication is individual intolerance to the substances included in the composition.
How to apply

Shake the balm before each use. Adults are prescribed one teaspoon after meals up to three times a day. The duration of such a course is 20 days, then you need to take a break. In order to get maximum efficiency, it is recommended to take two or three courses in a row. The instructions indicate that the treatment can be carried out no more than 3 times a year.
Balm "Siberian propolis" is well compatible with other medicines. It can be washed down with any liquid, including carbonated. For children under 7 years old, the doctor selects the necessary dosage based on the state of he alth and weight of the child. Schoolchildren are prescribed 0.5 teaspoon three to four times a day. It makes sense to conduct a therapeutic course for the prevention of colds and flu in the autumn-spring period. In addition, with a cold, children are prescribed Siberian Propolis lollipops. They can be used for 6 years. They well eliminate perspiration and pain, and also have an antiseptic and antiviral effect.
Pregnancy and lactation
During this period, a woman needsin an increased amount of nutrients and vitamins. All this can be obtained from the Siberian Propolis balm. It is worth knowing that only a doctor should prescribe these drugs.
How and how much to store
Keep the balm in a cool and dark place, with a well-closed lid. The shelf life is 1.5 years from the date of manufacture.
"Siberian propolis": reviews

You can find a lot of positive reviews about the balms of this series. People who have tried the drink talk about its beneficial effects on the body. Many have noticed an improvement in he alth and strengthening of the immune forces of the body. The only thing customers don't like is the small volume.
The main direction of using balms is the treatment and prevention of diseases with a non-aggravated form. In severe cases, seek medical attention.