Today, plastic surgery is very well developed, which allows you to correct any lack of appearance, including lip augmentation. Patient reviews convince us that after such an operation, the lips have a completely natural, only more attractive and sexy look. If, looking at a woman, one can say with accuracy that her lips are not “native”, but artificial, then the operation was of poor quality.
How to increase lips

Some women resort to actions with which you can carry out lip augmentation at home, however, this is ineffective. Traditionally, plastic surgery or contouring is done to increase the lips. But, mind you, if the contouring procedure is usually performed on an outpatient basis, then after the plastic surgery, restorative treatment and observation are required. Now the introduction of silicone into the lips is practically not used, and if the patient is dissatisfied with the shape, volume, asymmetry of the lips or the presence of agewrinkles, contouring is performed.
Biogel contouring
As a rule, lip augmentation is carried out with Botox or biogel: Perline, Agarose, Juvederm, Restylane, Teosyal, etc. These drugs have been tested and are fully compatible with human tissues. Each of them differs from the others in its properties and features, so you need to consult a doctor to choose a biogel.
The first of its kind was the drug "Restylane", the effect of which was studied. It does not give complications, but it has one drawback - after its introduction, the contours last no more than two months, so such an increase in the lips is not suitable for many. Reviews on the use of the Teosyal gel say that the effect lasts about a year and a half, but its action is less tested.
Contour plastic surgery is performed under local anesthesia. Biogel is injected with a thin needle and distributed under the skin with the help of massage. For the best result, the procedure is done several times to avoid excessive swelling of the lips.

After the procedures, bruising and swelling may appear on the lips, because there are many blood vessels in this area. Therefore, it is not recommended to stay in the sun after the operation, as well as physical activity and any thermal procedures.
Depending on the choice of drug, the effect will be different. And in order to repeat the contouring, you can enter the biogel used earlier, without waiting for complete resorptionthe drug injected during the last procedure.
Contouring with own fat tissue
This type of plastic is called lipolifting. This procedure can also be done under local anesthesia, but it can also be performed under general anesthesia. In order to take fatty tissue from the abdomen or thighs, small incisions are made in the skin. This fatty tissue is then injected into the lips with a syringe.
A more modern way today is microfatgrafting - a more painstaking and lengthy procedure, but its effectiveness is much higher than lipolifting. However, not all clinics have special cannulas that are required for this operation.

Plastic surgery as a way to increase lips
Many women secretly dream of lip augmentation - reviews confirm this. They are not satisfied not only with the volume, but also with the shape. It is believed that the lips are ideal when the lower one is more plump than the upper one. This shape will require plastic surgery.
In older women, when the skin on the lips stretches, this can lead to a change in the shape of the lips and the appearance of wrinkles. With a general facelift, it is imperative to carry out plastic surgery aimed at lip augmentation. Reviews of women who have not undergone such a procedure claim that now their face is less harmonious.
This procedure is performed under general anesthesia, because a strip of skin is cut above the upper lip, then the contour of the lips is formed, and only then a suture and a bandage are applied on top. Postoperativethe period is usually painless, if you do not stay in the sun and do not strain.