Hypertension is a serious disease that requires a professional approach and long-term treatment. The consequences of high blood pressure can be very deplorable, so it is important to notice the first symptoms and prevent possible complications.
For the treatment of such a pathology, in addition to drug treatment, there are many traditional medicine. Herbs for lowering blood pressure have been used by healers for a long time.

Causes of disease
Hypertension is caused by a number of reasons. Doctors consider the main factors in the development of the disease:
- hereditary predisposition;
- excessive excitement and nervous stress;
- overweight;
- negative environmental impact.
To understand that a person has increased pressure, you can even without using a tonometer. He feels weak and dizzy. In addition, the following symptoms may appear:
- heart pain;
- puffiness;
- facial redness;
- shortness of breath;
- body heat;
- muscle weakness;
- pain in the back of the head.
High blood pressure for a long time, negatively affects the work of the heart, because the blood is supplied to it poorly. Against this background, a heart attack and stroke can develop. Doctors often recommend that hypertensive patients use herbs to reduce pressure, especially in the early stages of the disease. They are no less effective than drugs, reduce blood pressure and normalize the condition of blood vessels.

Regular use of herbal medicines (confirmed by traditional medicine) can reduce blood pressure by ten to fifteen points. But the use of phytotherapeutic agents is limited to a pressure level of 160/90. At higher rates, herbs to reduce pressure must be combined with drug treatment. Such an integrated approach, according to patients, is more effective.
Herbs with hypotensive action
The list of herbs to reduce blood pressure is quite large, so we have divided it into several groups. The plants listed below have powerful hypotensive properties and can normalize high blood pressure in a short time. Decoctions and infusions based on them are used with increasing pressure (180/100). These include:
- mint;
- melilot;
- mistletoe;
- adonis;
- motherwort;
- helmet;
- drying;
- flowers and fruits of hawthorn;
- black rowan fruits;
- valerian root.
With lower rates, it is more advisable to use herbs with less pronounced hypotensive properties - plantain, angelica, meadowsweet, barberry, sophora, calamus, oregano.

Herbs for reducing pressure with antispasmodic and vasodilating properties
These herbs are gentle. They will help not only to reduce pressure, but also to relieve a debilitating headache:
- dill;
- anise;
- fennel;
- cumin;
- periwinkle;
- dandelion root;
- yarrow;
- Drebennik.
Herbs with blood-thinning and antithrombotic properties
Such properties of plants are very important for hypertension. They normalize blood circulation and make blood vessels more elastic:
- berries and raspberry leaves;
- willow leaves;
- flowers of red grapes;
- lime blossom;
- blackcurrant leaves;
- nettle leaves;
- calendula;
- hawthorn flowers;
- black rowan berries;
- sea buckthorn fruits.
Herbs with tonic properties
Hypertensive patients with experience know that during a “jump” in pressure, a person experiences muscle weakness and fatigue. To cope with this condition will help:
- parsnip;
- dandelion root;
- dill;
- elecampane;
- raspberry berries and leaves;
- peony;
- walnut leaves.
We have listed the most effective herbs for reducing blood pressure. Folk remedies are not usefulonly those that effectively lower the pressure. Applying them eliminates the causes that caused the disease.

How to treat hypertension with herbs?
Before using herbal preparations, consult your doctor. He will tell you which herbs to reduce pressure are suitable for your case. The use of plant materials in the treatment of hypertension involves the preparation of decoctions, infusions, tinctures and teas.
Infusion is a dosage form that is obtained by brewing. It should be filtered after it has cooled completely, when the herbs give up their beneficial properties to the water.
Herbal tea for the treatment of hypertension is prepared from flowers and leaves, fees without coarse inclusions.

The decoction is cooked in a water bath for fifteen minutes. This method is justified when the collection of herbs to reduce pressure contains coarse components: woody shoots or thick stems.
Tincture is a dosage form in which a plant transfers its beneficial substances to alcohol (vodka). The result is a formulation with a high concentration of active ingredients and a long shelf life.
Rules and methods for preparing medicinal formulations
When choosing from various forms of herbal preparations, rely on personal preference and consider contraindications.
A teaspoon of raw materials is poured with a quarter liter of boiling water. You can drink it after fifteen minutes. Use it in the morning and evening.
Water infusion
Two tablespoons (tablespoons) of raw materials pour 500 ml of hot boiled water in a glass dish or thermos. The composition is infused for eight hours. Take it in a third of a glass twice a day.

For general baths, it is necessary to infuse two tablespoons (tablespoons) of herbal collection in two liters of boiling water for two hours. Pour the composition into a warm (37 ° C) bath. Dive chest deep for fifteen minutes.
For foot baths you will need a spoon (tablespoon) of dry grass. For two hours, it is infused in 500 ml of boiling water. Pour the mixture into a bowl of warm water and soak your feet ankle-deep for twenty minutes.
Alcohol tincture
Pour 30 grams of dry raw materials into a glass container and fill it with 500 ml of vodka. Close the container tightly and leave in a dark place for two weeks. Take the remedy 25 drops twice a day before meals.
Duration of courses
In the treatment of hypertension, tea, decoctions, tinctures are taken in courses of one and a half months. Then it is necessary to interrupt the treatment for two weeks. The course of treatment can be repeated after a break. For prevention, herbal blood pressure medications should be taken once every six months.

Gathering Karavaev
B. V. Karavaev - a Soviet scientist, herbalist, folk healer - is known as the author of a healing system. Its unique collection treats not only hypertension, but also heart disease.
It consists of 24 herbs, in equal proportions (a teaspoon) - 10 spoons are poured into 1200 ml of boiling water, heated over low heat for two minutes and infused for two and a half hours. Before use, the infusion is diluted with hot water or heated. Take twice a day 25 minutes before meals for a third of a glass. The course of treatment is two and a half months.
Composition of the collection:
- buds of pine, birch;
- flowers of calendula, immortelle sandy, chamomile, linden;
- angelica rhizomes, valerian, dandelion officinalis;
- herbs of centaury, oregano, motherwort, St. John's wort, yarrow, marsh cudweed, sage, thyme;
- nettle leaves, dandelion officinalis, coltsfoot, peppermint, eucalyptus, plantain;
- buckthorn bark.
Ready-made tinctures
If you do not have the time or desire to prepare medicines yourself, then you can be helped out by a ready-made tincture for hypertension, which can be purchased at a pharmacy. Today there are several of them, they are taken in a course for a month, and then they take a break for two months.
Tincture of elecampane is taken fifty-five drops twice a day, hawthorn - according to the same scheme. Baikal skullcap - twenty-five drops twice a day. Motherwort - twenty drops in the morning, afternoon and evening.
Five herb tincture
This is a very effective remedy. You will need one hundred milliliters of tinctures of valerian, eucalyptus, peony, motherwort and twenty-five milliliters of mint tincture. To this composition is addedten inflorescences of carnations. For two weeks, the composition in a glass container is cleaned in a dark place. You can't shake it up. Take a tincture of five herbs to reduce pressure on a spoon (dessert) a quarter of an hour before meals. Drink the tincture with a small amount of plain water. The course of treatment is a month, then a break of ten days.
Herbs to reduce blood pressure: folk recipes
Anise Lofant has proven itself in the treatment of hypertension. With high and persistent pressure, two or three courses should be carried out, taking an alcohol tincture from fresh lofant flowers.
One hundred grams of flowers pour 200 ml of high-quality vodka, leave in a dark place for twenty-one days, shaking every other day. After this, strain the remedy. The tincture is taken one spoonful (teaspoon), diluted with two tablespoons of water, and eat 0.5 tablespoons of honey, three times a day before meals. The course of treatment is thirty days, a break is five days. Then repeat two or three courses.

This tincture can be taken for cardiovascular, nervous diseases, hand tremors, paresis and paralysis (externally).
Caucasian Dioscorea
What herbs to drink to reduce pressure? Many herbalists recommend Caucasian Dioscorea. Preparations based on this plant (infusions and tinctures) not only treat hypertension, but also prevent the development of cataracts, improve memory, relieve irritability, headaches.
Pour a teaspoon of crushed dry root with two cups of boiling water. Warm up in a water bath for a quarter of an hour,strain. Take a spoon (table) twice a day. The treatment is long - three months.
Herbal preparations
No less popular are herbal preparations for hypertension, which can be in a variety of variations. They consist of a complex of herbs that have a diuretic, hypotensive, sedative, and blood-thinning effect.
Hypertonic Collection 1
Calendula flowers, mint leaves, periwinkle roots (thirty-five grams each) must be poured with 300 ml of boiling water and insisted for half an hour. Take one spoon (teaspoon) every six hours.
Collection 2
Motherwort, sweet clover, dill, knotweed (a tablespoon) pour a glass of boiling water. After half an hour, you can take 50 ml four times a day.

Collection 3
Fifty fruits of chokeberry, wild rose, hawthorn, pour 500 ml of boiling water. You can use after two hours. During the day, you should drink the entire portion.
Collection 4
Crushed valerian root, field harrow, bergenia, viburnum bark in equal parts infused in boiling water (300 ml). The remedy is taken in a spoonful (dining room) three times a day for a month.
Collection 5
Crystal marsh, lemon balm, valerian root, yarrow are mixed in equal proportions. For four hours insist forty grams of the mixture in boiled water (200 ml). Take the product should be 30 ml.