A scar on the heart - what is it? Causes, treatment, potential danger

A scar on the heart - what is it? Causes, treatment, potential danger
A scar on the heart - what is it? Causes, treatment, potential danger

Under the influence of various adverse factors, the process of death of heart cells can start. As a result, they are replaced by scar tissue, characterized by an increased content of protein and collagen. In medicine, pathology is commonly called cardiosclerosis. It is important to understand that a scar on the heart is a condition that poses a danger not only to he alth, but also to the life of the patient. In this regard, when the first warning signs appear, it is necessary to contact a cardiologist. The specialist will issue a referral for a comprehensive diagnosis, based on the results of which he will draw up the most effective treatment regimen. Therapy may include both conservative and surgical techniques.

cardiac muscle
cardiac muscle


It is important to understand that a scar on the heart is such a protective reaction of the body,which occurs during the formation of necrotic foci. In most cases, the death of heart muscle cells is observed after a heart attack.

As soon as the process of cell death starts, connective tissue begins to form in this area. In this way, the body tries to prevent an increase in the area of necrosis. However, a scar on the heart after a heart attack cannot perform the functions of an organ. That is why the formation of connective tissue is only a temporary solution to the problem, which often leads to the development of life-threatening pathologies.

It is important to understand that a scar on the heart is a condition that prevents the development of acute myocardial insufficiency and the onset of death. But it also delays the development of all kinds of complications. This is due to the fact that heart failure acquires a chronic form, characterized by a constant change of periods of remission by relapses.

Consultation with a cardiologist
Consultation with a cardiologist


The scar always forms in the area of rupture of muscle fibers or in areas of necrosis. The body starts the synthesis of fibrin protein, which fills the damage in a short time.

Causes of scarring on the heart:

  • Thrombosis and embolism of blood vessels. According to statistics, half of the world's population aged 40 years and older suffer from pathological changes. For example, the combination of increased blood clotting and even the initial stage of atherosclerosis leads to thrombosis. The formed clot of liquid connective tissue partially narrows the lumenvessel. As a result, heart cells do not receive the required amount of nutrients and oxygen and begin to die. This situation is life-threatening, so fibrotic changes occur very quickly.
  • Myocarditis. One of the most common causes of scarring on the heart. Under the influence of adverse factors (allergy, infection, etc.), the muscle tissue of the myocardium becomes inflamed. As a result, dilatation develops, due to which the heart wears out and is damaged. Microtraumas are subsequently replaced by connective tissue.
  • Ischemic heart disease. This term refers to a pathological condition characterized by chronic oxygen starvation of the myocardium. As a result, the process of degenerative-dystrophic changes starts.
  • Heart attack. A scar on the heart after it appears most often. The danger lies in the fact that sometimes a heart attack is asymptomatic, and changes are detected only on the ECG.

Doctors distinguish myocardial dystrophy as a separate cause of scar formation. This is a pathological condition in which atrophic changes are noticeable in the heart, that is, tissues are both weaker and thinner than they should be.

Causes of myocardial dystrophy:

  • Deficiency of vitamins in the body.
  • Lack of magnesium, calcium and potassium.
  • Overweight.
  • Frequent and vigorous exercise.

Doctors say that if at least one close relative has a scar on his heart after a heart attack, it is necessary to visit a cardiologist annually toprevention.

Clinical manifestations
Clinical manifestations

Types of scars

Against the background of the course of various pathologies, one of three types of fibrosis can form:

  • Focal. It has clear boundaries and a specific location. For example, the scar may be on the back wall of the heart muscle.
  • Diffuse. It differs in that it affects all tissues.
  • Diffuse-focal. This form is mixed. It is characterized by the presence of small pathological foci, which are evenly distributed over the entire surface of the heart. Sometimes the scars grow together.

Cardiologists say that scarring on the heart is such a pathology, the treatment of which is not only difficult, but also lengthy. In most cases, doctors create a therapy plan to keep the organ functioning.

Clinical manifestations

Symptoms and their severity directly depend on what disease caused damage to muscle tissue. Cardiologists say that scars on the heart after a heart attack (a photo of the affected organ is shown schematically below) can form over several years. The process is often asymptomatic.

The absence of clinical manifestations is due to the fact that the organ manages to maintain contractility and compensate for the volume of normal tissue. When he is no longer able to fully function, the following symptoms appear:

  • Chest pain.
  • Severe shortness of breath.
  • Swelling of the face and limbs.
  • Strongfatigue even after minor physical exertion.
  • Increased degree of fatigue.

Over time, the fingertips on both the upper and lower limbs acquire a bluish tinge. This is a specific sign of severe heart failure. At this stage, doctors take steps to prevent further damage to the heart. Often the only way to save a patient's life is surgery.

Scars on the heart
Scars on the heart


When the first warning signs appear, it is necessary to contact a cardiologist as soon as possible. The specialist will take an anamnesis, conduct a physical examination and issue a referral for a comprehensive diagnosis, including the following studies:

  • ECG.
  • Dopplerography.
  • EchoCG.
  • Fluoroscopy.
  • Coronary angiography.

Based on the results of the diagnosis, the doctor makes the most effective treatment regimen. In severe cases, he evaluates the feasibility of surgical intervention.

ECG interpretation
ECG interpretation

Medicated treatment

Conservative therapy involves taking drugs, the active components of which help to maintain the functioning of the heart. In addition, patients need to follow the principles of a he althy lifestyle.

The choice of medicines is carried out by the attending physician based on the results of the diagnosis. The cardiologist prescribes drugs that improve heart function by accelerating metabolicprocesses and restoring the circulation of fluid connective tissue.

An effective method is stem cell treatment. Against the background of their use in the body, natural processes of restoration of affected tissues are launched. They are noticeable shortly after the introduction of a cardiomyoblast (a specific cellular element). Against the background of treatment, the contractility of the organ is restored and blood circulation improves. In addition, atherosclerotic plaques are dissolved, vessel walls are strengthened and necrosis is prevented.

If a heart attack develops as a result of coronary disease, urgent medical treatment is indicated, which involves taking or intravenous administration of the following drugs:

  • Beta-blockers.
  • Diuretics.
  • Metabolites.
  • Nitrates.
  • Acetylsalicylic acid.

If a scar on the heart was detected during the ECG, you need to be prepared for the fact that it will increase in size for several more months. This information is also relevant for patients who have already undergone treatment. With a sharp deterioration in well-being, it is necessary to call an ambulance. It is possible that emergency surgery will be needed.

Self-treatment is strictly prohibited. The wrong choice of drug can be fatal.

Medical treatment
Medical treatment

Installing a pacemaker

This is a type of surgical treatment during which the surgeon implants a device in the patient, the task of which is to maintain normalconduction of the heart and its rhythm. The installation of a pacemaker has no contraindications. In other words, the operation can be performed even on children.

In rare cases, the device is rejected by the body. It typically occurs in 2-8% of older patients.

Donor organ transplant

This is a radical operation that is performed only if other methods cannot save the patient's life. Donor organ transplants are only available to persons under the age of 65.

Contraindications are serious pathologies of internal organs, which is very rare in practice, since, for example, both atherosclerosis and ischemia are on the list of restrictions.


The essence of the operation is to expand the lumen of the affected blood vessels. As a rule, this type of surgical intervention is prescribed for severe atherosclerosis. This is a disease in which plaques, consisting of “bad” cholesterol, settle on the walls of blood vessels. They narrow the lumen, as a result of which the heart does not receive the necessary amount of oxygen and nutrients. A natural consequence is tissue necrosis.

If the lumen is blocked by plaques completely, the surgeon creates a new vessel around the affected one. This allows you to significantly improve the nutrition of tissues and, accordingly, the work of the heart.

Surgical intervention
Surgical intervention

Aneurysm removal

This is a specific protrusion, which is most often formed in the area of the left ventricle or the posterior wall. After removalaneurysms, the blood stops stagnating, and the heart muscle again receives the necessary amount of nutrients and oxygen.

What are the dangers of scars

Many patients are interested in how long they live with a scar on their heart. It is important to understand that the prognosis depends not only on the underlying disease, but also on the timeliness of contacting a doctor. What is it, the causes of scars on the heart, how to treat the pathology - all the information regarding the disease is provided by the cardiologist at the time of admission.

The most unfavorable prognosis is considered if the scar formed in the area of the left ventricle. This area is subjected to the greatest load, which means that its defeat will invariably lead to the development of heart failure. In addition, other organs (including the brain) will begin to suffer from hypoxia, not getting the right amount of oxygen.

A threat to life is also a condition in which both the left ventricle and the mitral valve are affected. In this case, a life-threatening pathology develops - aortic stenosis.

With a timely visit to the doctor and following all the recommendations, the patient has every chance to live a very long time.


Cardiosclerosis is a disease of the cardiovascular system. In this regard, both primary and secondary prevention consists in observing the following rules:

  • Balanced nutrition.
  • Regular but moderate exercise.
  • Quit smoking and drinking alcohol.
  • Avoiding stressful situations.
  • Frequent walks.
  • Spa treatment.

In addition, it is necessary to be examined annually by a cardiologist in order to prevent pathologies of the cardiovascular system.

In conclusion

Sometimes, based on the results of research, the doctor diagnoses a scar on the heart. What does this concept mean? A scar on the heart is a pathological condition that is a kind of protective reaction of the body to myocardial damage. The formation of dense connective tissue is triggered in case of violation of the integrity of the muscle or when areas of necrosis appear on it. Despite this, the pathology needs treatment. It is important to understand that scar tissue cannot perform the functions of the heart, which means that sooner or later it will cause the development of other diseases. The doctor draws up a treatment regimen based on the results of instrumental diagnostics. The treatment plan may include both conservative and surgical methods.
