How and how useful celery helps the human body?

How and how useful celery helps the human body?
How and how useful celery helps the human body?

The closest "relative" of parsley - celery - is often called the "pantry of beauty and he alth." For what merits has this root crop become a favorite in the diet of people leading an active lifestyle? How useful celery attracted the attention of nutritionists and medical luminaries around the world? This miracle vegetable is not only a valuable product rich in vitamins and vital trace elements, but also a healing agent that helps in the treatment of many diseases.

What is useful celery
What is useful celery

Official and alternative medicine has long recognized its miraculous power. Petiole celery was considered a sacred and medicinal plant at the dawn of civilization, among the Romans and Greeks. Doctors and cooks recommend using all parts of this spicy vegetable: leaves, petioles, root crops. Stem celery, the beneficial properties of which are incalculable (as well as leaf and root), contains the most valuable vitamins of group B (thiamine and riboflavin), “vitamin of youth and beauty” - E, provitamin A, an element that normalizes blood clotting– K, as well as immune-boosting ascorbic acid.

Celery stem useful properties
Celery stem useful properties

Celery leaves and roots contain the most useful amino acids, one of which is asparagine, a substance that can bind toxic ammonia released during the breakdown of proteins. In addition, the unique miracle vegetable is rich in tyrosine, carotene, nicotinic acid and essential oils. Moreover, it contains not only minerals: s alts of calcium, magnesium, sodium and phosphorus - but also protein, glycoside apiin, citrine, choline, mannitol, oxalic acid, furocoumarins, flavonoids, glycosides and other useful elements. A pleasant specific taste of spices is given to it by parsley camphor - apiol.

Calorie content, or How he althy celery can surprise people who lose weight?

Despite the huge nutritional value of celery, this plant belongs to the category of products with a "negative" calorie content. That is, the energy costs for its digestion significantly exceed the intake of calories in the body. Less than 20 calories per 100g of this gourmet vegetable!

Petiole celery useful properties
Petiole celery useful properties

In the West, its miraculous power in the fight against excess weight has long been appreciated and is added to all vegetable and meat dishes, smoothies and vegetable juices, salads and side dishes. Petiole celery, whose beneficial properties are expressed in anti-inflammatory and diuretic, anti-allergic and soothing effects, as well as normalizing metabolic processes in the body and increasing libido, can be used as afresh, and stewed, baked, combined with vegetables, sour apples and pineapples. You can significantly reduce the calorie content of meat or fish dishes by garnishing them with a raw or cooked savory vegetable.

Green smoothie with celery
Green smoothie with celery

How useful celery can still please the human body? In addition to a beneficial effect on the digestive and nervous system, this rich source of vitamins and antioxidants strengthens the heart muscle, successfully fights gout and rheumatism, improves water-s alt metabolism, normalizes the liver and kidneys, cleanses the body of toxins and toxins. "Vegetable-Multi-Station" in the amount of a couple of tablespoons contains one and a half daily doses of vitamins, while in this amount of the product there are only about 3 kilocalories!

How does eating celery affect men and women?

How useful celery can help men? By enhancing the production of the male sex hormone - testosterone - the fragrant spice acts on the body of the stronger sex as a powerful aphrodisiac.

Celery salads
Celery salads

But for the beautiful half of humanity, traditional medicine for the prevention of PMS, prevention of pain, improvement of mood on critical days, as well as during the onset of menopause, advises four times a year for 27 days to conduct treatment courses with celery seeds. Three grams of raw materials (0.5 tsp) pour 200 ml of boiling water, but do not boil! Insist during the night, then drink 1 tbsp. l. four times a day before meals.

And what about cosmetology?.

CeleryIt has a rejuvenating effect on the body not only from the inside, but also from the outside. The slurry of leaves, petioles or root crops, which is part of homemade masks, perfectly whitens the skin, nourishes it with moisture, vitamins and minerals; it can be used to soothe the epidermis and treat inflammation, burns and frostbite.

In the end…

Useful properties of an amazingly tasty product and healing medicine - celery - can give you good he alth, excellent he alth and good mood, you just have to introduce it into your diet!
