Dental problems: causes and doctor's recommendations

Dental problems: causes and doctor's recommendations
Dental problems: causes and doctor's recommendations

It's nice to see a person with a snow-white smile, because the he alth of the oral cavity is an indicator of the state of the whole organism. Therefore, we are taught to care for her from early childhood. Despite this, many people face fairly common problems.

dental problems
dental problems

Oral he alth: 7 problems

As dentists with many years of practice note, the main problems with teeth are:

  • with the destruction of hard tissue - caries;
  • on the fly;
  • eroded;
  • curvature;
  • mechanical damage;
  • gum disease;
  • implanted constructs.

Let's talk about them in more detail.

Caries: occurrence and consequences

The word "caries" we often hear from TV screens. Almost every toothpaste advertisement claims that the disease must be fought, otherwise you can lose your dental he alth, and this is indeed a true statement. Our teeth are made of hard tissue that can break down over time. This happens under the influence of acid, which is formed duringthe use of sweet foods and foods containing starch components. Initially, destructive processes affect the enamel coating, then corrode the pulp. Infectious microorganisms, penetrating deep, cause pain, which is sometimes very difficult to endure.

problem with teeth
problem with teeth

Change in the he alth of teeth affected by caries is the most common problem today. Our diet has become dominated by foods high in sugar, and snacking only contributes to more formation of acid-producing bacteria. Although enamel has the ability to regenerate, but constant food residues slow down this process.

Cracked teeth are the most vulnerable places for acid accumulations, where bacteria form a white coating that gradually turns into stones. Dental problems, namely caries, cause discomfort in the oral cavity and contribute to the destruction of enamel.

What does plaque on teeth say?

The opinion that the color of the teeth should be snow-white, according to dentists, is erroneous. In nature, there are various shades of tooth enamel. It can be both snow-white and yellowish, and sometimes even gray. Some people notice a gradual darkening of the teeth, this is due to a change in the color of the dentin, not the enamel.

Dentine (translated from Latin - "tooth") - the main hard tissue with a thickness of up to 6 mm, supporting enamel. Darkening of the dentin from the inside indicates inflammatory processes. In most older people, darkening is characterized byage-related changes.

An excess of fluoride in toothpastes can cause white or brown spots. It is very important to monitor the he alth of your teeth, because even a change in their color has certain reasons. For example, brown spots indicate bleeding processes in the pulp area. Blood, accumulating in the dentin, leads to the death of the tooth.

Medications that also cause discoloration should be taken with caution. So, problems with teeth in children of preschool age can cause the use of "Tetracycline".

dental problems in children
dental problems in children

An unpleasant yellow coating may occur due to the frequent use of drinks with a coloring effect (coffee, tea, wine). Those who want to have the perfect color of their teeth should stop or at least reduce their consumption of these products.

Problems with milk teeth in children can occur at the neck, as this is where plaque accumulates. Its appearance is due to bacterial activity, but it is easily removed with a brush.

A brown coating is also formed among lovers of tobacco smoke. As a rule, smokers have an unpleasant shade of teeth.


The food we eat mostly does not harm our oral cavity, but there are still foods that can provoke the destruction of enamel. This includes foods and drinks that are high in acid. Abuse of citrus fruits, sweets, juices leads to dental diseases. Acid, falling on the surface, begins to destroytheir structure. This process is not due to the presence of bacteria in the mouth, it depends on the presence of excessive acidic compounds in the products, which, by causing dental problems, can deprive us of the opportunity to have a great smile.

causes of dental problems
causes of dental problems

Bruxism (grinding teeth at night) also contributes to wear and tear. The habit develops during stressful situations. Constant grinding wears away the enamel coating. Special devices are available for sale, by attaching which you can protect against erosion.

Shape distortion

Nature gives us milk teeth first, which are eventually replaced by permanent ones. In the practice of dentists, there are often cases of their abnormal growth. A problem with teeth in the form of curvature makes parents seek help from an orthodontist. As a rule, the most frequent patients of such specialists are children 11-12 years old. Molar teeth have already erupted in their mouths.

Sometimes the treatment of such a problem requires the removal of some teeth. Special braces that the doctor will install will help eliminate the causes of problems with teeth that are uneven. The period of wearing such structures is determined by the orthodontist, but, as a rule, the row is leveled in a year or two.

persistent dental problems
persistent dental problems

Mechanical damage

Often, destruction occurs as a result of an impact, when one or more teeth can break. Do not delay with a visit to the dentist, because problems with the teeth are urgent. Inflammatoryprocesses after an injury can bring not only pain, but also require removal of the debris.

The older we get, the more gum tissue wears out, the roots become more sensitive. An injured, loose tooth should not be constantly loosened. Problems with mechanically damaged teeth can only be solved by a doctor. He will determine the extent and severity of the injury and treatment options.

Gum disease

Plaque, inflammation, bleeding and swelling of the gums cause a variety of dental problems. The most common gum disease is gingivitis. This condition is foreseen by a negligent attitude to oral hygiene:

  • irregular dental care;
  • non-observance of a certain sequence of cleaning the organs of the oral cavity;
  • use of poor quality pastes and hygiene products.
problems with milk teeth in children
problems with milk teeth in children

With poor-quality removal of plaque, it hardens, gradually it turns into a stone, which is very difficult to remove on your own. Only a dentist will help to carry out such a manipulation, using special tools.

Permanent bleeding of the gums indicates the occurrence of periodontitis, when bacteria damage the place of the periosteum. The tooth is separated from the gum, and pathogenic bacteria and microbes penetrate into the resulting cavity. According to the statistics of the Dental Association, periodontitis is the most common disease of the oral cavity and is the cause of tooth loosening in people,who are not yet 40 years old.

Implanted constructs

Like any branch of medicine, dentistry does not stand still. The operation to install implants has become widespread and in demand. Such innovations allow you to restore the aesthetic appearance of the oral cavity, while not grinding and thus violating the structure of adjacent teeth.

problems with dental implants
problems with dental implants

However, possible problems with dental implants should be noted:

  • probability of suture divergence due to the negligent attitude of the patient himself in the postoperative period;
  • non-observance of hygiene rules for the care of implants;
  • failure to follow doctor's recommendations;
  • individual intolerance to a foreign body;
  • Later complications include peri-implantitis and implant rejection.

Moreover, both foreign body rejection and peri-implantitis can occur both in the lower and upper jaw and do not depend on the cost of the implant itself.

However, despite the expensive cost of the procedure, many strive to get a sparkling smile, the ability to calmly chew food. But complications after surgery directly depend not only on the doctor who performed the implantation, but also on the patient himself, his ability to care for a new smile and maintain a hygienic cleanliness of the oral cavity.

In case of problems, the help of a doctor is obligatory, because a foreign body can cause a violent reaction in the body, the outcome of which may not bethe benefit of the patient.
