Many people are familiar with such formations on the skin as papillomas. These small flesh-colored growths are not dangerous, but can cause psychological problems if they appear in a prominent place. After all, papillomas look unaesthetic, in addition, they can be injured by clothes. There are many ways to get rid of this problem now, from modern medicines to laser removal of growths. But many people still prefer the treatment of papillomas with folk remedies. Such therapy is inexpensive, in addition, many methods are absolutely safe. But before embarking on such treatment, it is still necessary to consult a doctor, since similar growths can form with other diseases.
Human papillomavirus
Treatment with folk remedies for various diseases is quite popular. Even many doctors recognize the effectiveness of herbs as part of complex therapy. But papillomas are caused by a virus, so you won’t be able to completely get rid of them. It is believed that about 80% of people are infected with it. However, not allit appears outwardly. This happens with a decrease in immunity, various chronic diseases, insufficient intake of nutrients, or in the presence of bad habits. Because of this, papillomas appear on the skin and mucous membranes. Treatment with folk remedies will be effective if the viral origin of such growths is taken into account. After all, there is no point in fighting only external symptoms, they will appear again.
Papillomas are small flesh-colored growths. They appear on the skin or mucous membranes. Most often, the neck, face, armpits, back, and arms are affected. But they can appear on the eyelids, in the mouth, on the genitals. The size of papillomas usually ranges from 0.2 to 15 mm. The growths most often do not differ in color from the skin, but can be darker. They are not dangerous to he alth, but often cause psychological discomfort, especially if they appear in a conspicuous place. Therefore, the treatment of papillomas with folk remedies in women is especially important. After all, when ugly growths appear on the neck or face, you want to get rid of them faster. Moreover, they are often injured and can lead to bleeding or infection.

How to get rid of papillomas
There are many drugs for the treatment of this pathology. Many of them are available to everyone in pharmacies, others can be ordered online. There are also effective ways to get rid of papillomas used in medical institutions or a beauty salon. This can be freezing them with liquid nitrogen, cauterizing with a laser, or removingsurgically.
But not everyone decides on such procedures, especially since they may have contraindications or leave scars. Therefore, many prefer the treatment of papillomas with folk remedies at home. This is also effective, but first you need to consult a doctor. After all, such growths can be a symptom of other pathologies. For example, it is not recommended to touch moles, as this can provoke the development of a tumor.

Features of the use of folk remedies
In recent years, more and more people are learning about what papillomavirus is. Treatment with folk remedies for many becomes the only way to get rid of ugly growths. It is believed that they are safer and do not require large material costs. But there are also disadvantages to using such means.
If the papillomas are not removed correctly, the wound may become infected or severe bleeding may occur. In addition, some folk methods can lead to the formation of scars or age spots. It is not recommended to cut off papillomas or use other similar aggressive methods. After all, this can lead to their degeneration into a malignant tumor. It is also impossible to use folk remedies for the treatment of papillomas on the mucous membranes of the mouth, genitals, eyelids, lips. And the main condition for such therapy is a mandatory consultation with a doctor.

Internal treatment of papillomas
If such growths appear on the skin, this indicatesthat a person has a weakened immune system. After all, the papillomavirus itself is present in the body of many people, but it may never manifest itself. Therefore, in order to prevent the appearance of growths, you need to strengthen the immune system.
- The most effective remedy for this is a remedy made from grated carrots and beets, chopped walnuts, lemon juice and olive oil.
- Potato juice is good for papillomas. It effectively destroys infections, cleanses the body. It is best to use red potatoes for its preparation. You need to peel it from the eyes, grate it and squeeze out the juice. You need to drink it in half a glass in the morning and in the evening half an hour before meals. The course of treatment is 2 months.
- Effectively strengthens the immune system and prevents the appearance of new growths regular use of tinctures of echinacea, rose hips, decoctions of plantain, horsetail, nettle.
- It is recommended to brew such a collection of herbs for oral administration: mix tricolor violet, wormwood, St. John's wort, dill seeds, calamus roots, plantain and clover flowers. Brew a tablespoon of the collection with a glass of boiling water and take 100 ml 2 times a day.

Effective ways
Together with the internal treatment of the papillomavirus, you need to get rid of its manifestation - skin growths. There are some of the most effective folk remedies for treating papillomas.
- At the initial stage, when the growth has just appeared, you can quickly get rid of it with the help of a chicken egg. You need to break it, pour out all the contents. On thethe inner walls of the shell will remain a film that needs to be lubricated with papilloma. Moreover, when the protein on it dries, apply another layer. Repeat this for several days until the papilloma falls off.
- One of the most effective folk remedies for treating papillomas is walnut and kerosene ointment. It is necessary to twist green nuts in a meat grinder. Then take a 2/3 liter jar of this mass, fill it to the top with purified kerosene. You need to insist the mass for 3 weeks, then strain. Store the extract in an opaque container in the refrigerator. Lubricate papillomas 1-2 times a day.
- Not so effective, but a very simple remedy is a banana peel. It is necessary to lubricate it with the inner surface of the papilloma 5-6 times a day. This treatment will only work after 1-2 weeks.
- Grate garlic and mix with flour. The mass is applied to the papilloma for 3 hours.

Use of celandine
Many successfully use folk remedies for the treatment of papillomas. The most effective of them is celandine. It can be used in different forms: as a tincture, decoction, oil extract or fresh juice. But it should be borne in mind that celandine is a poisonous plant, if used incorrectly, it can lead to skin irritation or even burns. In addition, it may be an allergic reaction. Therefore, you must carefully follow the instructions for the use of celandine and monitor the dosage and duration of the drugs. Before applying such products, the skin around the papilloma should be lubricated with a greasy cream or sealedband-aids.
- The most effective method is celandine juice. From a fresh plant, you need to squeeze the juice, then evaporate it to get a thick liquid. They need to lubricate papillomas 3-4 times a day.
- You can also use a simpler method - lubricate the papilloma with saliva, and on top with fresh celandine juice. Then stick with a plaster.
- You can make enemas from the infusion of celandine. They cleanse the intestines well and help strengthen the immune system. 50 g of chopped herbs are poured into 500 ml of boiling water and infused for several hours. Then it is filtered and used for microclysters. Previously, the intestines are cleaned with a regular enema. The infusion is kept in the intestines for about 30 minutes. Before using this method, you must first consult with your doctor, as there are contraindications.

Oils from papillomas
Now you can buy a variety of essential oils on sale. The necessary healing compositions can also be prepared independently by insisting herbs in olive oil. But only a few remedies have a therapeutic effect on papillomas:
- castor oil is effective when applied to a growth and covered with a band-aid;
- effectively destroys any viruses, including papillomavirus, tea tree oil, which is applied only to the growth;
- you can lubricate papillomas with lemon oil twice a day;
- eucalyptus oil should be applied to the growths before going to bed.
Using herbs
The main folk remedies for the treatment of human papilloma are medicinalplants. In addition to celandine, there are several other herbs that help get rid of growths. The main thing is to choose a recipe so that there is no allergic reaction to it.
- Take a leaf from an old aloe bush (over 5 years old), cut it lengthwise and attach it with the inside to the papilloma. Strengthen with a plaster or bandage for 4 hours. Repeat 10 days.
- Kalanchoe pinnate leaves have a similar effect. Just keep it on the papilloma for 8-10 hours, for example, all night.
- Tightly place yellow dandelion flowers in a jar and fill with cologne. After insisting for 2 weeks, the medicine for lubricating papillomas is ready.
- Mugwort can be used in summer. Its fresh juice should be lubricated with growths 5-10 times a day.

Pharmacy products
Despite the fact that many modern drugs for the treatment of the papillomavirus have appeared on the market, cheaper pharmacy products are very popular. They have been tested by many people and have proven their effectiveness and safety over the years. Papillomas can be lubricated with such means:
- ammonia;
- mixture of alcohol, boric acid, aspirin and iodine;
- effective hydrogen peroxide, in which vinegar and lemon juice are added;
- you can also buy a lapis pencil at the pharmacy, which burns the growths.
Non-standard methods
There are many popular ways to treat papillomas. Some of them are non-standard and can sometimes seem silly. However, they are transmitted fromgeneration after generation and have already helped many. And to use them or not, it is up to each person to decide. But still, you need to reasonably approach treatment, taking into account possible serious consequences. Those who have already tried all the methods can try to get rid of papillomas using non-standard methods.
- It is recommended to apply a dry cotton swab to the growth and bandage it. You need to walk like this for 2-3 weeks until the papilloma falls off. You need to remove the fleece only for the time of bathing, then tie a new one.
- It is also recommended to lubricate papillomas with your own saliva. But it is effective only in the morning on an empty stomach.
- Some people get rid of growths with ordinary stationery tape. It is glued on and not removed for several days. True, the adhesive from the tape can cause skin irritation.
- Some believe that papillomas lend themselves to conspiracies.
- In the villages, the method of removing papillomas with potatoes is often used. It is cut in half, with the inside you need to rub the growth. Then connect the halves together, tie with red thread and bury.
Treatment of papillomas with folk remedies: reviews
Everyone gets rid of such growths as best he can. It is rare to see a doctor with such a problem. Moreover, there are many effective and time-tested folk remedies for the treatment of papillomas. And in recent years, new drugs have also appeared. But most of all positive reviews about celandine and other herbs. They are easy to use, especially for those who live in rural areas. Although now any herbs can be bought inpharmacy. Many successfully remove papillomas with tea tree oil, lapis pencil, and even cut potatoes. The main thing is to act on the virus from the inside, then the treatment will be effective.