Woodlouse is widely used in folk medicine, cosmetology, and diets. She has established herself as an analgesic, decongestant, hemostatic, sedative. In the article, we will consider the features of woodlice grass (photo below) and some ways to use it.

What is useful grass
Grass wood lice grows in almost all regions of Russia. Most often, she likes to settle in vegetable gardens, heaps of garbage, in gardens and in damp clearings. Characteristic external features of this herb include leaves, shaped like pointed eggs, and small white flowers that are star-shaped. Hence its scientific name - medium chickweed.
As the name implies, this plant remains always raw even in the dry season. Experienced summer residents do not eliminate it like an ordinary weed, but use it as mulch.
In addition, woodlice can serve people as a meteorologist. This grass can tell when it will rain.
Grass also has certain benefits for poultry. When hens eat it, they lay more eggs.
Bat some point, healers began to pay attention to wood lice, and then scientists, who discovered in this plant many substances that positively affect the human body.

Healing properties of the herb woodlice
The following useful properties are attributed to Mokritsa. Her:
- Relieves pain.
- Combats inflammation.
- Calming.
- Has an expectorant effect.
- Stops bleeding.
- Excretes bile.
Grass wood lice is able to supply the body with various kinds of vitamins and minerals. Woodlice are useful in a number of human diseases, namely:
- Strengthens the immune system.
- Helps in the treatment of colds, pneumonia, bronchitis and other lung diseases.
- Pain relief for bruises, sprains, sprains, arthritis and rheumatism.
- Increases hemoglobin.
- Struggles with prostration.
- Good for the heart, reduces heart pain.
- Useful for kidney diseases.
- Eliminates cramps and stomach pain, treats flatulence, hemorrhoids and constipation.
Also, the herb woodlice helps with skin diseases and raises the level of lactation in nursing mothers.
Process Rules
For medical purposes and for food, parts of woodlice grass (photos are presented in the article) growing above the ground are used. Namely:
- flowers;
- stem;
- leaves.
The greatest amount of useful substances is, of course, in fresh grass. To use it infor medicinal purposes or for food, simply cut and rinse. Mokritsa can be dried for the winter. So it will retain all the useful properties.
The best time to harvest this herb is May. At this time, it is especially tender and juicy. Grass cutting is best done in the morning after the dew has dried.
Store the collected grass in a well-ventilated place, in the shade. After the grass dries, it can be laid out in paper or fabric bags. This way it can be successfully stored for approximately 9 months.

Contraindications and side effects
Woodlouse has one drawback - it lowers blood pressure. For this reason, it should not be taken by hypotensive patients. It is also worth being vigilant for people with individual intolerance to wood lice.
Grass woodlice is contraindicated for the treatment of young children, it is the strongest allergen.
However, it is worth remembering the difference between stellaria medium and other herbs of this kind: Stellaria gramīnea, Stellaria holóstea, Stellaria holostea. They are dangerous because of the poison they contain and differ from woodlice in the structure of the leaves.
Also, an alcohol infusion of this herb can also cause harm in the treatment of stomach ulcers. Woodlice can also be dangerous if grown and collected near the road. She absorbed harmful substances: toxins and heavy metals. Therefore, the best option would be to prepare medicinal potions from grass grown in ecologically clean areas.
Use in diets
Due to its useful propertieswoodlouse grass has found its application in cooking, as it is a good source of many vitamins and minerals. It is included in vitamin salads, borscht for vegetarians, some drinks and even fillings for pies. Here is an approximate composition of vitamin salads:
- Fresh grass, boiled chicken egg, green onion, sour cream and s alt. Grass with egg and onion is finely chopped, mixed, poured over with sour cream and seasoned with s alt.
- 100 grams of woodlice herb and 100 grams of fresh beet leaves finely chopped, mixed with a small amount of dill, green onions, parsley, red onion, two boiled eggs, also chopped. Add sour cream and a little s alt.
- Stir, after cutting, fresh grass leaves, one boiled egg and a few green onion feathers. After that, you need to add s alt and pour sour cream over the salad.

Use in traditional medicine
The healing properties of the herb woodlice have found their application in folk medicine.
Infusions, decoctions and juices are made from this herb. All this can be used for both internal and external use. There are many medicinal recipes using wood lice. Examples include:
- Calming decoction. Two tablespoons of woodlice are poured with hot water in an amount of 200 ml, boiled for 10 minutes, allowed to cool and the solution is filtered after half an hour. Consume 1/4 cup three times a week before meals.
- Juice to increase appetite. Grind grass in a blenderand squeeze the juice out of it. 3 - 4 times a day, use one teaspoon, adding honey.
- If your joints hurt and swell. Do a compress with wood lice juice on problem areas four times a day.
- To fight back pain. Place fresh woodlice in a 3 liter jar, pour 500 ml of vodka and top up with hot water to the brim. Insist for 3 weeks, then strain. Drink before lunch once a day for three weeks.

Use in cosmetology
Useful properties of the herb woodlice allow you to effectively use it for skin care in the form of compresses, baths or masks. It has a moisturizing, healing and rejuvenating effect. Just a few procedures - and tired skin becomes soft and velvety, as if glowing from the inside.
The following recipes are especially popular:
- Mask for rejuvenation. Mix 30 grams of woodlice leaves, 4 tablespoons of cream and 4 tablespoons of honey. Keep the mask on your face for 15 minutes, then rinse with warm water.
- From acne, wash your face with a decoction of woodlice daily.
- Bath with woodlice. 500 g of fresh herbs, cut into small pieces, brew with a liter of hot water, cover with a lid. Insist for 20-25 minutes. Then strain and add the decoction to the bathing water. Take a bath for 20 minutes.

It can be said that the herb wood lice is widely used in folk medicine. Its medicinal properties make it possible to relieve pain in the joints,restore appetite, keep skin toned. And the vitamins in its composition compensate for the lack of useful elements to maintain the he alth of the whole organism.