Missing grass (hernia, chickweed) is not described in all reference books. However, this weed, which bothers many gardeners, can be of great benefit in getting rid of various systemic diseases.

The biting herb has analgesic and wound-healing properties. This plant has long been used by folk healers to eliminate cardiac pathologies and inflammatory processes. Chickweed is also known for its hemostatic, wound healing and milk-producing properties.
The healing power of biting grass lies in the unique formula of its biological composition. The main active ingredients that are the active components of the plant are saponins and alkaloids, as well as potassium and chlorine. The herb is rich in zinc and phosphorus, copper and sodium, chromium and molybdenum, manganese and lithium. The plant contains vitamins K, E, group B, as well as carotene.

Mushroom-grass is an excellent herbal remedy used to get rid of foci of inflammation in the bladder and kidneys. The powerful healing power of the plant is especially brightmanifests itself in the elimination of vision problems. Chickweed is used to normalize the level of hemoglobin in the blood, as well as to eliminate tumor growths.
Mokrets-grass, the beneficial properties of which have long been noticed by herbalists, can activate expectorant processes and soften the throat. In this regard, a medicinal plant is recommended in the treatment of cough and bronchitis, pulmonary pathologies and pleurisy, as well as colds. Folk healers actively use chickweed for enterocolitis and hepatitis. Grass-lice, the treatment of which allows you to get a wonderful result in ulcers of the skin, as well as rashes and wounds, is successfully used for external application to the foci of pathological processes.
In addition to all of the above, biting grass is a diuretic and mild laxative. This should be taken into account when purchasing a medicinal plant. Starch is a reliable assistant for the myocardial muscle. It relieves pain syndromes and stabilizes the work of the heart.
Europe's herbalists treat rheumatism and itchy skin with biting midge. For its high medicinal value, chickweed is listed in the British Herbal National Pharmacopoeia.

The main drug from biting grass is a water infusion. It is made from the stems and leaves of the plant. It is recommended to bury the eyes with a solution of stellate to restore visual acuity and eliminate clouding of the cornea, as well as the lens. Simultaneously with this procedure, an internal intake of infusion is necessary. Thethe recipe is used to get rid of cataracts, which was a consequence of the development of diabetes. To strengthen the mucous membrane and eliminate burning sensation with infusion, it is recommended to rinse the eyes.
A solution of chickweed is also useful for nursing mothers. It improves milk flow. And puffiness of the mammary glands is well eliminated by compresses using a healing infusion. Taking a medicine from a medicinal plant calms the nervous system. The same therapy simultaneously helps to purify the blood and normalize the functioning of internal organs.
Alcohol tincture of biting biting gives a good effect in getting rid of chronic gastritis, pain syndromes in the intestines and stomach, as well as in case of poisoning. Therapeutic baths with infusion of a medicinal plant are excellent for joint pathologies. Taking them can also relieve muscle pain.
You should not use herbal medicine for hypotension and during pregnancy. In the manufacture of medicinal potions from a plant grown on calcareous soils, the risk of developing allergic reactions of the body increases sharply. This should be taken into account when collecting raw materials.