Cognac with honey: rules of use, mixing proportions and useful properties

Cognac with honey: rules of use, mixing proportions and useful properties
Cognac with honey: rules of use, mixing proportions and useful properties

There are quite a few recipes for colds, which include cognac. Despite the fact that doctors are very skeptical about this method of treatment, cognac with honey has helped many people get rid of coughs, runny noses, sore throats and even inflammation of the genitourinary system. Consider how to prepare a medicinal drink. We offer several time-tested recipes.

Benefits of cognac

Cognac on honey recipe
Cognac on honey recipe

A quality drink, consumed in moderation, can bring enormous benefits to human he alth. It has quite powerful vasodilating properties, thanks to which the headache disappears, blood circulation improves and the supply of nutrients to all organs. In addition, it is a good remedy for insomnia, allowing you to reduce nervous tension. With its help, restore peace of mind and get rid of depression.

Real cognac contains a lot of useful components that were obtained fromgrapes and oak while cooking. This alcoholic drink perfectly stimulates the immune system and improves he alth. Cognac in small doses is recommended to use as an aperitif. It allows a person to recover quickly enough after a long illness. It also relieves pain in joint pain.

Action during a cold

This drink acts on the body as a diaphoretic. Even doctors talk about the benefits of honey with cognac. After a sick person drinks cognac, he immediately feels a surge of warmth. After a while, he starts to sweat. This results in the removal of toxins from the body. In addition, this drink has bactericidal properties and perfectly fights the pathogenic microflora of the stomach. To enhance the effect, cognac is usually mixed with lemon juice, honey, berries, and spices. Also, its important quality is that it anesthetizes an irritated throat with a cold and acts in the oral cavity as a bactericidal agent.

Contraindications for use

But not every person will be treated with cognac. For example, if a patient has hypertension, then alcohol-containing products can harm him. In addition, cognac is not treated during pregnancy, especially in the first and last trimesters. Also, it should not be used by people with diabetes. If a person takes antibiotics, then cognac therapy will not work for him.

It should also be taken into account that during treatment, any alcoholic beverages are consumed in very limited quantities. They cannot be used uncontrollably. Otherwise, instead of benefit, you can get harm. The patient will not only worsen his condition and delay the recovery process for an indefinite time, but will also get new problems. The fact is that during this period the body is extremely weakened, and the work of the liver is aimed at combating toxins released by microbes. Therefore, it is extremely unreasonable to load internal organs with alcohol-containing products.

What can be added to cognac

Cognac lemon honey recipe
Cognac lemon honey recipe

In the treatment of colds, the following products are added to this drink:

  • Cognac with black ground pepper proved to be excellent. In an ordinary glass intended for this drink, pour about a quarter of a teaspoon of pepper from a bag. The patient feels the heat which this remedy causes. The fact is that pepper also has vasodilating properties. In addition, it contains a lot of vitamin C.
  • At the first sign of a cold, you can make black tea and add no more than ten grams of cognac to it. You cannot use coffee instead of tea, as this drink does not have the necessary healing components that are present in tea.
  • Cognac with honey along with aloe proved to be good for coughing. This plant has powerful immune-boosting properties and is used in many traditional medicine recipes. Juice is squeezed out of a thick sheet through gauze and added to cognac. Drink the resulting mixture in an amount not exceeding ten or fifteen grams, and no more than twice a
  • You can use cognac with milk in the treatment of sore throats, rhinitis and bronchitis. To prepare the composition, you will need half a glass of milk, a small amount of honey and ten grams of cognac. The mixture is heated over low heat until the honey dissolves. Doctors advise drinking this remedy before going to bed.

You can use cognac with honey and lemon juice. In addition, traditional healers advise preparing this drink with other components that have anti-inflammatory properties.

Industrial cognacs with honey

In the store you can find alcoholic beverages with honey. For example, cognac with honey "Jivan", which is produced in Armenia, has proven itself to be excellent. According to connoisseurs, the aroma of this drink has shades of chocolate and vanilla. It is recommended to use it with coffee. Cognac "Jeevan" has a pleasant amber hue, which is very popular with customers.

There is another popular alcoholic drink of domestic production - Elder cognac with honey. According to buyers, it has a fairly mild taste and honey aroma. The disadvantages of this cognac include a sweet, slightly sugary aftertaste and a pungent smell of alcohol when opening the bottle.

Honey with cognac benefits
Honey with cognac benefits

Cognac for coughing

It can be used in its pure form without adding any components. For example, some users advise at the first sign of a cold or after severe hypothermia to simply drink no more than fifty milliliters of cognac before going to bed and go to bed. In the reviews theynote that the drink perfectly warms and causes sweating, due to which toxins are excreted through the skin and in the urine. However, the greatest effect is obtained if you mix cognac with lemon, ginger or honey.

If for some reason it is impossible to drink pure cognac with additives, then you can make weakly brewed black tea and add a mixture of cognac with various components to it. This option is suitable even for those people who have any diseases of the internal organs. It should be borne in mind that the product must be of exceptionally good quality. For example, you can use Elder with Honey cognac. Otherwise, instead of recovery, the patient will get new problems in the form of headaches and nausea. It is not recommended to drink the medicine in one gulp. The best option would be metered intake in small sips.

Warm cognac with honey

To prepare a medicine, an alcoholic drink is heated to a temperature of sixty degrees. It is recommended to use a water bath. It is made quite simply: the drink is poured into a glass jar and placed in a pot of water. Next, the pan is sent to the oven and heated over low heat. The heated drink is poured into a cup and a teaspoon of honey is added. You can also use ready-made cognac "Jivan with honey". It is advisable to use lemon as a bite, not mixing with a drink. The resulting composition tends to lower body temperature and significantly improve the patient's well-being.

Cognac with cough honey
Cognac with cough honey

With walnuts

Tincturewalnuts on cognac helps to cope with even the most protracted and chronic cough. To prepare it, several peeled kernels are crushed, put in a glass jar and poured with an alcoholic drink. The composition must be infused for at least twenty-four hours. After cooking, the nuts are not removed, but eaten with a spoon, washed down with cognac. Thanks to walnuts, the healing process is noticeably accelerated. They contain a large amount of vitamin A, which promotes the healing of damaged tissues of internal organs. If desired, a small amount of honey can also be added to the composition.

With pepper and honey

The recipe, in which cognac is mixed not only with honey, but with red hot pepper, has proved to be excellent. The proportion of cooking will be approximately as follows: for one standard glass of cognac (no more than 50 milliliters), you will need a full teaspoon of honey and red hot pepper on the tip of a knife. The components are thoroughly mixed and drunk in one gulp.

Cognac with milk

Homemade cognac with honey
Homemade cognac with honey

This recipe uses only one tablespoon of cognac for one glass of warmed milk. After the components are mixed, the drink is drunk in small sips. A small amount of honey is also added to the composition. Like other products with cognac, it is recommended to use it at night. Warm milk has a mild hypnotic property, perfectly soothes and relaxes. As a rule, after this remedy, the patient sleeps soundly enough and hardly wakes up in the middle of the night to clear his throat.

Bdepending on the intensity of the disease, the composition can be used during the day, but not more than twice a day. This is a fairly high-calorie drink that will give strength to the patient and support a weakened body.

With honey and black tea

How to make cognac with honey for colds
How to make cognac with honey for colds

There are many recipes for cognac with lemon and honey. This uses high quality black tea. It shouldn't be too strong. Half a teaspoon of tea leaves for a cup of boiling water is enough. Next, a small amount of cognac, honey and a slice of lemon are added to the glass. The remedy is drunk in small sips, seizing with lemon. Keep in mind that honey should not be added to a hot drink. It contains biologically active substances that are destroyed by high temperature.

Cold Prevention

With the help of cognac, you can protect yourself from acute respiratory infections. Experts advise using the following cognac recipe with honey. As soon as a person feels that he is ill, he should drink a warming drink. To do this, cognac with honey is added to hot black tea. The resulting mixture is drunk in small sips so as not to burn yourself. Many users in their reviews advise taking off excess clothing before taking such a medicine. This is done in order to make it easier to tolerate sweating. Under the influence of cognac, blood vessels expand, blood circulation improves. Thus, the person is warmed, and his organs receive sufficient nutrition.

Thanks to the alcohol contained in cognac, the beneficial components of honey and lemon are muchmore actively penetrate through the walls of the stomach into the blood. As a result, the body receives a sufficient amount of vitamin C, which stimulates the immune system. Doctors advise using black tea when preparing the medicine. It contains tannins that will help protect against colds.

Homemade he alth drink

Cognac "Elder" with honey
Cognac "Elder" with honey

How to make cognac with honey for colds at home? This drink is made on the basis of moonshine with the addition of oak bark or wood chips. After the moonshine is completely cleaned and ready for use, crushed oak bark and honey are added to its composition. The ratio of components is taken arbitrarily, depending on taste. Next, a container with homemade cognac is sent to infuse in a dark, warm place for one week. The mixture is periodically taken out and shaken. After the prescribed time, homemade cognac with honey is filtered through double gauze and consumed in the amount of 50 milliliters two to three times a day.

This drink will help to avoid colds, flu, sore throats and other unpleasant diseases that most often attack a person in winter and in the off-season. Doctors warn that cognac with honey and lemon should be treated as a medicine. Uncontrolled intake will lead to undesirable results, and instead of strengthening immunity, it will weaken it.
