Shipitsu can hardly be called a truly serious disease, but its treatment has a place to be. This ailment brings more emotional discomfort than physical ailments. A thorn, in fact, is a common wart that often occurs on the body of adults and children. Outwardly, it looks far from attractive, which negatively affects a person’s self-esteem. If such a wart occurs in places with increased exposure to other objects, then it can also bring physical inconvenience.
Quite often, a spike is formed on the feet, which is very painful, especially in cases where a person needs to be in a standing position for a long time. It is worth noting that in the process of friction of such a neoplasm, it can rapidly progress and increase in size, which can even lead to a deterioration in overall well-being. In the people, the treatment of thorns is simply called - the elimination of a plantar wart or on the palms.

Causes of appearance and progression
The main reason for the formation of spines on the body are certain types of papillomavirus. They can be very different, so warts have several varieties. Also, this disease can be transmitted from one person to another through contact in everyday life, for example, if people use the same cutlery. Therefore, it is recommended to exclude contact with a person who suffers from such an ailment as a spine.
Factors influencing the progression of spinal cord:
- Physical and emotional stress, injuries.
- Weakened body immunity.
- Uncomfortable shoes or shoes that don't fit.
- Excessive sweating of the extremities.
In some cases, the period of occurrence of such warts can take several months, so the person may not suspect that he needs treatment for the spinal cord. It is worth noting that this virus may have a latent form in which it can stay for up to several years and not manifest itself with such an obvious symptom as a wart. In most cases, this disease affects people with weak immunity. After too stressful situations or injuries, the activation of the virus is also possible and its manifestation in the form of a spinal cord or warts.
Spikes have several varieties, the main distinguishing feature of which is the place where the wart appears. Formations can appear on such parts of the body as the heels, palms, toes and even the face. In most cases, they occur on the legs and arms,because it is the limbs that are in constant motion. In the process of movement, the legs take an active part, which affects the development of the spine, the treatment of which should be immediate. Hands and palms also often suffer from such neoplasms, since these parts of the body are actively involved in many types of human activities. Official medicine claims that the most common areas for warts are the palms, fingers and toes, feet and the limbs themselves.

External Features
Outwardly, the spike does not differ much from the usual callus, however, in addition to the horny mass, this neoplasm also contains filiform papillae surrounded by a roller of horny cells. The shape of the spine is a bit like a nodule, and sometimes there are deep species that have a crater in the center. After removal of the middle part of the wart, a surface remains on which the next neoplasm may appear in the future. Therefore, in some cases it can be very difficult to perform a complete home treatment for a spinal cord.
Initially, one wart appears on the skin, and over time, other neoplasms, which leads to the appearance of a cluster that is very difficult to treat. Therefore, such an ailment is often compared with herpes, which progresses just as chaotically. There are cases when several warts grow together into one large formation. This phenomenon occurs in people with excessive sweating or with improper personal hygiene. It is dirtcan cause the appearance and development of warts.

Symptoms of disease
Despite the fact that the thorn is similar to ordinary corns, it has slightly different symptoms and brings a person much more discomfort. The main distinguishing feature of the spine is a sharp pain, which is felt even with slight contact of the neoplasm with other objects or parts of the body. For example, if such a wart appears on the leg, then the pain appears with any movement, especially with a step. Therefore, if you feel a sharp pain when pressing on the neoplasm, think about treating the spinal cord at home or consult a specialist.
It is quite difficult to completely get rid of this disease, so the pain disappears gradually, very slowly. This is due to the fact that the roots of such a wart are able to reach the deepest layers of the skin, up to fixing on the muscle tissue. Therefore, even after successful removal of the “head” of the neoplasm, a new one may appear in the same place.
Treatment of disease
In order for the treatment of a spike between the toes or on some part of the body to be successful, it is necessary to remove the neoplasm completely, along with the root. The elimination of this disease is recommended to be carried out with the help of a qualified specialist in a medical institution. Surgeons and dermatologists are involved in the treatment of such ailments.
Today, there are several methods of treating spines (a photo of one of them is presented below). Basic treatments:
- Freeze.
- Radio waves.
- Laser exposure.
- Acid.
- Electrocoagulation.
- Surgical intervention with a scalpel.

Seek help from a doctor, your wart will be examined and the stage of development of this pathology will be determined. In most cases, the main neoplasm is determined, on which the "life" of the remaining warts depends. In the surgical treatment option, the patient is prescribed pharmacological agents aimed at getting rid of the cause of this disease. Despite the fact that the treatment of foot spikes at home is a fairly common topic in the media, it is not recommended to perform the removal of this neoplasm on your own.
Today, there are many methods of treatment and causes of spiny hands, but in most cases, the removal of this neoplasm is accompanied by a decrease in the amount of sweat released on the palms and legs. Since it is he who is considered the ideal habitat for a wide variety of bacteria.

Treatment recommendations
Many parents practice the treatment of a child's foot spikes on their own, but the rules are the same for all - both in the case of adults and in children, the removal of neoplasms should be performed under the supervision of a specialist. This is a very strong virus that can lead to the development of serious diseases, including skin cancer. Its treatment at home increases the risk of epidermal disruption due tousing too strong means. In the case of mechanical treatment of this disease, one can only provoke its progression, which will cause the appearance of malignant neoplasms.
Medicated treatment
To date, the most common medical treatment for warts is freezing with liquid nitrogen. This method is absolutely painless and not dangerous. It leaves no scars or scars.
Laser removal is also an effective and painless method. In the vast majority of cases, the expected result appears after the first procedure. However, in the later stages of the development of this disease, additional measures may be necessary.

Folk treatments
While we know the causes of the thorn, the treatment may differ in each case, as it depends on the stage of development of this ailment. However, there are some of the most common folk treatments:
- Regular rubbing of the neoplasm with fresh cement. Often this method is used in the treatment of thorns on the finger at home. After the mixture dries, a new layer is applied.
- Celandine juice is also an effective remedy for thorns. This procedure must be repeated until the neoplasm darkens almost to black.
- Crushed nettle leaves are placed in a rag, which is wrapped around the wart. It is also a common treatment for suchneoplasms on the body.
- Grated raw potato poultice is a popular folk remedy for the treatment of thorns.
- Cauterization of a wart with vinegar or propolis tincture.
- Crushed onion compress combined with table vinegar.
Although the above are common treatments for thrush on the hands and other parts of the body, they should only be used after a doctor's examination and permission.

Remedy for horseradish spike
Before using this remedy for the treatment of neoplasms, you need to strongly steam out their location. After that, grated horseradish is taken and applied to the wart, then wrapped with a film in order to preserve the original properties of the plant for a long time. The location of the spike is bandaged and covered with a cloth (sock, if it is a leg). Such compresses are done daily at night until the disease disappears completely.
Vinegar and onion treatment
To prepare this remedy, you need to peel the onion and grate it on a fine grater. After that, vinegar is added to the resulting consistency - on this the compress is ready. A plaster with a hole under the formation is glued to the location of the spine, on which a compress is applied. The tool is sealed with a whole patch. Such procedures should be repeated every night no more than 3 times.

Potato against neoplasms on the body
The preparation of this remedy for thorns begins with rubbing raw potatoeson a grater. Two teaspoons of the resulting mixture are applied to a cotton pad, which is applied to the affected area and wrapped with a bandage. Such compresses are applied morning and night for several weeks, until the spine is completely removed.
Nettle remedy
For this remedy, you must use nettle, which does not burn the skin. The plant must be cut in such a way that it turns into a slurry, which is subsequently superimposed on a skin area with a spike. The compress should be closed with a leaf of burdock and wrapped with a cloth or put on a sock in the case of a leg. By doing this procedure before going to bed, in the morning you can remove all rough skin along with the wart.
Today, spiny is a fairly common occurrence, so a huge number of people seek help from the clinic with this disease. You should contact a he althcare facility immediately if you notice:
- Accelerated progression of the wart.
- The appearance of a suspicious neoplasm on the body.
- The transition of several warts into one formation.
Remember that the timely diagnosis of this disease will allow you to start its treatment in time and save you a lot of inconvenience.
Prevention recommendations:
- Strict adherence to generally accepted rules of personal hygiene.
- Proper care of the skin of the limbs, in particular the palms and feet.
- Protect skin from injury.
- No contact with objects in public places.

The prevention of thorns is shown to all people who are in constant motion, which contributes to increased sweating.