Holidays, parties, birthdays are most often accompanied by alcohol. Events are fun, but in the morning there is no trace of a pleasant evening. Signs of a hangover fully pile on a person, not allowing him to feel he althy. A home first aid kit will certainly come to the rescue, but it is important to understand what can and cannot be used. Is it possible to analgin with a hangover? Let's figure it out.
What causes a hangover
Hangover is a well-known condition, especially after a noisy party. Every time we're hungover, we promise ourselves not to drink again, but keeping our word is not always possible and not for everyone.

The main signs of an undesirable condition are as follows:
- Headache of varying intensity.
- Dizziness attacks.
- Feeling of dry mouth.
- Loss of appetite due to bouts of nausea.
- Aches all over the body and joints.
- General state of irritability.
- Tremor in limbs, trembling.
- Sleep disturbance.
- Temporary depression.
- Increased blood pressure.
- Failure in the rhythm of the heart.
All of the above symptoms can manifest themselves with varying degrees of severity, much in this matter depends on the general he alth of the person and, of course, on the amount of alcohol consumed the day before.
It is not at all necessary that the entire list will pile up in the morning after the party, but it is difficult to avoid feeling unwell. Alcohol is excreted from the body for a long time, so the next morning after excessive alcohol consumption, intoxication is almost inevitable.
Taking analgesics for a hangover
It is known that analgesics help relieve some of the symptoms of a hangover. First of all, they have an analgesic effect, relieving headaches, which often become the main obstacle to normal well-being. Aspirin and analgin are considered the most common remedies in a regular home first aid kit.
How do aspirin or analgin work with a hangover? It is important that both of these agents do not affect the water-s alt balance of the human body. Analgin is available in the form of tablets and solution for injection; at home, the tablet form of the drug can be found in almost everyone. This is the drug used to eliminate the symptoms of a hangover.
Aspirin is also available in tablet form, as well as dissolvable effervescent tablets, which act faster due to the speed of absorption but are also more expensive.

Analgin with a hangover may not help in all cases, a lot depends on natureheadache. Before increasing the dose of the drug, you must read the instructions. It is important that an analgin tablet should be washed down with plenty of plain water (it is not recommended to use juices, tea, coffee or mineral water).
Contraindications to taking analgin
Like any other drug, analgin has contraindications for use. So, in what cases is analgin with a hangover possible, and in which it is recommended to abstain?
Main contraindications:
- Have chronic liver or kidney problems.
- There are circulatory disorders or other blood disorders.
- Aspirin asthma.
- Anemia.
- Individual intolerance to the drug.
- For women, periods of pregnancy and lactation are an important limitation.
Before grabbing analgin for a hangover, you need to make sure that the expiration date of the drug is in order and familiarize yourself with the correct dosage. Otherwise, the desired result will not be achieved, and the adverse load on the body will only increase.
Alcohol and analgin
Can analgin with a hangover? Yes, if there are no indicated contraindications, and the state of he alth requires help at this difficult moment.

Doctors at the same time pay attention to the fact that it is contraindicated to use analgin in advance. For example, many people think that taking a pill immediately after a party will save themselves the next morning from signs of malaise. A common mistake that only aggravates the conditionhuman.
Metamizole, which is the main active ingredient of the drug, only exacerbates alcohol intoxication. It is best to take an analgesic 10-12 hours after taking strong drinks.
The effect of analgin and alcohol on the body
The fact that analgin helps with a hangover is a fact that has been proven. But you need to take the drug with extreme caution. The simultaneous use of alcohol and analgin leads to the following processes in the body:
- Significantly increases the load on the liver and kidneys.
- The workload on the heart increases as the heart rate slows down.
- The general condition of a person is deteriorating due to a depressing effect on the central nervous system.
- Receiving analgin in the midst of a party leads to a sharp intoxication, a transition to a state where a person does not control his actions.
- Despite the help of analgin with a hangover, its early intake leads to a delay in the removal of alcohol from the body.
Everyone wants to avoid a hangover, but the best way is to limit the amount of alcohol.
Signs of poisoning with analgin and alcohol
Specialists pay special attention to signs of poisoning with analgin and alcohol. If, when taking analgin after a hangover or during a party, a person observes a number of characteristic signs of poisoning, then it is necessary to stop drinking alcohol immediately and drink more water.

Signs of poisoning:
- Tinnitus.
- A state of distraction and sudden lethargy.
- Loss of coordination of movements.
- Bouts of nausea and vomiting.
- Sudden severe headaches.
- Bouts of unreasonable fear.
Such symptoms indicate that the interaction of alcohol and analgin in the body began to have a detrimental effect on the human condition. There was poisoning. If for a long time it is not possible to get rid of the symptoms with the help of water and rest, then it is recommended to seek medical help.
Ways to deal with a hangover
In addition to analgin with a hangover, there are a number of other drugs, the action of which is aimed at reducing signs of malaise. In addition to a headache, a person suffers from dehydration, depression, and other disturbances in the processes in the body.

It is customary to divide medicines into several groups:
- Preparations for removing intoxication. This group helps to quickly remove toxins from the body, reduces the time of alcohol withdrawal.
- Preparations of adsorbent action. These drugs act in the human stomach, binding and absorbing the products of ethanol metabolism, which contributes to their rapid elimination.
- Rehydratants. Such funds help restore the water-s alt balance, which is disturbed due to excessive alcohol consumption.
- Hepatoprotectors. Alcohol destroys liver cells - this is a known fact. Therefore, taking drugs whose action is aimed at protecting the filtering organ will be useful.
In addition to medicines, many years of experience in dealing with hangovers have revealed several effective methods. It has been proven that chicken broth, mineral water, kvass, cucumber or cabbage pickle help to significantly improve he alth.
It is known that in the world practice analgin continues to be used, perhaps, only in Russia. In other countries, this drug is considered to be quite harsh and dangerous in its effect on the body. However, today this tool is in almost any first aid kit, because a hangover is not the only indication for its use.

Doctors recommend approaching the issue competently, and then harm to he alth can be avoided. Be sure to read the instructions before use. Make sure the headache is so bothersome that medication is needed. And most importantly, you should not mindlessly exceed the dosage, which heavily loads important body systems.
The best method of dealing with a hangover is to limit the dose of alcohol, but no one is immune from unforeseen situations. Take care of your he alth!