From doctors you can often hear - "intoxication of the body." What does such a diagnosis mean? Or what is intoxication? In the people, this pathology is called "poisoning". Each person should know how to determine intoxication, and, if necessary, provide emergency assistance to the victim.

Short description
So, what is intoxication? This is the poisoning of the body with various toxic substances that provoke disturbances in its functioning. Substances can enter the body from outside or be formed inside it.
Intoxication can manifest itself quite differently. The symptoms depend on the toxic substance. Their accumulation in the body plays an important role. It is very important whether they acted once or penetrate constantly, slowly accumulating. The concentration of the toxic substance in the body is also important.
External causes of pathology
Having got an idea of what intoxication is, let's analyze what causes it.
So, external factors that provoke intoxication:
- poisonous plants;
- halogens;
- heavy metals;
- arsenic;
- beryllium;
- selenium;
- animals;
- poor quality products;
- drugs, in case of overdose;
- consequences of parasite activity;
- drugs, alcoholic beverages, tobacco.
In this case, the source of intoxication is often not toxic substances, but their processing products in the body. They are the ones with the most toxic effects. They enter the body through contact with mucous membranes, skin, and eating.

Internal Causes
Toxic substances occur inside the body as a result of the following factors:
- burns;
- serious injury;
- inflammatory processes;
- radiation injuries;
- ailments, inflammatory;
- diseases of excretory systems;
- malignant tumors;
- diabetes;
- metabolic disorders;
- liver disease;
- damage to organs involved in the production of various hormones.
Symptoms of intoxication
Different signs may indicate this pathological condition. For each person, they are purely individual. In addition, an important role is played by which substance provoked intoxication. Symptoms indicating poisoning are, in most cases, the following:
- vomiting, nausea, dyspepsia;
- changing skin tone;
- impaired hearing, vision, coordination of movements;
- hypothermia or hyperthermia;
- failure to function of the respiratory organs, central nervous and cardiovascular systems.
First Aid
If the patient has the above symptoms, it is urgent to act. It is very important to know how to remove intoxication.
In case of any poisoning, the patient needs the following complex of therapeutic measures:
- It is necessary to immediately hospitalize the victim in a medical facility.
- Provide detoxification for the patient, aimed at removing toxic substances.
- Specific therapy is given to suppress the poison.
- Symptomatic treatment in progress.

Before the arrival of the ambulance, it is necessary to neutralize, if possible, the toxic effects of the poison. For this purpose, the stomach or skin is washed. S alt laxative may be used. The patient can be given enterosorbents. The best drugs are "Activated carbon", "Enterosgel", "Sorbeks".
Food poisoning
Such intoxications are the most common. A large surge is observed in the spring and summer. The air temperature during this period rises, which contributes to the speedy fermentation or souring of food.
Food intoxication is caused by eating spoiled or contaminated foods. Poisoning can bebacterial or non-bacterial.
A person who has consumed low-quality food has the following symptoms:
- acute abdominal pain;
- nausea, vomiting;
- diarrhea;
- high temperature;
- chill;
- lack of appetite.
In severe cases, a malfunction of the kidneys, liver, central nervous system is diagnosed.
How can I help?
When observing the signs that characterize food intoxication, it is imperative to consult a doctor. At home, it is advisable to provide the following assistance to the victim:
- Rinse the stomach with soda or a solution of potassium permanganate (weak). This procedure lasts until clear waters.
- Take enterosorbents - drugs "Activated carbon", "Sorbex" "Enterosgel".
- The patient needs plenty of fluids. Effective - mineral alkaline water, fruit drinks, the drug "Regidron".
- The patient is provided with rest and hunger.

Alcohol intoxication
Alcoholic drinks are a real poison for the human body. Alcohol intoxication disrupts the activity of the central nervous system, neurological, vegetative and mental disorders occur. Well-known signs of alcohol intoxication are:
- Headache. It occurs as a result of vasodilation, provoked by alcohol in the blood.
- Nausea, vomiting. Ethanol acts on the cerebellum, which is responsible for the balance of the body.
- Intense thirst. The antidiuretic hormone in the blood decreases, which stimulates the excretion of urine.
- Dizziness. Also characterizes the violation of the cerebellum.
In more serious poisoning, disturbances in the functioning of the central nervous system are observed. Such a patient sometimes loses consciousness and even falls into a coma.
There is liver intoxication. With the defeat of this organ, physiological changes occur. Initially, the liver is enlarged, soft on palpation. In the future, it becomes small in size and hard to the touch. Other symptoms depend on the type of intoxication and degree.
The casu alty needs emergency care. It is very important that the patient remains conscious until the doctors arrive. Doctors will provide medical care. The most effective are droppers for alcohol intoxication.
Necessary measures
To relieve alcohol poisoning, you can use drugs:
- Antipohmelin,
- Alcoprim,
- Alkoseltzer.
These medicines are taken with plenty of water. The water-s alt balance in the body will restore fish soup or fish soup. It is recommended to drink a sour-milk drink. With severe pain, it is advisable to use the drug "Citramon". Tablet "Activated carbon" can help even when the alcohol is completely absorbed into the blood. The drug in the intestine binds decay products and alcohol residues. It is recommended to take a lot of such tablets with plenty of water. These methods are effective only for mild alcoholpoisoning.

When strong - these methods are ineffective. With a severe degree of poisoning, the patient should not be laid on his back so that he does not choke. If the patient is unconscious, do not wash his stomach! Since there is a possibility that a person will choke. In this state, it is necessary to call an ambulance as soon as possible. In most cases, doctors put droppers for alcohol intoxication.
Based on the patient's condition, a special composition of the solution is selected. Below is the standard set.
The following drugs are added to saline sodium chloride solution:
- "Pyridoxine" (Vitamin B6);
- "Magnesium sulfate";
- "Riboxin".
To the glucose solution add agents such as:
- "Ascorbic acid";
- "Panangin";
- "Cocarboxylase".
It should be noted that such solutions are selected for each patient individually. This takes into account blood pressure, ECG results. In addition, it is recommended to put droppers only under the supervision of a doctor, since effective therapy can sometimes lead to the development of acute alcoholic delirium, as it is popularly called “white tremens.”
Cancer poisoning
Cancer tumors develop rapidly, burning large amounts of fats, proteins and sugars. The body is deprived of important nutrients. His exhaustion is observed. The tumor is growing rapidly. Against this background, the patient develops hypoxia -lack of oxygen. Cancer tissue begins to die. Decay products are very toxic. A similar situation occurs after chemotherapy. The patient develops cancer intoxication.
This condition is characterized by the following symptoms:
- increased weakness;
- high fatigue;
- mental disorder - irritability, apathy, depression, insomnia;
- pallor of the skin with a predominance of yellow;
- dry skin and mucous membranes;
- cyanosis - cyanosis of the integument;
- hyperhidrosis - increased sweating;
- weight loss;
- lack of appetite;
- breaking stool;
- nausea, vomiting;
- headaches;
- prolonged fever;
- dizziness;
- pain in joints, bones, muscles;
- increased susceptibility to infectious diseases;
- arrhythmia;
- anemia.

Giving help
To alleviate the condition, the patient needs good nutrition. If the patient has cancer intoxication, the following means are included in the treatment:
- Antiemetics. The drugs "Metoclopramide", "Domperidone" are effective.
- Laxatives "Lactulose", "Forlax", "Guttalax", castor oil.
- Enemas. It is advisable to use them when laxatives are ineffective.
- Sorbents. The drug "Polysorb".
- For anemia - iron preparations "Sorbifer Durules", "Ferrum Lek", "M altofer".
- Painkillers: Paracetamol, Ibuprofen, Ketoprofen, Nimesulide.
- Sedative drugs: Diazepam, Haloperidol, Aminazine.
Tuberculosis poisoning
Often seen in teenagers and children. Tuberculous intoxication makes itself felt with the following symptoms:
- weakness;
- malaise;
- irritability;
- appetite disorder;
- subfebrile temperature;
- sleep disorder.
This condition can go away on its own. But some patients will need antibiotic therapy for about six months.
Children diagnosed with tuberculosis intoxication are treated on the basis of such drugs as Isoniazid, PAS. Some require chemoprophylaxis for two to three months twice a year.

It is necessary to clearly understand what intoxication is. This is a very dangerous condition for he alth, and sometimes life. Indeed, in any case, poisoning affects the liver and kidneys. Namely, these organs contribute to the removal of toxins from the body. Therefore, if symptoms of poisoning are observed, it is urgent to seek medical help.
The best prevention is to maintain a he althy lifestyle. In this case, the toxins are released naturally from the body.