Treatment of throat in children can be accompanied by many difficulties. A young child is not always able to dissolve medicinal lozenges and is not allowed to irrigate the pharynx. How to get out of this situation?
What diseases are accompanied by sore throat? How to treat them in children of different ages? Let's figure it all out together.
Why does my throat turn red?
A child up to a certain age very often suffers from various acute respiratory viral infections. Many of them are accompanied by reddening of the throat. Why is this happening? Such a process has a sound scientific explanation.
When a virus or bacteria enters the body, they affect a certain part of the respiratory system. Often multiply in the throat on the tonsils. When special protective cells detect "foreign" organisms, they begin to actively fight them.
These areas are the influx of blood. This process is due to the fact that "protective" cells function in it. The rush of blood causes redness in the throat.
This disease accompanies severe reddening of the back of the throat. You can also diagnose it by other symptoms:
- tickle;
- dry cough;
- pain when swallowing;
- feeling like a lump.
Most often, pharyngitis is not accompanied by an increase in temperature, or subfebrile numbers (up to 37.5 °) can be observed on the thermometer. Often this disease is caused by streptococci and staphylococci. Therefore, such pharyngitis is called bacterial.

Treatment of this type of disease can not do without taking antibiotics. Their group and dosage should be prescribed only by a pediatrician. To relieve pain when swallowing, it is necessary to give the baby as much warm drink as possible. Treatment of a red throat in a child will not do without this rule.
This is the most common diagnosis, when parents complain to the doctor that their child has a sore throat. Angina are different. Depending on its type, a specific treatment for sore throat in a child is prescribed.
Most often this disease is accompanied by a very high temperature, which is quite difficult to bring down with one antipyretic drug. Parents have to resort to antispasmodics ("No-shpa") and compresses.
It is advisable to do rubbing only with warm water without adding vinegar and alcohol. Otherwise, severe intoxication may occur in the baby, because the skin passes harmful substances well inside, and then they are carried through the bloodstream.
It is a misconception that for any sore throat, the best treatment for a throat in children is scraping off the plaque on the tonsils with a bandage. This is wrongtactics. In this way, you can only harm the baby and make wounds in the mouth that can subsequently become infected.
Viral angina
Very often, redness of the throat occurs against the background of a banal SARS. In this case, the disease is caused by viruses. Such a sore throat is not treated with antibiotics. In order for the disease to recede faster, it is necessary to adhere to the standard rules for treating a viral infection:
- humidification of the room up to 60-70%;
- the temperature in the room should be no more than 20°;
- cleaning 2 times a day with obligatory ventilation;
- frequent drinking.
To relieve pain when swallowing, you can give the child to dissolve special lollipops. The temperature must be brought down if it rises to 38 ° and above. In other cases, it is necessary to let the body fight off the infection on its own.
Bacterial angina
This type of disease is quite serious and requires antibiotic treatment. Otherwise, bacterial tonsillitis will subsequently give a heart complication, which in the future can lead to many problems.
This type of disease requires mandatory antibiotics. Only the doctor should calculate the required dose. Also, a group of drugs can be determined by a pediatrician or an infectious disease specialist, depending on the specific case.
During this period, it is also important to rinse and irrigate the throat with special means. It is worth remembering that the treatment of red throat in children is a set of measures, and each item must be completed.
It is very difficult for young children to carry out these manipulations. They can't yetfully dissipate lollipops. Therefore, you can use a simple method.
The tablet is crushed into powder. It is placed on a saucer and the required dose is separated. The pacifier is urinated in water and dipped into the medicine. In this way, the powder sticks to the nipple, which can be given to the child. This must be done several times to complete the required dose.
Yes, easy to give:
- "Lisobakt";
- "Septefril";
- "Pharingosept".
What other reasons could there be?
The already familiar Coxsackie infection is also accompanied by inflammatory processes in the throat. It may have red dots all over the pharynx. The child feels pain when swallowing.
If this disease is diagnosed, then the treatment of a red throat in a child should be carried out, as with viral sore throat. You need to drink a lot of warm liquid as often as possible to rinse.
With Coxsackie, body temperature also rises strongly in the first days. It must be knocked down with antipyretics approved for use in children. The most commonly used are ibuprofen and paracetamol.
And also inflammation in the throat can be observed due to an allergic reaction. In this case, it is urgent to remove the irritant from the child, or stenosis of the larynx may occur.
Treatment of throat in children according to Komarovsky
This famous pediatrician has a modern approach to raising his offspring. The doctor points out that in 85-90% of cases, all colds are caused by viral infections. BacterialComplications don't happen as often as parents think.

The pediatrician notes that any viral infections do not require taking a large amount of medicines. Yevgeny Komarovsky insists that frequent drinking, airing and humidifying the room will help to cope with the disease in 5-7 days.
According to him, you can only gargle every 3-4 hours. For this, it is better to use medicinal herbs. With great care, you need to do these procedures for children with allergies. Such methods refer to folk treatment of throat in children.
These gram-positive bacteria are found in the body of any person. But if their number begins to exceed the permissible, then we can already talk about pathological development.
The most common reason for the development and reproduction of this bacterium is a violation of personal hygiene. Treatment of Staphylococcus aureus in the throat in children should begin only after consulting a doctor. He should order a test that will determine the sensitivity of bacteria to certain antibiotics.
After that, only you can start treatment. A very important factor is to increase the immunity of the child. Thus, the body will then be able to cope with the bacteria on its own and, after treatment, will not allow them to multiply again at a rapid pace.

To increase and strengthen immunity, you must follow a few rules:
- do not overfeed the baby;
- outdoor walks daily for at least 2 hours;
- airing the room;
- humidify the air in the room;
- hardening.
These items will help not only to avoid the development of staphylococcus aureus, but also increase the overall resistance of the body to viral infections.
Medication use
In the treatment of throat in children after 3 years, special lozenges are used that relieve inflammation and reduce pain. Most often, doctors prescribe several basic drugs that are approved for use in the treatment of children:
- "Pharingosept";
- "Septefril";
- "Lisobakt";
- "Strepsils".
It is worth considering that children under 6 years of age should be given half a tablet. Older children can already use adult doses of these lollipops. Children under one year old are allowed to use only Lisobakt and Septefril.

The use of sprays helps with redness. The most popular for the treatment of children is "Ingalipt". They need to irrigate the child's throat 2-3 times a day. It is worth knowing that use for children under 3 years of age should be under adult supervision, because laryngeal spasm may occur.
You can not use such products for allergy sufferers. If the child had a history of any manifestations of allergies, then such a spray is used with extreme caution for the first time.
If the baby is not yet 2 years old, how to treat the throat
Difficultfind a child who would not be ill at an early age with colds. Almost every one of them is accompanied by sore throat. Such a small child is difficult to teach to gargle, and he also does not always know how to suck on lollipops.
In this case, parents will have to work hard to treat the throat of a child at 2 years old. So, it is better to use Lisobakt or Septefril. They are easy to grind into powder. They do not contain dyes.
Child can be given a little powder in the mouth, and it will quickly dissolve. And also at this age you can spray "Ingalipt". It should be applied 2 times a day, one spray.

Baby can be soldered with chamomile tea. It relieves inflammation from the throat mucosa well.
Folk methods
It is in this case that the recipes of our "grandmothers" can help a lot. If the child already knows how to gargle, then you should try to offer him to do this with a solution with tincture of sage. The product consists of extracts of a medicinal plant and will not harm if the baby is not allergic.
A solution of soda with iodine has proven itself well. It has an antiseptic effect and slightly anesthetizes. To prepare it, add 1/4 teaspoon of soda and a few drops of iodine to a glass of boiled water. Gargle with this remedy every 4 hours.
Children who are not allergic to honey can be offered to suck on 1/4 teaspoon of this product throughout the daybeekeeping. It has been known for a long time that it has high medicinal properties.

Strange as it may seem, beets are characterized by anti-inflammatory properties. You can treat the throat in a child from 3 years. It is necessary to squeeze the juice from one vegetable and gargle with it 2 times a day.
A clear relief will come in a few days. The swelling in the throat will gradually decrease, and it will become easier for the baby to swallow. Children after 7-8 years can be given to chew on a small piece of propolis. It has pronounced anti-inflammatory properties and fights the development of bacteria well.
It must be remembered that only folk remedies for the treatment of throat in children will not have the desired effect, an integrated approach is important, with the use of antibiotics.
White coating on the throat
Such a sign is a rather dangerous symptom. It indicates the addition of a bacterial infection. Therefore, when they see a plaque in the throat of a child, parents should definitely contact a pediatrician.
He will prescribe the necessary antibiotic. Together with him, adults can carry out procedures that will help the infection recede faster. It is necessary to gently wipe the oral cavity with a solution of soda without sudden movements.
Do not apply excessive force, so as not to injure the mucosa. If abscesses appear on the tonsils, then they must be carefully removed. For this, a solution with "Furacilin" is used.

These yellow pills have high antisepticproperties. It is necessary to crush the tablet in a mortar and dissolve in 0.5 liters of warm water. With this solution, the oral mucosa is gently rubbed with a bandage.
Many pediatricians have now become opponents of such manipulation, but many years of experience of our mothers and grandmothers have noticed that until this plaque is removed, the child's condition will not improve, and the body temperature can rise to 40 °.
During this period, it is better for the child to offer pureed food. So he will not feel acute pain when swallowing. It is very important not to give prohibited foods during a sore throat:
- chocolate;
- dairy products;
- spicy;
- s alty.
Scientists have proven that such food can further irritate the throat, and recovery will be delayed indefinitely.
How dangerous is a sore throat?
The bacterial infection that causes this disease affects not only the throat, but also other organs of the child's body. Often then there are problems in babies with the heart. Joints are also affected, and such a dangerous disease as arthritis begins to develop. Unrelenting high temperatures adversely affect the heart and brain. Against its background, febrile convulsions may occur.
To prevent these complications, you need to see a doctor in time and take antibiotics if they are already prescribed. If the recommendations are not followed, you can then struggle with negative and dangerous consequences for a long time.