Hemolyzing Escherichia coli in adults - description, causes, symptoms and treatment

Hemolyzing Escherichia coli in adults - description, causes, symptoms and treatment
Hemolyzing Escherichia coli in adults - description, causes, symptoms and treatment

Many people are interested in what it is and how to live with it. E. coli is a hemolytic Escherichia coli, it is considered a rod-shaped bacterium belonging to the group of facultative anaerobes (lives and reproduces only in circumstances where direct air is not available). It has many strains, most of which belong to the natural microflora of the human intestinal tract and help prevent the formation of harmful bacteria and synthesize vitamin K. But certain varieties of it can provoke poisoning, intestinal dysbacteriosis and colibacillosis.

The normal flora of the intestinal tract contains a large number of bacteria, among which there are lactobacilli, enterococci, streptococci and so on. The strains of these microorganisms are in relative equilibrium, however, if this balance is disturbed in any way,pathogenic bacteria will multiply rapidly. This activates the processes of fermentation and decomposition, provoking the appearance of serious diseases.

Some strains of Escherichia coli provoke the occurrence of not only diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, but also affect the genitourinary system, provoke vaginitis, inflammation, prostatitis, meningitis in infants. In some cases, they can become a factor in the formation of hemolytic-uremic syndrome, peritonitis, mastitis, pneumonia and sepsis.

For more information on the prevention, symptoms, and treatment of hemolyzing E. coli in adults, see the article.

Escherichia coli hemolyzing in feces in an adult
Escherichia coli hemolyzing in feces in an adult

What kinds are there?

Symptoms of hemolyzing E. coli in adults depend on the type of bacterium.

For example, there are approximately 100 strains of Escherich's wand. E. coli bacteria are considered an essential component of the beneficial microflora of the gastrointestinal tract. They take part in the synthesis of vitamin K and B, the process of digestion. However, certain strains are classified as pathogens. The most common of these is sickle cell or hemolyzing Escherichia coli.

Lactose-negative Escherichia coli is a symbolic pathogen. She is able to live in the intestinal tract without giving herself away.

Hemolytic Escherichia coli, present in the body of infants, can cause death if not treated in time.

Hemolyzing Escherichia coli in adults treatment
Hemolyzing Escherichia coli in adults treatment


Change the standard composition of the microflora of the intestinal tract can be some drugs that suppress those bacteria that are responsible for the elimination and reproduction of the pathogenic flora.

In order to exclude the occurrence of dysbacteriosis and indigestion (in case hemolyzing E. coli was found in the stool in an adult), one should correctly choose antibacterial drugs, their dose, and also use in combination those drugs that will protect the standard intestinal microflora path.

Infection with pathogenic strains of Escherichia coli occurs most often by the fecal-oral route. Contributes to the occurrence of diseases non-compliance with the rules of food preparation hygiene, the use of dirty fruits and vegetables, the use of dirty or sewer water. It is also unsafe to eat undercooked meat or unboiled milk, as cows, goats, pigs and sheep are carriers of disease-causing strains of E. coli.

Hemolyzing Escherichia coli in adults symptoms
Hemolyzing Escherichia coli in adults symptoms


Food poisoning caused by certain strains of E. coli is dangerous because of the toxins it releases. Some of these toxins can be fatal. Most pathogenic bacteria are found in the mucous membranes of the gastrointestinal tract and inflamed tissues (sources of inflammation).

Symptoms of Escherichia coli completely coincide with the symptoms of intestinal dysbacteriosis. In addition to stool disorders (constipation, diarrhea)the patient may experience vomiting and nausea, flatulence and abdominal pain. The smell of excrement masses changes, the mouth begins to stink. Among the signs of general intoxication in this case, there is: high fatigue, impotence, lethargy, lack of appetite.

It is also worth mentioning why hemolytic E. coli is dangerous and how to treat it, because it all depends on the location of the bacterium.

Hemolyzing Escherichia coli in adults symptoms treatment
Hemolyzing Escherichia coli in adults symptoms treatment

Presence of bacteria in urine

If the analysis was done correctly, it is imperative to consult a doctor, since E. coli, being in the urinary tract, causes an inflammatory process. For example, approximately half of the common cases of pyelonephritis are due directly to E. coli. It also caused 4 out of 5 cases of cystitis in girls.

Once in the urinary tract, E. coli is not excreted in the urine, but goes further (into the bladder), causing inflammation. Young girls and children are often exposed to diseases of this kind (due to weak immunity, unable to counteract harmful microorganisms).

Often, E. coli in the urine can also provoke inflammation. In addition, it strikes at the immune system, forming a suitable breeding ground for infection with the most dangerous diseases.

If the E. coli in the urine did not cause almost any painful changes, and the person does not experience signs of anxiety, most likely he will notneed special therapy. For standard treatment, uroseptics and biologically active additives are usually prescribed to support human immunity and prevent the formation of infection. Used for healing and traditional medicine. For example, mummy (0.5 g) is recommended to be consumed before meals 3 times a day for a month.

Treatment for hemolyzing Escherichia coli
Treatment for hemolyzing Escherichia coli

Vaginal E. coli

This microorganism was discovered back in 1885. Today, there are many varieties of it. There are more than 100 types of bacteria that are pathogenic, they can provoke the appearance of complex diseases or intestinal infections. Including bacteria that are considered relatively pathogenic, getting from the intestinal tract to other organs, endanger human he alth. The usual habitat of the stick is the part of the large intestine, located closer to the anus. In small quantities, this bacillus can be found in the vagina, and when it multiplies, it leads to problems such as microbial vaginosis, etc.

E. coli than dangerous as it manifests itself
E. coli than dangerous as it manifests itself

Sometimes local therapy is sufficient for treatment, but with a rather intense lesion, a more fundamental approach is needed. Antibacterial therapy is carried out on the basis of the performed antibiogram. Most often, medications from the fluoroquinolone category are prescribed, such as Levofloxacin or Ciprofloxacin. The required dose and duration of treatment is determined byonly doctor. In no case do not self-medicate, as the bacterium may be immune to certain drugs. Let's analyze the known antibacterial substances for the treatment of hemolytic Escherichia coli:

  1. "Monural". It is produced in the form of a colorless granular powder, which must be taken after dissolving in water. The result is due to the presence of phosphonic acid derivatives. This medicine belongs to the means of a wide range of effects, if necessary, it can be prescribed even to pregnant women. As a rule, it is recommended to use 3 g once a day. The medication may be combined with other antibiotics.
  2. "Supraks". Form: capsules. The main active ingredient is cifixime. It is used for a number of infections, in particular, Escherichia coli. It is often prescribed in conjunction with Kanefron, which protects the urinary tract from infections.
  3. "Fosmycin". It also belongs to bactericidal products with a wide range of effects and implies an unconditional analogue of Monural. Of the contraindications - pregnancy, age less than 12 years. This medicine is also prescribed for pregnant women, but it should be taken only under the supervision of a gynecologist.
What is dangerous hemolytic E. coli and how to treat
What is dangerous hemolytic E. coli and how to treat

Disease diagnosis

Bacteriological analysis will help identify and identify the causative agent of the disease. For study, samples of feces, vomit, fragments of food, washing water are examined. Drug treatment is prescribed based on the results of bacteriological analysis.

For a faster diagnosis, a serological method is suitable. For its implementation, venous blood is taken. Along with this, a general analysis of blood, urine and feces is done. The treatment strategy is determined taking into account the following conditions:

  • age of patient;
  • general well-being;
  • clinical signs;
  • comorbidities;
  • existing complications;
  • response to medicinal resources.

After you have learned about how E. coli manifests itself and why it is dangerous (the types, causes and symptoms of which are presented above), you should familiarize yourself with the methods of treatment.

E. coli treatment

In diseases of the intestinal tract, samples of vomit or feces are taken for sowing, in diseases of the urinary system - urine, and in case of damage to the reproductive system - smears from the mucous layers of the genital organs. With the help of enterobacterial crops, a bacterium is determined, and then its susceptibility to drugs is established.

The patient will certainly be hospitalized and given a diet. In case of damage to the digestive system, a therapeutic diet No. 4 is recommended, and in case of damage to the genitourinary concept, table No. 7.

If a pathogenic intestinal stick is present in the body, therapy includes etiotropic, pathogenetic and post-syndromic treatment.

Etiotropic treatment is carried out with the help of drugs and bacteriophages, based on the results of the antibiogram. In case it is fixeddysbacteriosis, then prescribe probiotics. May help restore balance in the intestinal tract and lactic acid foods.

Pathogenic treatment is mainly carried out through infusion treatment: various solutions are injected into the blood in order to compensate for the water reserve and cleanse the body of toxins.

Post-syndromal treatment is prescribed depending on how the disease manifested itself.

Features of treatment depending on the location of the bacterium

If E. coli is detected in the urine, then such a manifestation is called bacteriuria. E. coli in urine is treated with drugs, uroseptics and dietary supplements that help strengthen the immune system and stop the growth of infection.

E. coli in the vagina leads to inflammation in the organs of the reproductive system. Therapy of Escherichia coli in gynecology is carried out with a short course of drugs and requires personal hygiene and a complete rejection of sexual contact.

If E. coli is detected in the goiter, then you need to be prepared for long-term treatment using drugs and antifungal medications. It is preferable to use oral rinses, which have an antiseptic effect.

If E. coli is detected in a pregnant woman or a child, then therapy begins with the appointment of probiotics and bacteriophages. If they do not bring the desired result, then resort to the help of stronger drugs.

For oppressionbacterial infections are prescribed different medications. Antibacterial agents from the category of fluoroquinolones have a large range of effects: Ciprofloxacin, Levofloxacin. They are low toxic, however, while bacteria rapidly enter the tissues, destroying them. E. coli takes a long time to develop immunity to the effects of fluoroquinolones.

To restore the water-s alt balance and compensate for lost water, doctors prescribe rehydration substances: Orsol, Regidron, Orasan. In severe cases, intravenous infusion solutions are used. To combat intoxication, a huge amount of water is introduced into the body. Saline solutions and glucose are used for this purpose.

Along with this, symptomatic treatment is also prescribed:

  • enterosorbents are used to clean the gastrointestinal tract: "Polysorb", "Smekta", "Enterosgel";
  • for diarrhea, Enterobene, Loperamide, Lineks are prescribed;
  • No-shpa, Spazmalgon can help to cope with annoying abdominal pain;
  • non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs stop the inflammatory reaction: "Nurofen", "Diclofenac";
  • eubiotics can help restore the microflora of the intestinal tract: "Acilact", "Bifidumbacterin";
  • multivitamin complex complexes.

Grandma's recipes

Perfectly complement the medical treatment of hemolyzing Escherichia coli in adults folk remediesmedicine:

  1. Jerusalem artichoke (300 g) is peeled, cut into cubes and placed in boiling milk diluted with water (500 ml). When the Jerusalem artichoke softens, it is taken out, and flour (20 g) and butter (40 g) are added to the milk. Prepare to thicken. Next, pour Jerusalem artichoke with this sauce, add greens.
  2. Potentilla goose (20 g) is brewed with hot water (250 ml) and, after holding on low heat for a quarter of a minute, left overnight. You need to drink this medicine 3 times a day, 80 ml each.
  3. Grass string (10 g) is poured with cooled boiled water (250 ml) and placed for 15 minutes in a water bath. Take the broth in the morning, at lunchtime and in the evening, 20 ml each.
  4. Mix medicinal sweet clover, coltsfoot and centaury in equal proportions. Boiling water (250 ml) is poured into a mixture of herbs (20 g). Leave for a quarter of a minute. Drink once a day for 20-50 ml.
  5. It is also possible to eat 0.5 g of mummy three times a day for a month before eating.

Folk remedies (after finding hemolyzing Escherichia coli in feces in an adult) will help restore the microflora of the intestinal tract and eliminate the negative effects of pathogens.

Infection prevention

After you are familiar with the symptoms and treatment, the prevention of E. coli will be to prevent the bacterium from entering the body. You should be guided by the rules of individual hygiene, do not drink water from unknown sources, vegetables and fruits should be consumed clean, heat treatment should be carried out correctlyproducts.
