Dry statistics show that every fifth inhabitant of the planet suffers from one or another disease of the joints, there are about twenty million Russians among them. Dystrophic articular changes (osteochondrosis, arthrosis, and others) are accompanied by dehydration and destruction of cartilage tissue. One of the most important components that make up the connective tissue and contained in human biological fluids is hyaluronic acid. For joints, this natural substance can be a real lifesaver, as it helps increase mobility and reduce pain.

A 100% substitute for natural synovial fluid in human joints - hyaluronic acid - increases its viscosity, participates in the nutrition and restoration of the structure of hyaline cartilage, and also improves gliding (even almost destroyed) cartilage structures in the shoulder, hip and knee joints, making it easier human movement. How does it happen?
He althy and diseased joints: the importance of hyaluronic acid preparations
The structure of a he althy joint includes bone surfaces covered with solid hyaline cartilage, a synovial membrane lining the walls of the joint capsule from the inside, as well as synovial fluid that lubricates the articular surfaces and, due to viscoelastic properties, shock-absorbing during movement. The hyaline cartilage that covers the bone tissue receives nutrition from the underlying layers, as well as from the synovial fluid. In he althy joints, it has an elastic and dense structure, the fluid washing it lubricates the surface and thereby greatly facilitates the sliding of bones inside the joints.

In patients suffering from osteoarthritis, as well as in people over the age of 50, synovial fluid loses its lubricating and protective properties. Its amount in the articular tissues is sharply reduced. Cartilage tissue loses its dense structure, the friction of the articular surfaces increases and leads to inflammation in the surrounding areas and the appearance of pain. Hyaluronic acid for joints performs an identical function as synovial fluid, as it is considered an excellent alternative - a "liquid prosthesis" as doctors call it.
Using hyaluronic acid preparations for joints
The number of intra-articular injections, due to which preparations with hyaluronate are injected into the cavity located next to the affected hyaline cartilage, depends on the severity of the disease, the degree of tissue damage and is3-5 injections per course. The courses are also repeated according to the doctor's prescription: in six months or a year. Hyaluronic acid preparations for joints are introduced both in a hospital and in clinics. If the joints are not too severely affected, then doctors may allow the patient not to change the usual rhythm of life, but it is desirable to reduce the load on the knee or shoulder joint during treatment.

Injections of hyaluronic acid when symptoms of tissue inflammation appear: swelling, increased skin temperature in the joint area, increased pain and inability to bend the knee, it is better to postpone until these signs are eliminated. This is due to abundant intra-articular effusion, which dilutes hyaluronic acid preparations for joints so much that their effectiveness is noticeably reduced. After the inflammatory process subsides due to the course of corticosteroids, the use of hyaluronic acid can give a more pronounced therapeutic result.
Hyaluronic acid (joint injections): what is the effect?
Intra-articular injection of drugs based on hyaluronate affects three main disease processes in the joints: by increasing the viscosity and amount of synovial fluid, hyaluronic acid helps to reduce friction of the joint surfaces and increase its shock-absorbing qualities during movement; it enhances the nutrition of chondrocyte cells and ensures the regeneration of hyaline cartilage; prevents inflammatory processes and reduces the severity of their signs.

Thus, hyaluronic acid for joints is an excellent way to reduce the symptoms of arthrosis and improve the quality of life. This safe gel implant reduces stress on the joint, nourishes cartilage and forms a natural prosthesis that is identical to human synovial fluid.
Varieties of preparations with hyaluronic acid for joints
The treatment of dystrophic-degenerative lesions in the joints of patients with injections of preparations containing hyaluronate began in the 70s of the last century. The drug was called "Hyaluronic Acid". For the treatment of joints affected by deforming arthrosis, it came in very handy, because it was a safe alternative to the surgical method and significantly improved the quality of life of patients.

The most common drugs in pharmacies today are Ostenil (including Ostenil Mini and Ostenil Plus), as well as Sinokrom and Synokrom Forte - from Germany and Austria, Fermatron (Fermatron C" and "Fermatron Plus") - from the UK, "Suplazin" - from Ireland. Less common are such popular drugs as Adant (Japan), ViscoPlus (Sweden), Viskosil (Germany), Gialgan Phidias (Italy), Hyalual Artro (Ukraine), Gyalux and Giruan Plus" (South Korea), "Dyuralan SJ" and "Synvisk" (USA). From domestic preparations, Giastat (Tula) and Intraject Gialuform (Toscani laboratory, Moscow) are distinguished. Preparations for the replacement of joint fluid, which includecontains sodium hyaluronate, are solutions that are available in disposable syringes.
Cost of hyaluronic acid preparations for joints
Most of the above drugs can be purchased at pharmacies. However, judging by the reviews, hyaluronic acid for joints (especially foreign-made) is not a cheap pleasure. The price of the drug varies from three to five thousand rubles per syringe. A significant share of this amount is brand awareness. The cost of Russian drugs in this category is about a third lower. In addition, the procedure will have to pay an average of 500-1000 rubles (shoulder and knee joints), and in case of problems with the hip - up to 1500 rubles. So, for example, one intra-articular injection with the Hyalux preparation is offered for 4,750 rubles. Given that such injections per course need to be done from three to five (depending on the condition of the joints), then the total amount can greatly facilitate the patient's personal or family budget. However, an alternative to such treatment is an expensive and unsafe joint replacement surgery, so many people prefer the timely use of drugs with hyaluronate.
Hyaluronic acid reviews
For joints, liquid implants in the form of a hydrogel with hyaluronidase bring significant benefits. Therefore, all opinions and comments from both rheumatologists and ordinary patients on the network are extremely positive.

Many of them advise not to saveon the quality of drugs, because not only the outcome of the procedure, but also the further he alth of the joints depends on it. Foreign drugs are praised for their instant effect. Hyaluronic acid for the knee joint is injected intra-articularly once a week on an outpatient basis. The reviews of most patients indicate the appearance of a slight swelling after the injection, due to the injected volume of hyaluronic acid. Within a day or two, the appearance of the joint takes on its usual shape.
In addition to the quality of the drug, the interlocutors on the forums also recommend paying attention to the qualifications of the doctor and the reputation of the clinic. After therapy with a drug with hyaluronic acid, in their opinion, a long-term relief of the condition is felt. A full active life with walks, favorite sports and travel is available again!