Vaseline oil for constipation: how to take, dosage, reviews

Vaseline oil for constipation: how to take, dosage, reviews
Vaseline oil for constipation: how to take, dosage, reviews

Constipation is a condition faced in everyday life not only by adults, but also by children. There are many reasons for this pathology. Vaseline oil for constipation, due to its properties, is not digested by the stomach and is not absorbed into the intestinal wall. The article will discuss how to take the remedy, and its required dosage.

What is vaseline oil good for?

The product is obtained by separating the liquid fraction of oil. Vaseline oil is presented in the form of liquid paraffin, which does not contain preservatives and harmful impurities. It has no smell and taste, the product can be taken orally.

Unlike vegetable oils, vaseline is not absorbed into the intestinal wall and does not dissolve in the stomach. The tool creates a uniform film and softens the stool. The viscous consistency of the oil prevents absorption into the bloodstream and effects on other organs.

vaseline oil for constipation
vaseline oil for constipation

At the same time, the agent does not interfere with the effects of intestinal microflora onformation of feces. It is neutral with respect to beneficial microflora, therefore it does not cause dysbacteriosis.

Operation principle

Vaseline oil for constipation has the following effects:

  1. The product creates a film on the walls of the intestine, which contributes to the removal of feces. This completely protects them from injury.
  2. Soften stools that pass easily through the rectum and prevent damage to the anus.
  3. Heals cracks and wounds on the walls of the intestine.
  4. The product irritates the walls of the organ, thereby stimulating its natural motility.
Reviews of vaseline oil for constipation
Reviews of vaseline oil for constipation

The safety of vaseline oil is confirmed by its wide use in medicine and cosmetology. It is found in creams, lotions and lipsticks. In pediatrics, the remedy is used in the treatment of diaper rash in infants.

Use for children

Due to the fact that the product is safe and does not penetrate into the bloodstream, it can also be taken by babies. Vaseline oil for constipation in children should be used between meals so that the intake of vitamins and minerals into the body is not disturbed.

Newborns need a few drops of vaseline oil.

The dosage of the remedy depends on the age of the child. Babies under 1 year old need 0.5-1 teaspoon, babies under 3 years old - 1 teaspoon, and up to 7 years old - 1.5 teaspoon.

Dosage of vaseline oil for constipation
Dosage of vaseline oil for constipation

Constipation in children occurs due tovarious reasons. A specialist should accurately establish the diagnosis and correctly treat it. Vaseline oil is a temporary measure aimed at alleviating the condition of the child.

For pregnant and lactating women

During the period of bearing a child, the remedy is prohibited. Increased intestinal peristalsis can lead to the development of uterine hypertonicity. This can lead to miscarriage or premature birth.

For pregnant women, there are safer drugs that a doctor can prescribe.

Constipation after childbirth is a common problem. They arise due to a decrease in tone and stretching of the abdominal muscles. It is forbidden for a woman to push during this period due to the fact that the tears have not yet healed and the pelvic organs have not recovered.

Vaseline oil for constipation in children
Vaseline oil for constipation in children

Many drugs are banned because they can pass into breast milk and adversely affect the he alth of the baby. Vaseline oil for constipation is one of the most preferred drugs. It is taken on an empty stomach for 1-2 tbsp. spoons.

For severe constipation, drink the remedy in the morning and evening, but no later than 5-6 hours before bedtime.

Adult use

The instructions for taking the remedy indicate that bowel movement occurs 5 hours after taking it. Therefore, it is necessary to plan the procedure taking into account this period of time.

What is the dosage of vaseline oil in adults for constipation? The maximum amount of funds is 2 tbsp. spoons. After the age of 60, it should be reduced to 2 teaspoons. It is best to use vaseline oil 1 or 2 times a day, between meals. If the stool does not return after 2 days of taking it, then you should consult a doctor for an accurate diagnosis.

It is not recommended to increase the amount of vaseline oil on your own, as this can be addictive and negatively affect the body. As a result, there will be a decrease in intestinal tone, and self-digestion of food will become more difficult.

The product must be applied completely natural, without any impurities. Otherwise, the oil will irritate the mucous membrane.

Vaseline oil contraindications
Vaseline oil contraindications

When using petroleum jelly, be aware that it can leak out of the anus and stain underwear. Therefore, sanitary or gauze pads should be used.

Oil enemas

How to take vaseline oil for constipation in adults? In some cases, enemas are prepared to alleviate the condition. Solutions for them consist of water and some kind of oil, mostly vaseline.

For an enema, add 30-40 g of warm vaseline oil to 100 g of boiled water (37-38 degrees). Mix and inject 50-100 ml of solution into the rectum with a syringe.

The procedure allows you to relieve spasms in the intestines and relax its walls, as well as facilitate the excretion of feces as a result of an enveloping action. Usually enemas are done before bedtime, because the effect of them is observed after 10 hours. They are prescribed for persistent constipation,which are accompanied by the accumulation of feces in the lower parts of the large intestine.

Vaseline oil for constipation
Vaseline oil for constipation

If after the procedure there was an incomplete cleansing of the intestine, then it is allowed to repeat it.


Vaseline oil, used for medical purposes, is non-toxic and does not adversely affect human he alth. However, there is a list of contraindications for which it is prohibited to take this remedy. It includes:

  1. Inflammatory processes occurring in the abdominal organs.
  2. Individual intolerance to the remedy.
  3. Allergic reactions.
  4. Intestinal obstruction.
  5. Pregnancy.
  6. Intestinal bleeding.
  7. Heat temperature.

The film formed on the walls of the intestine not only promotes the promotion of feces, but also makes it difficult to absorb nutrients. With prolonged use of the drug, there is a risk of developing hypovitaminosis, which is caused by a decrease in the amount of incoming fat-soluble vitamins.

Side effects

According to reviews, vaseline oil for constipation can cause intestinal atony. Its peristalsis worsens, and the tone decreases. As a result, atonic constipation occurs, which is accompanied by pain and flatulence. In severe cases, fecal stones may occur.

Features of using vaseline oil
Features of using vaseline oil

Prolonged use of vaseline oil can causeaddiction, which leads to the absence of the desired effect. This condition is especially dangerous for young children. If constipation recurs more than once, consult a specialist.

In case of an overdose of the drug, diarrhea can develop, which leads to dehydration.

Simultaneous use of vaseline oil and other drugs may cause a decrease in the effectiveness of the latter. The agent envelops the walls of the digestive tract and prevents the absorption of drug components, accelerates the rate of its excretion from the body.

When an allergic reaction occurs, the patient begins to experience itching of the anus and skin rashes may occur. With the development of such symptoms, stop using the drug.


Opinions about the product are mostly positive. According to reviews, the use of petroleum jelly for constipation provided quick and effective relief.

With the correct dosage, the result of the drug taken appears after a few hours. For some patients, petroleum jelly enemas are more suitable than pure petroleum jelly.

A separate group of patients after exceeding the dose of the drug suffered from severe pain in the lower abdomen. Therefore, it is not recommended to increase the amount of vaseline oil when taking it because of the negative effect on the body. This is especially true for the use of funds for young children.

Vaseline oil is an effective remedy for constipation. It has a number of contraindications that you should be aware of.before you start taking it.

Oil is allowed to be taken from birth, while the dose of the drug should not be more than 0.5 tsp.

It is necessary to take the remedy for no more than 2-3 days, if the problem of constipation is not solved, then you need to contact a specialist to determine its exact cause. Self-medication is not recommended.
