The inactive lifestyle of most people makes us look for simple methods of healing the body. One of the proven ones is Mikulin's vibro-gymnastics. If a person has a sedentary job, there is no opportunity to play sports, there are restrictions on physical activity or prolonged physical activity, then this complex will help relieve tension and tone the whole body.
A little about the author
Alexander Alexandrovich Mikulin is a well-known Soviet scientist, an expert in the design of aircraft engines, a nephew and student of the "father of Russian aviation" N. E. Zhukovsky. He began his career as a mechanic, molder at an aircraft factory, and later held the position of chief designer of the Frunze Moscow Aviation Plant. Hero of Socialist Labor, winner of four Stalin Prizes.
After suffering a myocardial infarction at the age of 55, he developed his own unique systemrecovery, based on the similarity of the structure of the human body and technical devices noted by the author. The results of his research are presented by Academician Mikulin in the book on vibro-gymnastics "Active Longevity (My System of Fighting Old Age)", which was not approved by the Ministry of He alth for publication, since the author had no official relation to medicine. Then Mikulin entered the medical institute and graduated with honors at the age of eighty, after which he defended his dissertation on a medical topic and thus achieved the publication of his book.

The essence of vibro-gymnastics
According to the author of the methodology, most human diseases and aging processes are triggered by a lack of physical activity. Physical inactivity, according to his theory, leads to a slowdown in the removal of toxins from the body, to stagnation of blood, the formation of blood clots.
Therefore, Mikulin sought to think over a set of certain exercises that would imitate walking or running, but at the same time would not have contraindications and disadvantages inherent in traditional types of physical activity. The author has developed a method of exercises that create body vibration similar to that which occurs when running and walking. It was called "Mikulin's Vibro-Gymnastics".
When performing the complex, the venous vessels become toned, their valves are trained, the blood receives an additional impulse during a concussion, energetically rushes to the heart. In turn, this prevents stagnation and settling of slags, as well asis the prevention of blood clots. Further, this impulsive push of venous blood to the heart causes an increase in the flow of fresh, oxygenated blood from the heart to all internal organs. Thus, the processes of blood and lymph circulation are improved, and consequently, the metabolism in all human organs and systems.

Vibro-gymnastics academician Mikulin attributed to the type of physical therapy, which will be useful to everyone without exception. First of all, it is necessary for people who, due to their profession, have to sit or stand for a long time. The exercise is also especially recommended for those who experience high mental stress, since, according to the author, the technique perfectly relieves the feeling of heaviness in the head and fatigue after prolonged hard mental work.
Also, the inventor recommended this set of exercises to patients for whom running and brisk walking are contraindicated for he alth reasons. Mikulin's book also notes that a direct indication for doing this gymnastics is the presence of diseases of the venous system in a person (varicose veins, a tendency to phlebitis) and an increased risk of thrombosis. Reviews of vibro-gymnastics according to Mikulin confirm that the technique improves mood, adds strength and eliminates the feeling of fatigue.

Despite the fact that the author himself positioned vibro-gymnastics as a completely safe method of healing and rejuvenating the body, doctors still recommendrefrain from this exercise for people with certain diseases.
Contraindications to Mikulin's vibro-gymnastics:
- cardiovascular disease such as angina pectoris;
- confirmed presence of blood clots in the veins (exercise can provoke the separation of a blood clot with known formidable complications);
- presence of kidney or gallbladder stones (may cause colic stones to pass);
- pronounced osteochondrosis and osteoporosis;
- heel spur.
If you have or suspect a disease, you should consult a specialist.

Efficiency of gymnastics
The effectiveness of Mikulin's vibro-gymnastics was confirmed by famous people, eminent scientists who personally tested this method. For example, academician Orbeli, who suffered a myocardial infarction, claimed that he felt a significant improvement in well-being after a course of vibro-gymnastics. Another evidence of effectiveness is the opinion of Academician V. A. Ambartsumyan, who suffered from recurrent thrombophlebitis. He noted that after completing the treatment of another exacerbation of the disease, he decided to test the Mikulin method and very successfully: for several years there were no relapses of the disease.
A. A. Mikulin himself, who strictly followed the healing system he developed, claimed that at 80 he felt younger and he althier than at 50. The academician lived to be 90 years old, and until the last days he managed to maintain mobility and full working capacity.

What to do
The exercise is very simple - in a standing position, repeat the following steps: slightly rise on your toes and drop sharply on your heels. But in order for vibro-gymnastics to be effective and harmless, it is necessary to take into account the following nuances:
- You need to take your heels off the floor to a height of no more than five centimeters. Greater distance will not enhance the positive effect, but will lead to fatigue of the muscles of the foot and excessive shaking of the spinal column.
- Landing on your heels should be fairly hard, but not to the point where it causes any discomfort in your head or spine.
- Perform "shaking" at a fairly slow pace: no more than once a second. Faster does not make sense, because, according to the author, a sufficient amount of new blood simply does not have time to accumulate in the space between the valves of the veins, and the “wave” when shaken will be ineffective.
- The exercise consists of two series of 30 shakes, with a break between series of 5-10 seconds. It is necessary to repeat 3-5 times a day.
Reviews on vibro-gymnastics by academician Mikulin confirm that the exercise is very simple and every he althy person can do it.

Gymnastics for internal organs
This he alth-improving technique was also developed by A. A. Mikulin. The author recommended to perform it while lying in bed: in the morning, upon awakening and in the evening, beforesleep. Unlike Mikulin's vibro-gymnastics described above, the exercise for the internal organs is based on a special breathing technique.
How to do it: Lying on your back, take a deep breath through your nose, and then exhale forcefully, jerkily through tightly closed lips. Each exhalation is made in the form of ten such "shocks". Ten breathing cycles are enough for one session.
The author justified the action of the method by the fact that the diaphragm and abdominal muscles vibrate from the produced air shocks, and this vibration is transmitted from them to the internal organs, increasing the flow of fresh arterial blood. That is, there is a kind of massage of the internal organs.
The author especially recommended this kind of gymnastics for people with cardiovascular diseases, as well as for people with chronic lung and bronchial diseases and people prone to colds.

Reviews on Mikulin's vibro-gymnastics
Among the many body rejuvenation techniques, the method of the academician confidently holds its position. Opinions about gymnastics are only positive. People who have tested the technique note an improvement in the state of the body, an increase in mood.
Those who experience prolonged physical activity find that vibro-gymnastics helps in relaxing muscles, thanks to the use of the technique, pain after training lasts much less.
Many doctors recommend doing the exercise to reverse the effects of sedentary work and a sedentary lifestyle.