All of us in childhood with bated breath listened to exciting fairy tale stories about dead and living water. But in real life, it was not possible to deal with such drugs. Meanwhile, even in ancient times, healers used a living elixir made from the tissues of frogs, which could cure almost all diseases. It was widely used in the XIII-XV centuries, but after that it was undeservedly forgotten.
Already in the 50s of the last century, Professor Dorogov in his laboratory created something similar that could make a real breakthrough in pharmacology - stop the development of useless or ineffective drugs and switch to the treatment of ASD. He created the drug ASD Fraction 1, which, in microdoses, miraculously cured almost all diseases, with the exception of those that required a surgical method. But its landmark discovery took place during the reign of Stalin and was not widely used.
Since then, this medicine has been likewould exist, but official medicine is not accepted, although it is not prohibited. Many doctors do not even know about the existence of such an important drug, and those who used it in the treatment process note its excellent characteristics and great effectiveness in overcoming a variety of ailments. Only one must always remember that this medicine is taken in microscopic doses and according to a certain scheme, only then will the treatment be beneficial. From this article you will learn what ASD is and how to use it correctly in the treatment of diseases in humans and animals.
Definition and basic concepts
The ASD drug is called Dorogov's antiseptic stimulant, which is obtained by dry distillation of animal tissues that fall into waste in the slaughter shops of biocombines - meat, bones, and the remains of various animal tissues. This drug belongs to the group of biogenic stimulants and is available in two dosage forms - fraction 2 and 3 (F-2 and F-3).
Fraction 3 is a dark brown oily liquid with a peculiar smell, which is difficult to dissolve in water, but very well in alcohol, fats and oils. It is used exclusively for external use and is never taken internally.
Fraction 2 - light yellow liquid with a brownish tint. It is well diluted with water, but has a sharp and extremely specific smell. In the reviews of doctors about ASD-2 for a person, doctors write that the drug can be used both for external use and for internal use. The drug ASD F-2 has a very wide spectrum of action - therapeutic and prophylactic andrecommended by the USSR Ministry of He alth for use. It is indicated for various diseases with different etiologies and is not addictive. The most effective regimen for taking ASD-2 has been developed, which must be followed when treating with this drug.
Composition of the drug and basic principles of pharmacological action
Fraction 2 is a sterile solution obtained by thermal decomposition of tissue and bone waste of animals. During the decomposition process, tissue nucleic acids are broken down into low molecular weight structures and easily penetrate into disease-prone tissues, providing an effective therapeutic effect. The composition of ASD-2 includes, in addition to the main tissue component, carboxylic and cyclic acids, which are derivatives of aliphatic amines and amides. It also contains water and compounds with a sulfhydryl group.
The basis of the drug ASD-2 are adaptogens released from the cells of tissues or bones of animals before their death. They contribute to the struggle of the damaged cell for its survival and help its recovery. An adaptogen that has entered the human body through chemical exposure carries important information to the diseased cell that it is necessary to fight for survival. This information mobilizes all the protective properties of the cell and allows you to resist the disease.
When taken orally, the drug ASD Fraction 2 allows you to activate the activity of such body systems as the nervous vegetative and central, while stimulating the activity of the digestive organs, and also helps to accelerate the activity of the digestive andtissue enzymes. In addition, taking this medication normalizes the metabolic process of the body and increases the rate of penetration of sodium and potassium ions through the cell membranes. In some cases, doctors note the stimulating effect of the ASD F-2 preparation on the motor function of the digestive organs, as well as an increase in the natural resistance of both humans and animals. But when taken orally, the correct regimen for taking ASD-2 is very important, since completely different schemes are most often used to treat different diseases.
When exposed externally, ASD-2 has a clear antiseptic and anti-inflammatory effect, increases the rate of cell regeneration and normalizes tissue trophism.
Indications for use of the drug

This drug is indicated for a huge number of diseases:
- eye diseases;
- colds of various origins;
- virtually any gynecological abnormalities like thrush, trichomoniasis, vaginal dryness and others;
- skin diseases - even resistant psoriasis and trophic ulcers are curable;
- diseases of the stomach - ulcers, colitis, gastritis
- duodenal ulcer;
- diseases of internal organs - liver, kidneys, pancreas, heart, lungs and so on;
- urinary incontinence and prostatitis;
- hypertensive problems;
- oncological diseases;
- ARI, influenza, pneumonia, viral infections and others.
The drug gives the greatest effect whenearly initiation, at the very beginning of the disease. ASD-2 is very successfully used in cancer and in veterinary practice. For the treatment of this serious illness, taking this medicine can be a real salvation. Just do not allow it to the last stages, when there are practically no living cells left in the diseased organ, but as soon as possible, when the effectiveness of ASD-2 is incredibly high.
Exemplary instructions for the use of ASD Fraction 2

In order for the medicine to give the desired effect, you should understand its features and know the scheme of application well. As you know, this medicine can be applied to almost any disease. Not in each case, it is necessary to have its own individual regimen for taking ASD-2, which is completely different from those recommended for other diseases. In addition, there are some notes on taking the drug that should be taken into account when treating ASD-2, which are detailed in each instruction attached to the drug. Here are the main ones:
- water is always used only boiled;
- drink the drug either 20-40 minutes before a meal or 2-3 hours after it;
- 1ml contains 30-40 drops;
- it should be stored in a dark and dry place where the temperature can be maintained from 4 to 30 degrees;
- shelf life of the medicinal product is 4 years;
- during the period of taking the drug, you need to drink more water - 2-3 liters a day, so that it effectively removes toxins and toxins of microorganisms;
- to avoidto increase blood clotting, it is necessary to use sour lemons or juices during the course of treatment, you can take a quarter of an aspirin tablet.
General rules

So, instructions for using ASD Fraction 2 include the following important points. First of all, it should be noted that there are some standard conditions for taking this remedy, which are the same for all diseases. But at the same time, the treatment regimen for various diseases has its own characteristics, which will be discussed below. How to drink ASD Fraction 2? Following the general rules:
Internal use is allowed only diluted with water
- Every five or six days of taking the medicine must be alternated with a two- or three-day break.
- This drug should be taken twice a day before meals, preferably with breakfast and dinner. But according to the ideas of the creator of this medicine, Professor Dorogov, the number of doses should be four, since this product is active in the human body for only six hours. Drinking alcohol with the drug is prohibited.
- ASD-2 regimen: drink for five days and take a break for three days - is repeated until the final cure, the duration of the course depends entirely on the severity of the disease and the body's ability to heal itself.
Use for various ailments

This product can be used for washing wounds, enemas and douches, but should be dilutedas indicated in the instructions for a specific disease. Now we give a list of diseases. We will also tell you how to drink ASD Fraction 2 for various ailments. Let's start with the fact that the standard dosage requires dilution of 15-30 drops in 50-100 ml of boiled cooled water or a strong tea drink. Drink this solution on an empty stomach, as mentioned above, 20-40 minutes before meals twice a day. The scheme is general - 5 days of admission and 3 days of break, and again 5 days of admission and again 3 break.
For problems in gynecology - inside according to the general scheme and daily douching with a solution diluted in it with 1% of the remedy.
Hypertension - taken according to the general scheme, but starting with five drops, add one more drop daily until their number reaches 20. The course lasts until normal pressure is established.
In inflammatory processes in the eyes, take 3-5 drops inside with a half glass of water according to the general scheme. Skin fungus - wash with soapy warm water and lubricate without diluting ASD F-3, do this 2-3 times daily.

To restore the function of hair growth - rub into the skin a 5% solution of the product at the site of the lesion.
Diseases of the cardiovascular and nervous systems, as well as the liver, are treated according to the following scheme: drink 10 drops and a half glass of water for 5 days, a break for 3 days, then five days for 15 drops, a three-day break, then five days twenty drops with a standard break and 25 drops with a break of 3 days. If the improvement is not sufficient, repeat the scheme from the beginning. If there is an exacerbation - reception temporarilystop, and after normalization of the state, continue again.
Treatment of the kidneys and bile ducts occurs according to the standard dosage and scheme. For toothache - a tampon with a drug on the aching tooth.
For impotence - 3-5 drops per 100 ml of water 30-40 minutes before meals. The scheme is usual - 5 x 3.
Rhinitis and cough - twice a day, 1 ml and a half glass of water. Skin diseases - eczema, psoriasis, neurodermatitis, trophic ulcers - drink 1-2 ml on an empty stomach for 5 days in a row, then take a break for 2-3 days, while applying F-3 externally in a ratio of 1:20 with vegetable oil as a compress. If itching or redness appears, stop treatment for 3 days. Gastritis and colitis - dosage and regimen are usual, but drink only once - in the morning and on an empty stomach.
Tuberculosis of the kidneys, lungs and other organs - start with 5 drops once a day on an empty stomach before meals for 30-40 minutes. Further according to the scheme: 5 days 5 drops each, 3 days break, 5 days 10 drops each - a break for 3 days, 5 days 15 drops each - a three-day break, 5 days 20 drops each - a standard break and so on for 2-3 months.
For weight loss - 30-40 drops per whole glass of water according to the scheme - drink 5 days, 5 days break, 10 drops - drink 4 days, after a break the same number of days. Then 20 drops for 5 days, then a break is made for several days (3-4). Inflammation of the lymph nodes, gout, rheumatism - F-2 in compresses and inside 3-5 drops with 100 ml of water for 5 days and a 3-day break.
Oncology - a precancerous condition is perfectly treated according to the general scheme with compresses on the tumor. In advanced cases, 5 ml of the drugtwice a day under medical supervision. The doctor will write a specific regimen for admission. Dorogov also recommended this technique: on Monday, 3 drops per half a glass of water, the next day (that is, Tuesday) you need 5, on Wednesday - 7, on Thursday - 9, on Friday you will need 11 drops, on Saturday - 13. At the same time take a break Sunday. The same scheme for the second, third and fourth weeks, then a break for 1 week. Repeat the scheme. Monitor your well-being.
Side effects and contraindications to taking the drug
Side effects may include nausea and severe dizziness, as well as other discomfort. Discontinue the drug if side effects occur.
F-2 also has contraindications:
- allergic to ingredients;
- kidney disease;
- lowered immunity;
- diseases of the heart and blood vessels in children;
- pregnancy and lactation;
- high blood pressure.

ASD Fraction 2 for Animals
This wonderful remedy can also be used to treat animals - both cattle - bulls, cows, horses, pigs, and smaller livestock - dogs, cats, sheep, chickens, turkeys, rabbits, ducks and so on. Animals also have diseases in which ASD-2 is indicated. The veterinary version of the drug is prescribed for diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, respiratory organs, urinary tract, skin diseases, metabolic disorders, as well as to stimulate the growth of animals or increase their egg production. Inside the drug is given with drinking water or withcompound feed, but the dosage and dosage regimen depends on the type of animal, its age, so the instructions describe in detail how much money and water are supposed to be for horses, pigs, chickens, and so on.
Practitioners' opinion
What do doctors say in reviews of ASD-2? Many doctors are not afraid to experiment if a person's he alth or life is at stake. Therefore, there are also some of their opinions on this miracle cure.
A gynecologist recommends that her patients take ASD-2 as a supplement along with traditional treatment. She personally tested its effect on herself and drew attention to the excellent results. Since then, she has been advising her patients to include this drug in their treatment regimen, and everyone who tried it was satisfied that they got an impressive effect from the treatment.

The dermatologist expressed her opinion that the drug is really very good and in the treatment of skin diseases, and especially such intractable diseases as eczema or psoriasis, showed its best side. Complex skin diseases are treated with traditional means for a very long time and ineffectively, therefore, in such cases, ASD-2 is simply irreplaceable.
According to bacteriologists, ASD has a powerful antibacterial effect. In addition, it is a powerful adaptogen that can easily penetrate tissue or placental barriers. The drug is not rejected by the body and is quite suitable in structure to a living cell.
Obstetricians believe that this drug is nothas a negative effect on the fetus during pregnancy, moreover, it restores the hormonal background and ensures the normal intrauterine development of the embryo.
The information given in this article indicates the high benefit of the ASD drug for humans and even for animals. With its help, you can cure almost all ailments, and the results of its practical application speak for themselves. Just always remember that any treatment, even miraculous drugs, should take place, if not as prescribed by a doctor, then at least under his supervision and control.