Currently, there are many ways of treatment, alternative to classical medicine. Often, people turn to non-traditional therapy with homeopathic remedies when disease prevention does not give the necessary results, and it is not possible to cure the body with traditional medicines. One such remedy is Ledum ointment (homeopathy). Below we will talk in more detail about this drug and how to use it.
What is this
Not everyone knows what homeopathy is. In simple terms, this is a type of alternative medicine that involves the use of highly diluted drugs that cause in he althy people signs that are detailed symptoms of the patient's disease. Homeopathy relies on two basic rules:
- Like heals like.
- The lower the concentration of the drug, the more effective and efficient it is.
The method of making homeopathic medicines is based on a strong dilution of the mainactive ingredient in a neutral solution to a state in which the drug will give a therapeutic effect. Repeated dilution leads to the fact that the solution with the substance becomes completely safe. The raw materials for the preparation of such medicines are plants, minerals, fungi, animals, poisons and concentrated substances secreted by living organisms.
Ledum ointment

The drug has an antibacterial, anti-inflammatory and healing effect. It quickly relieves severe pain, eliminates burning and swelling, and disinfects the skin well. "Ledum" (homeopathy) improves blood circulation, has phytonicidal properties.
Due to absorption, the ointment can have a positive effect on the internal organs of a person. For example, when applied to the chest area, the drug helps to get rid of a strong cough.
Description, composition and release form

Ledum ointment (homeopathy) is considered an external preparation. It has a light brown or yellowish tint and has a slight specific smell. The main active ingredient of this remedy is the extract of wild rosemary tincture. In addition, the composition contains petroleum jelly, other bases for ointments. "Ledum" is available in packages of various volumes and shapes. These can be jars or bottles of 15–25 g.
The active ingredient - marsh rosemary (wild rosemary) is often used to treat bronchitis. Special substances of this plant enter the lungs throughblood flow, after which they activate the motor activity of the ciliary epithelium, have a strong anti-inflammatory effect, relieve spasms of the smooth muscles of the bronchi and contribute to a quick cure from the disease.
In addition, the plant has proven itself in the treatment of certain diseases of the musculoskeletal system. These include arthritis, rheumatism, deforming arthrosis. The ointment acts as an analgesic anti-inflammatory agent. Ledum is considered a natural anti-allergen, therefore it is used for complex therapy of eczema, an allergic variety of bronchial asthma, and contact dermatitis.
Indications for use

Ledum ointment (homeopathy) is prescribed in the following cases:
- With it, you can get rid of problems with capillaries and blood vessels in the lower extremities.
- The drug is used to treat and prevent gangrene.
- The remedy is prescribed for certain skin diseases. It eliminates burning, itching, various inflammations.
- The ointment is used to treat eczema, peeling, pustules and blisters on the skin.
- "Ledum" is often used by athletes after serious competitions. After all, the ointment is good for dislocations, sprains, bruises and other injuries of the upper and lower extremities, and also relieves pain in the joints.
- Used "Ledum" and from the bites of various insects.
- The drug stops inflammation, reduces burning, itching and swelling, eliminates pain, fights redness and disinfectsskin.
- The ointment has a warming property, due to which it is actively used for frostbite at various stages. But in this case, only the timely use of the drug will help.
- Due to active absorption, the product has a beneficial effect on the bronchopulmonary tree, helps to get rid of sputum and chronic cough.
- Also, the ointment is used to treat gout.
"Ledum" has a natural composition, so it can be used not only by adults, but also by children of different ages (under the strict supervision of parents).
It is not recommended to use the drug for people with allergic reactions or individual intolerance to certain components that make up the composition.
Ointment should not be used by pregnant and lactating women. It is worth knowing that if allergic reactions, burning or itching appear during treatment with the drug, you need to stop the therapeutic course, and after consulting with a specialist, choose another drug.
Method of application and dosage

Ledum ointment is homeopathic and is applied pointwise with a thin layer on problem areas of the skin. Apply no more than 4 times a day. The use of bandages is undesirable.
Ointment can be combined with other drugs, but before that you need to consult with your doctor. It is worth remembering that Ledum is a homeopathic remedy, that is, its use can increase the symptoms of the disease in the initial stages of therapy.
Side effects

No dangerous adverse reactions have been reported with the use of the ointment. Only allergic manifestations, redness, burning and itching were noted. Most often this happens in the presence of hypersensitivity to individual components of the drug.
The ointment is intended for external use only, therefore, if it enters the body, it is urgent to wash the stomach. For this, water is used in large volumes or a weak solution of potassium permanganate.
How to store
Ointment "Ledum" - homeopathy. Therefore, it, like other products made from natural ingredients, should be stored in a cool, well-ventilated place where the sun's rays do not fall. The temperature should not exceed +25 °C. The storage room must be out of the reach of children. Subject to all the rules, the shelf life of the ointment is two years.