Dry spots on the skin peel off: causes, diagnosis and treatment

Dry spots on the skin peel off: causes, diagnosis and treatment
Dry spots on the skin peel off: causes, diagnosis and treatment

The skin (especially its upper layer - the epidermis) reacts hypersensitively to any failures in the body. Often this is expressed in the appearance of spots - areas of the dermis that have changed in color. Often this condition is accompanied by peeling - an accelerated rejection of old dead cells of the epidermis. Peeling, rashes and itching do not just signal malfunctions in the body, they scream about problems.

Spots can be in the form of a dotted rash, large, discolored areas that spread throughout the body and extremities. Rashes on the body are often different in appearance, size, shape. The spots can change their color, then the shape of the skin can also change: they can rise above the level of the skin in the form of blisters, plaques and bumps. Also, rashes can be accompanied by itching and soreness. Dry spots on the skin are flaky, they can indicate serious external or internal diseases, or be quite understandable without pathology. Among the pathologiesexpress chronic diseases of internal organs, infections, allergies.

Types of stains

dry spots on the skin peel off diagnosis
dry spots on the skin peel off diagnosis

When dry spots on the skin flake off, their types may have a different color scheme. In addition, they differ in size, location, shape, and accompanying symptoms. Dry patches can be white, pink, red, dark brown or almost black. By structure, they can be:

  • rough and smooth, no flaking;
  • dry - spots peel off on the skin,
  • accompanied by itching of varying severity;
  • in the form of a rash with pustules.

Smooth surface only indicates a change in skin tone, while its structure is not disturbed. Spots that peel and itch appear more often spontaneously and do not particularly bother their owner.

Many consider it just a mild allergy to something or an occasional skin irritation, and they don't go to the doctor. And the anomaly may not disappear, moreover, it begins to spread to he althy areas of the skin, so an examination by a doctor is a must.


dry patches on the skin peel off
dry patches on the skin peel off

If dry spots on the skin are flaky and cause a lot of trouble, they can appear for a variety of reasons and factors:

  1. Allergic reactions are one of the most common causes. In this case, allergies can be seasonal or permanent. It is dangerous for the development of complications, for example, Quincke's edema.
  2. Fungal infections - accompanied by itching, peeling. With absencetreatments are easily chronic and markedly reduce quality of life.
  3. Strong and frequent stress causes dry spots on the skin (flake and itch).
  4. Increased or sharply reduced air humidity always negatively affects the epidermis.
  5. Temperature differences affecting the face.
  6. Skin diseases.
  7. Problems with the thyroid gland (hypofunction) and other endocrinopathies, such as diabetes.
  8. Diseases of the gastrointestinal tract.
  9. Avitaminosis.
  10. Dehydration.
  11. Autoimmune diseases.
  12. Aggressive care products.
  13. Prolonged sun exposure, dehydration;
  14. Helminthiases, which poison the body with the products of decay and vital activity of worms.
  15. Natural aging.
  16. When dry spots on the skin flake off, it can be a manifestation of oncology.
  17. The result of living in an area with a constant sharp wind (hot or icy). In both cases, the reason for the appearance of spots is the upcoming drying of the skin.
  18. Long sitting at the computer is also fraught with dryness of the skin of the face and hands. Caused by a prolonged vasospasm and a small but prolonged radiation directed at the present areas of the body.
  19. Reflex disorders of blood and lymph circulation.

Thus, if dry spots on the skin peel off, the causes of the appearance can be very different - from quite harmless to serious systemic diseases. 30% of all cases are neurological in nature - psycho-emotional outbursts and stress. Such spots themselves appear on their own (in a few hours,sometimes days) disappear. May be accompanied by slight itching.

Red dry spots

If a dry red spot on the skin peels off, this may indicate rapid processes that require a pronounced blood flow, which would bring nutrition and protection to this place and quickly remove tissue decay products. The appearance of such spots is typical for the following types of skin lesions:

  • viral;
  • bacterial;
  • mycosis (fungal);
  • dermal;
  • neurological.

Either the spots can be the result of allergies, systemic diseases and oncology.

Probable diseases include:

  • psoriasis, lichen, diathesis;
  • viral infections;
  • avitaminosis, dehydration;
  • stress, prolonged emotional instability.

Viral etiology - measles, rubella, chickenpox, smallpox.

Bacterial rashes are characterized by the following - dry red spots on the skin peel off and suppurate - this is their hallmark.

Spots in skin diseases differ in that on the skin, along with already stabilized dry areas, maceration areas, blisters and blisters, crusts, scarring areas coexist in parallel.

Dark breakouts

dry patch on the skin that flakes and itches
dry patch on the skin that flakes and itches

These include brown spots on the skin. Often they are the result of age-related changes (aging - senile keratosis). Characteristic during pregnancy - occur due to hormonal surges and rearrangements in the body. After giving birth theydisappear on their own.

Age spots on the skin (raised above the surface, varying in color from light brown to dark) have a cracked surface with hair growing through. The reasons are violations of skin trophism, blood supply and lymph, and those that have already surpassed all boundaries. Common causes of brown spots include:

  • Deprive. They appear as dry spots on the skin (flake and itch).
  • Adverse effects of UV exposure.
  • Fungal infection.

White spots

White pigmentation indicates a violation of the production of melanin, which is responsible for skin color. If a dry white spot on the skin is flaky but not itchy, there is usually no need to worry. It is only the body's response to strong external stimuli, such as the sun. Also, a person may have an increased destruction of melanin, for example, with vitiligo, one of the lichens (pink, or Zhibera, pityriasis, also called colored, sunny, beach), one of the forms of leukoderma (syphilitic, drug or other).

Spotted diseases

dry red patch on the skin that flakes off
dry red patch on the skin that flakes off

Psoriasis is a dermatosis of a chronic relapsing nature that has not been studied in terms of etiology. May occur at any age. Has a hereditary nature. On the skin of the elbows, under the knees, on the back, under the hair of the head, red spots appear with peeling, rounded and small in size.

Psoriasis is believed to be the result of an autoimmune disorder in the body. Its relapses are easily provokedstress, chronic infections. The main symptom is dry spots on the skin (flaky and itchy), resembling silvery flaky scales. They tend to merge. The initial stage is plaques of 1-2 cm with a rough surface. Itching and soreness appear later.

Psoriasis is incurable. Modern drugs can only contain the manifestations of the disease and prolong remission. You can talk about psoriasis when dry spots appear on the skin (flake and itch).

Contact dermatitis

It is a complication of an allergic reaction and at the beginning of its development it manifests itself in an adult with dry spots on the skin (flake off and have a red or pink color). Their size is no more than a coin. Itching of varying intensity may be noted, it is accompanied by swelling, redness, vesicles, blisters and small red dots. May occur on any area of skin that has been in contact with the allergen.

Pityriasis versicolor

dry spot on the skin flakes off in an adult
dry spot on the skin flakes off in an adult

Lichen is characterized by the appearance of dry, scaly patches on the skin. Its cause is a fungus, which is very difficult to treat. Ringworm often becomes chronic and lasts for years despite treatment.

Pityriasis versicolor gives rashes in the form of brown spots of irregular shape, they do not rise above the level of the skin. More rarely, the spots may be flesh or pink.

The disease causes aesthetic inconvenience, it is most often located on the chest, neck, back, shoulders, and abdomen. The skin is flaky when scraped, the plaques are small in size(about 2 cm in diameter).

Rashes tend to merge. As the disease progresses, the rash usually moves to the groin. Relapses are provoked by a decrease in immunity, for example, during pregnancy, insolation, after a viral infection, hypothermia, etc.

Pityriasis rosea

Another fungal dermatosis, which experts call a "sensor" of reduced immunity. It is also called roseola flaky.

In 80% of cases - a seasonal disease. Exacerbations are typical for spring and autumn. It manifests itself in the form of one or more round dry spots on the skin of pink or light red color. Localization - face, neck, chest, abdomen, back, less often legs. The spots are flaky and slightly itchy.


Frequently occurring pathology, acute or chronic, non-contagious. Etiology - neuro-allergic. It is usually the result of allergic reactions with subsequent inflammation, various rashes, itching and relapses.

The initial stage of eczema is characterized by dry spots, later they are replaced by other forms - vesicles, blisters, weeping, crusts and scales. In all forms there is severe itching of the skin. Eczema always becomes chronic.

Autonomic disorders

These are red spots caused by stress, poor nutrition or overwork. Each such dry spot on the skin is flaky and itchy.


A pathological skin condition that can occur after taking certain drugs due to exposure to the sun. This is specificskin reaction to UV radiation. In this case, at first a small rash appears in the form of red spots on open areas of the body, especially on the face (the skin may swell and itch), then the rash changes color to a darker one.

Autoimmune diseases

With this pathology, blood vessels and connective tissue are affected against the backdrop of an autoimmune process. This is characterized by red spots on the face in the form of a butterfly on the cheeks, which are flaky.

The disease is systemic, in which the immune system becomes a fighter against its own cells, considering them foreign and starting to produce antibodies against them. Eruptions also occur on the ears, head and neck. Spots give way to scars that are almost impossible to treat.

Worrying symptoms

Urgent medical attention is required in the following cases:

  • flaky spot on the skin begins to grow rapidly in size;
  • skin first itches and then peels off;
  • periodically spots disappear and reappear in the same places;
  • peeling lasts more than a month;
  • spots appear on those who have been in contact with their owner;
  • skin cracks and weeping wounds appear on it;
  • pain and bleeding around the rash;
  • ulceration of spots, addition of maceration.

The elderly need to be especially vigilant, since senile skin is most susceptible to rebirth.

Diagnostic measures

dry spots on the skin peel off causes
dry spots on the skin peel off causes

For diagnostics:

  • lab tests:
  • examination by a dermatologist;
  • blood biochemistry and its general analysis;
  • check for allergic reactions;
  • analysis of urine and feces;
  • laboratory examination of skin scrapings and swabs;
  • planting on flora.

If dry spots on the skin are flaky, the diagnosis also includes dermatoscopy - evaluation of rashes with a special device - a dermatoscope. The device consists of a magnifying magnifier.

For scraping analysis, skin particles are examined under a microscope to detect parasites. A blood test will reveal the presence of inflammation in the body.

Spot treatment

dry patches appear on the skin
dry patches appear on the skin

If dry spots on the skin are flaky, the treatment depends on the causes of their appearance.

Pityriasis versicolor is treated, for example, with "Clotrimazole", wiping the lesions with boric alcohol, shampoos ("Nizoral", "Dermazol", "Sebozol"), "Fluconazole" in capsules for internal use.

Also, with lichen color, the doctor may prescribe UVI in a course of 5-7 sessions. This is good for residual pigmentation on the affected areas of the skin.

Baths based on Dead Sea s alts, treatment at seaside resorts (especially during periods of exacerbation) work great for psoriasis and eczema.

With the allergic nature of the spots, antihistamines are indicated - local and general. They are needed to desensitize the body. Most often it is "Claritin" or "Diazolin", "Suprastin", "Erius", "Zodak", etc. Loc altreatment with ointments ("Fenistil", "Gistan"), which must be applied to the affected areas of the skin for 10 days.

If it is only about dry skin, keratosis can be softened and impregnated with creams and ointments with a stimulating regenerative effect, such as Bepanthen, Elidel, Panthenol. They perfectly moisturize the skin, prevent cracks and restore the epidermis.

The skin is very well moisturized when using creams with urea. In severe skin forms of eczema, hormonal ointments from a series of glucocorticosteroids are used - prednisolone and hydrocortisone ointment, Sinaflan, Fluorocort, etc.

Fungal diseases are treated with oral and local antimycotics - Clotrimazole, Fundizol, Exoderil, Terbizil, etc.


Prevention is to exclude provoking factors and moments. Patients with dermatological problems should:

  • eat right;
  • avoid stress;
  • pay attention to the usefulness of sleep;
  • avoid contact with allergens;
  • work with household chemicals only using protective equipment in the form of a mask, glasses and gloves;
  • in summer, avoid direct sunlight on the décolleté, neck, face;
  • use wide-brimmed hats and sunscreen.

Diseases of the internal organs should be treated in time. For problems with the gastrointestinal tract, it is useful to conduct a course of cleansing and detox therapy, to review yourdiet and balance it. With helminthiases, it is necessary to conduct active anthelmintic therapy.

You should stop smoking - nicotine and its resins actively dry the skin. We should not forget about maintaining immunity at the proper level. In addition, it is necessary to take immunomodulators, vitamins and minerals prescribed by a doctor.
