Caries is considered a common problem in children. Since baby teeth are less durable, and cleaning is usually not done well enough, there is an active development of bacteria. Various methods are used to protect against this. One of them is dental fissure sealing. What it is is described in the article.
What are fissures?
Fissures are called anatomical grooves, grooves, cavities on the chewing part of the teeth. In depth, they are different - from 0.3 mm to 0.25 cm. During meals, the grooves become clogged with food, which is why pathogenic microflora develops. Therefore, caries appears and teeth are destroyed. This is due to the structural features of the recesses, and also happens due to the thinness of the enamel in depth.

Fissures have the following structure:
- in the form of a cone;
- drop-shaped;
- funnel-shaped;
- polypoid.
During cleaning, the grooves are difficult to clean with a regular brush. Enamel on young teeth is not very strong, so in children most oftencaries occurs. That is why dentists advise sealing, or sealing.
General information
Fissure sealing of teeth - what is it? This is a special treatment of teeth, vulnerable to caries places, which are called fissures. These areas are located in the recesses of the chewing teeth and are usually poorly cleaned with normal hygiene. Fissure sealing involves filling the recesses with a reliable material that does not allow the teeth to come into contact with bacteria and food. The procedure does not cause discomfort to the child, as it is absolutely painless.
According to experts, fissure sealing in children is tolerated quite easily. Another benefit is enamel strengthening. If the tooth has just erupted, then it will not be strong enough, so the resistance to bacteria is low. And since children's hygiene isn't exactly perfect, and besides, babies love sweets, sealant protection is a great solution.
Pros and cons of the procedure
According to reviews, fissure sealing has the following advantages:
- Excellent caries protection for both children and adults.
- Chance of caries prevention.
- Protection against secondary caries.
- Sealant sealant perfectly fixes existing fillings in the teeth.
But, according to reviews, the sealing of the teeth has disadvantages. Some experts believe that due to gel treatment, the natural growth and proper formation of teeth is impaired. According to them, the use of sealant is not worth it.

There is also an opinion of doctors that the sealant should be poured only on a flat surface. Unfilled unevenness will cause serious development of caries. Since it is difficult to detect after the procedure, it may come to the point that the tooth will need to be removed. Judging by the reviews of experts, only a professional should perform the procedure, otherwise there is a risk of negative consequences.
When is the procedure performed?
Judging by the opinions of doctors, the procedure should be performed only after consultation with a specialist. It is usually carried out at:
- deep and narrow fissures in teeth;
- pigmented fissures, that is, if they are destroyed by bacteria;
- fissure caries;
- missing tooth on opposite side;
- poor oral hygiene.
Fissure sealants are an excellent solution in these cases. Properly performed procedure will protect the teeth from decay by caries.
Fissure sealants in children cannot be performed if:
- wide and open fissures;
- intolerance to the substance used in the procedure;
- tooth decay;
- presence of adjacent teeth affected by caries;
- teething more than 4 years ago and not affected by caries.

When fissures change color, sealing will be the appropriate procedure. It will protect the child from many dental problems.
What kind of fissure sealant is used? A sealant is used for the procedure. It is a durable composite that hardens when exposed to light. It has a high fluidity, which allows the component to penetrate into hard-to-reach places of the teeth.
The sealant is moisture resistant, meaning it is not damaged by constant contact with saliva. Because of this, the applied sealant is able to last 3-5 years, but there are cases when it remained on the teeth for more than 10 years. According to reviews, this procedure perfectly protects against dental problems for a long time.
In each case, all the necessary materials are selected by the doctor, which must be discussed with the patient in advance. It depends on the condition of the hard tissues of the teeth and the structure. The following materials are in demand:
- Composite compounds. They are presented in the form of materials with a light-cured or chemically cured composite. Today, liquid materials are used. With them, fissures are qualitatively closed with their great depth and the presence of strong branching. Composites close the problem area for a long time, do not dissolve in the mouth and are not destroyed by food.
- Compomeric compounds. These materials are more fluid than the previous look. Their main advantage is the ability to release a fluorine compound during contact with liquid in the mouth.
- Cements with glass ionomers. Often they are used for weak enamel. The composition contains active fluorine, which for a long period penetrates into the hard tissues of the tooth. itprovides double prevention of caries by strengthening enamel and sealing fissures.
Like enamel, sealing materials are subject to wear. If the surface is worn, it can be replaced. Approximate duration is 1-3 years.
What fissure sealing methods are used? The sealant is cured in two ways:
- Exposure to light. The component becomes solid after applying the lamp.
- Chemical impact. Curing is observed after a chemical reaction.

Sealant can be transparent (used at an increased risk of caries) and colored (effective for easier observation of the integrity of the coating). The most common drugs include Fissulite, UltraSeal XT and Fissurit.
Features of the procedure
Effective sealing of fissures of milk teeth. It is necessary to use a sealant after eruption, when the fissures are not covered by the soft tissues of the gums. This is usually observed at 2-2.5 years. If you do not complete the procedure, then you may not have time, because caries of chewing teeth appears quickly.
Fissure sealing is performed on permanent teeth. According to dentists, processing should also be performed after their eruption. The procedure is usually carried out in the first six months, as a permanent tooth appeared. During this period, its chewing surface is available for processing, and the enamel has not yet been destroyed by bacteria.
Types of procedure
As the reviews confirm, fissure sealing inchildren should be carried out after examination by a doctor. The specialist will choose the appropriate method. There are 2 ways:
- Non-invasive. In addition to covering with a sealant, no other measures are taken with the tissues of the tooth. The method is ideal for permanent and milk teeth that have just erupted, while the fissures have a simple structure, and the specialist has no suspicion of caries.
- Invasive. This type of fissure sealing involves expanding the fissure with a drill. In this case, there will be no penetration deeper than the enamel coating. The method is used if the furrows have a complex shape or they are closed by masticatory tubercles. The dentist checks whether there is no caries at the bottom of the convolutions - the doctor will not be able to determine the pathology by another method.

To select the correct method for sealing the masticatory grooves, the doctor performs an examination, x-rays and other methods for diagnosing the depth and integrity of fissures. Both methods are considered effective and safe. Fissure sealants in children are reported to provide long-term caries protection.
How is the procedure done?
Fissure sealing is carried out according to the following instructions:
- Professional cleaning performed by a dentist to maximize the removal of plaque from treated teeth and achieve a dry, smooth surface.
- Teeth should be rinsed and dried, and then overlaid with cotton swabs so that saliva does not penetrate.
- Special glue is applied to the teeth to make the surfacegrungy.
- Then it is washed and dried again, and then it is treated with a sealant, which is distributed evenly with a probe.
- Using a lamp, the clinician ensures the sealant cures and checks for fissure filling.
- Using carbon paper, the dentist identifies the places where the excess component has been applied, and then they are eliminated with a grinding nozzle.
After treatment
Fissure sealants are an excellent solution for caries prevention. After the procedure, the chewing surface of the crowns becomes glossy and smooth. She becomes uniform. Depending on the type of material, the tooth may turn white.

Based on the appearance of the surface, it will be possible to evaluate the quality of the sealant layer. If the surface is dull and uneven, then it has low protective properties. To extend the service life, it is necessary to take preventive measures:
- During the first few hours, do not eat food to prevent damage to the integrity of the applied layer.
- Don't eat solid food on the first day.
- Then for cleansing it is necessary to use brushes with soft bristles or medium hardness.
- While the sealant is on the teeth, do not use electric brushes as the high speed of the head will cause rapid abrasion.
- Do not use abrasive paste.
- During the procedure, do not put much pressure on the chewing surface.
Usually with preventive maintenanceThe protective layer is preserved for 5 years. But there is no exact forecast. Judging by the reviews, in children 4-6 years old, the sealant loses its integrity after 3 years. The maximum duration of protection applies to adolescents. Then sealing lasts up to 8 years.
What is the cost of fissure sealing in children? Each clinic has a different cost. It depends on many factors. The approximate price of fissure sealing is 600-1500 rubles. The invasive method of a milk tooth is about 800 rubles. The price of fissure sealing for a permanent crown starts from 1300 rubles. With the invasive method, the cost increases by 300-500 rubles.
Typically, sulcus closure in adult patients is done invasively, in which the crevices are initially opened, followed by inspection and cleaning. The steps are like a child procedure:
- The structure and condition of fissures are specified by X-ray.
- With the help of circular brushes and special pastes, the surface of the teeth is cleaned. Often ultrasound or sandblasting is used. The remains of the product must be washed off.
- Then, the fissures should be washed and dried. This is done by ventilating with a gel containing a concentration of phosphoric acid.
- Sealant is placed in open and clean cracks, distributing it over the surface. Surplus must be eliminated.
- Then, the effect of a light-polymer lamp is performed to harden the composition, and at the end, grinding and polishing of the enamel is performed.
As part of the sealingcomponent contains fluoride ions, under the influence of which the dental tissue is strengthened. She becomes resistant to acids.

After the procedure, a protective layer appears on the teeth, which protects against the ingress of pathogenic bacteria that lead to caries. Efficiency is reduced only when the adhesive is destroyed.
Thus, fissure sealing is recognized as an effective caries protection procedure. It is performed in many dental clinics for adults and children. Given the numerous reviews, we can conclude that the majority of patients are satisfied with the procedure.