Compress on the neck: cooking recipes, how to apply

Compress on the neck: cooking recipes, how to apply
Compress on the neck: cooking recipes, how to apply

Compresses are often used for diseases of the throat and pain in the neck. This healing bandage is dry and wet, cold or hot. The compress (on the neck or on any other part of the body) consists of several layers. Usually gauze, bandage or a clean cloth is used, as well as cellophane. How does this tool work and how to use it correctly?

compress with dimexide on the neck
compress with dimexide on the neck

How does it work and why do you need a compress

Most often, a compress is used for pathologies of the upper respiratory tract not in the acute stage. Also, the procedure will be effective for tonsillitis, pharyngitis, laryngitis during the period of subsiding signs of the disease. Compresses are especially useful for loss of voice as a result of excessive tension of the vocal cords. A similar treatment is also prescribed for chronic lymphadenitis - a residual phenomenon after suffering throat diseases.

The result of the procedure is provided by the local and reflex action of heat, which promotes blood flow, improves microcirculation, activates metabolic processes,reducing discomfort. In addition, the compress is an excellent distraction. With lymphadenitis, the bandage helps to eliminate swelling, relieve inflammation.

What is interesting: for sore throats due to acute tonsillitis, SARS, influenza, cold compresses are sometimes more effective. This bandage helps to stimulate the immune system, activate the protective forces. Under the influence of cold, blood flows out, blood vessels cool and constrict, and this helps to reduce pain, as the sensitivity of the nerve roots is significantly weakened.

alcohol compress on the neck
alcohol compress on the neck

Contraindications for the procedure

A strict contraindication for the use of a warming compress is elevated body temperature. In the acute period of any disease caused by bacteria, the use of this type of bandage is also prohibited, as this will lead to the multiplication of pathogenic microorganisms.

Compresses are also contraindicated for:

  • cardiovascular disease;
  • increased risk of bleeding;
  • skin pathologies, as well as any damage to the skin;
  • oncological diseases;
  • tuberculosis.

Warming dressings are not used in the treatment of children under one year old, alcohol compresses on the neck are contraindicated up to three years. Dimexide and turpentine as part of compresses cannot be used in the treatment of children, debilitated patients, women bearing a baby.

Cold dressings should also be used with caution, otherwise onlyaggravate the condition as a result of hypothermia. It is better for patients with sore throat to use dry compresses, in which case they will be most useful.

baby neck compress
baby neck compress

Proper application of compresses

For the procedure to be effective, you need to know how to make a compress on the neck correctly:

  • for a bandage, take a thin cotton fabric folded in half (you can replace it with gauze, which is folded in four);
  • use liquid that is at room temperature;
  • squeeze the bandage and apply it to clean skin, covering it with polyethylene, compress paper on top;
  • wrap a warm cloth or scarf around your neck;
  • keep your thyroid area open;
  • keep the warming bandage for 3 to 8 hours, if you experience discomfort, itching, rash, immediately remove (half an hour is enough for a hot or cold compress);
  • it is better to be in bed with a compress, 1-2 procedures can be carried out per day, using a new or washed fabric each time;
  • duration of treatment until recovery;
  • after the bandage is removed, apply a thin cloth to the throat; don't go outside.

Types of compresses

If you suffer from a sore throat and your body temperature is elevated, use cold compresses with absorbable and immunostimulating effects. This procedure will help reduce fever, eliminate inflammation and pain.

Cold compresses

Bandages will be effective:

  • Alcoholic. Such a bandage activates blood circulation, starting the processes of self-regulation of the body. How to make a compress of alcohol on the neck? For the dressing, a clean, dense cloth is used, which is moistened with vodka or diluted alcohol. The fabric is covered with polyethylene on top and wrapped around the neck with a scarf or a warm scarf. An alcohol compress on the neck is not put in case of purulent processes.
  • Potato. To carry out the procedure, you need to take two potatoes, grate, squeeze the juice. Put the mass that turned out on the fabric. Then proceed as indicated in the previous paragraph.
  • Curd. This is an effective and safe compress on the child's neck. The product perfectly eliminates swelling, relieves pain. Half a kilogram of cottage cheese is distributed over the fabric, covered with another layer of fabric. A slightly warmed bandage is applied to the neck, secured with a towel. Remove the compress when the curd dries.
how to make a compress on the neck
how to make a compress on the neck

Warm compresses

The following recipes are most effective:

  • Chop boiled potatoes (4 pcs.) to a state of gruel. Put it on the fabric, rolling it in the form of a roller, wrap the neck. You can use a scarf for fixation. Remove the compress when the mass has cooled down.
  • Fill a cloth bag with warm ashes, attach to the neck, securing with a scarf. Remove after 8 hours, preferably at night.
  • If the lymph nodes are enlarged, it is recommended to use a compress with dimexide on the neck. It is necessary to dilute dimexide with water, according to the instructions, add furatsilin (per 100 ml of the resultingliquids - 2 tablets). A compress on the lymph nodes in the neck is placed for no more than 20 minutes. The therapy lasts about a week.
  • Rub the asterisk balm into the throat area, then cover the skin with a soft cloth and wrap it with a warm scarf. The duration of the procedure is 3 hours.
  • Knead the dough using equal parts flour and mustard powder. Put the product on a cloth, apply to a sore throat, leave until the skin turns red.
  • Heat sunflower oil in a water bath. Soak a cloth in it, apply to a sore throat, cover with a film and wrap with a scarf.

Compresses for neck pain

Many of us have been adversely affected by cold air. After such an impact, we are tormented by painful sensations in the neck, turning the head causes a sharp pain. This condition can also be eliminated with compresses.

Cold bandages for neck pain

Relieve the condition with cold compresses, which promote local cooling and further dilate blood vessels, which leads to increased blood circulation.

It is necessary to moisten a thick cloth with cold water. Carefully wring out, attach to the sore spot. When the dressing is dry, replace it with a new one. Hold the compress for about 40 minutes.

Warm compresses for discomfort

With osteochondrosis, which is accompanied by pain in the neck, use the following compresses:

From oatmeal and water. The components are mixed to form a cake, which then needs to be baked in the oven. In a warm form, the cake is applied to the painful area, after coolingwill be removed. The procedure is carried out until the cure

how to make a compress of alcohol on the neck
how to make a compress of alcohol on the neck
  • From hop cones and pork fat. The components are mixed, the mass is applied to the neck, covered with wax paper and wrapped. The tool relieves even severe pain.
  • From grated potatoes with honey. Components mixed in equal proportions are applied to the neck, covered with plastic wrap and wrapped.

Rejuvenating neck compresses

A woman's age is easy to determine by looking at her neck. After 40 years, the skin in this area becomes less elastic and elastic. You can correct the situation with anti-aging compresses.

Water compress

This bandage is used after cleansing procedures. You need to make both a cold and a hot compress. Apply them alternately for 2-3 minutes. You need to do three approaches.

Ordinary water or herbal infusions are used for compress.

Almond oil compress

Almond oil has excellent anti-aging properties. For a compress, you need to take a clean cloth soaked with this agent, apply it to the neck area, cover it alternately with parchment paper, cotton wool, and fix it with a bandage. The procedure lasts at least a quarter of an hour.

Honey rejuvenating compress

Honey is also an excellent anti-aging agent. To prepare a compress for the neck, a teaspoon of honey is mixed with one egg and a teaspoon of butter. The resulting mixture must be laid out on a cloth and applied to the neck area,secured with cling film and bandage. The duration of the procedure is 20 minutes, after which the composition is washed off with warm water.

compress on the lymph nodes in the neck
compress on the lymph nodes in the neck

Lemon Juice Dressing

Lemon juice perfectly rejuvenates the skin of the neck. In it, you need to moisten the cloth and apply a compress to the neck, fixing it with a bandage. Keep the bandage on for at least half an hour. Lemon juice can dry out the skin, so finish with a nourishing cream.

compress with lemon on the neck
compress with lemon on the neck

Compresses on the neck are an excellent tool to help cope with various diseases and improve skin condition. However, one should not forget that compresses for ENT pathologies should not be the only means of therapy - they are used in a complex, as part of a healing program recommended by a doctor. You should also take into account individual contraindications to the procedure, so as not to aggravate the situation and not harm yourself.
