Antianginal drugs are drugs that increase blood flow to the heart and also reduce its oxygen demand. Such medicines are very often used to stop or prevent angina attacks.

Angina pectoris is a disease characterized by pain or discomfort in the chest. As a rule, pain in such a disease manifests itself suddenly with emotional stress or physical exertion, as well as after eating food. Usually it gives to the neck, left shoulder, between the shoulder blades, lower jaw and left subscapular region. Such discomfort disappears after ¼ hours. Also, the pain disappears after the cessation of physical activity or after taking an antianginal drug. As the latter, the medicine "Kordinik" is very often used. Instructions for use, description of the drug and its properties are presented below.
Description of the medicinal product, its form, composition and packaging
What form is inherent in the medicine "Kordinik"? Instructions for use indicate that this drug can be purchased in the form of tablets. They arehave a flat-cylindrical shape, have a white or weak grayish-yellowish color.
The composition of the drug in question includes nicorandil. Potato starch, calcium stearate and microcrystalline cellulose are used as auxiliary components.
The medicine "Kordinik" is on sale, the instructions for use of which are packed in a pack of cardboard, it comes in contour cells.
Pharmacology of a drug
What is remarkable about the medicine "Kordinik" (tablets)? Instructions for use indicate that nicorandil has an antianginal effect. It is based on a combination of nitrate-like properties as well as the ability to open potassium channels. Due to the latter property, this drug causes hyperpolarization of the cell membrane.

The nitrate-like effect of this drug is to increase the content of cyclic guanyl monophosphate inside the cells. Such pharmacological effects contribute to the relaxation of smooth muscle muscles, as well as to protect the myocardium during ischemia.
As for hemodynamic effects, they are expressed in a balanced decrease in post- and preload. Taking into account vasodilation (selective) of the coronary arteries, the load on the ischemic myocardium is minimized.
Nicorandil has no effect on myocardial contractility. In addition, this substance does not change the heart rate. However, it reduces systemic blood pressure and also has a beneficial effect on cerebral circulation in people with ischemic stroke.
What elseproperties inherent in the preparation "Kordinik"? Instructions for use (analogs of the drug are listed below) states that nicorandil has no effect on glucose metabolism and lipid metabolism. It stops an attack of angina pectoris, and also reduces pain within seven minutes after taking it under the tongue. Complete elimination of discomfort is observed after ¼ hours.
Kinetics of the product
Where is the drug "Kordinik" absorbed from? Instructions for use indicate that the absorption of the drug in question comes from the gastrointestinal tract. It reaches its peak plasma concentration after 35-60 minutes.
Nicorandil binds only slightly to plasma proteins. Its free fraction in the blood is 75%.
This medication is not extensively metabolized by the liver. It is excreted by the kidneys within 50 minutes.

Indications for admission
When should Cordinic tablets be used? The instruction claims that this tool performs well when:
- prevention of angina attacks (stable) in combination with other antianginal agents;
- stopping angina attacks;
- monotherapy for intolerance to BMCC and beta-blockers.
Contraindications for taking
When should Cordinic tablets not be prescribed? Instructions for use (synonyms of the mentioned drug are listed below) speaks of such contraindications as:
- collapse, cardiogenic shock;
- AV-blockade of the third and second degree;
- acute myocardial infarction, and also within 90 days after it;
- unstable angina;
- chronic heart failure (NYHA functional class 3 or 4);
- arterial hypotension;
- pregnancy period;
- expressed bradycardia;
- lactation;
- left ventricular failure with reduced filling pressure;
- minor age;
- concomitant use of phosphodiesterase-5 inhibitors (such as Sildenafil, Vardenafil or Tadalafil);
- drug hypersensitivity.

With caution, these tablets are prescribed for abnormal heart rhythm, Prinzmetal's angina, first-degree AV block, arterial hypotension, impaired liver and kidney function, hypovolemia, pulmonary edema, hyperkalemia, angle-closure glaucoma and anemia.
Preparation "Kordinik": method of application and doses
Cordinic tablets should be taken orally, regardless of the meal.
The dosage of this drug is selected individually. As a rule, it depends on the duration and severity of the disease.
To stop an attack of angina pectoris, the medication should be taken at the first signs of the disease. In this case, it is prescribed at a dosage of 20 mg. The tablet is placed under the tongue and held until it dissolves.
For the prevention of angina attacksstable (including long-term therapy), the drug is usually prescribed at a dosage of 10-20 mg three times a day.
The maximum dosage of this medicine per day is 80 mg. For headaches, the starting dose may be reduced.

Side effects
What do you need to know before taking Cordinic tablets? Instructions for use states that this remedy may cause unwanted reactions such as:
- weakness, palpitations, headache, decreased blood pressure, dizziness;
- tachycardia, tinnitus, flushing of facial skin, insomnia;
- allergic reactions, peripheral edema, nausea;
- feeling of fullness in the stomach, vomiting, increased activity of "liver" transaminases, discomfort in the abdomen, stomatitis.
Pill overdose
When taking a large number of tablets, the patient has symptoms such as tachycardia and a pronounced decrease in blood pressure. In this case, the victim is washed with a stomach and given activated charcoal. They also support the cardiovascular system.
Interaction with other tools
The antianginal effect of the drug in question is enhanced while taking antidepressants, vasodilators, phosphodiesterase-5 inhibitors, antihypertensives and tricyclic antidepressants. The same applies to diuretics, MAO inhibitors, beta-blockers and ethanol.

The drug should be discontinued gradually. During therapy, it is necessary to monitor ECG and blood pressure, as well as the content of sodium and potassium ions in the blood. Also, while taking this medication, it is possible to increase heart rhythm disturbances.
Analogues and synonyms of the drug, its cost
Now you know how the drug "Kordinik" works. Instructions for use, photos and properties of this medicine were presented above.
How much does the drug in question cost? As a rule, the price of this remedy for 60 tablets (10 mg) is 450 rubles. Although in some regions of our country this figure may be increased or, conversely, reduced.
In case of urgent need, this medication can be replaced by such analogues as "Dilasid", "Corvamin", "Carbocromen", "Corvaton", "Sydnopharm", "Oxycardin", "Reasanz" and others.
As for synonyms, only Coronel is referred to them.
Medication reviews
There are a lot of positive reviews about the drug "Kordinik". Consumers claim that such an antianginal agent fully copes with the task. Taking the pill in question effectively stops angina attacks, and also eliminates pain and discomfort behind the sternum.

In addition, the advantages of this medication include its availability and the ability to replace analogues, and the disadvantages are the high price and a large number of adverse reactions.