What is RFE in gynecology?

What is RFE in gynecology?
What is RFE in gynecology?

Gynecology uses a lot of different methods to diagnose a patient's condition. Some studies are carried out quickly and painlessly. For example, ultrasound. Others require the use of anesthesia and a hospital stay (laparoscopy). Today's article will tell you about what RDD is in gynecology. You will learn about the features of this manipulation and indications for its implementation.

rdv in gynecology
rdv in gynecology

General information

What is hysteroscopy and RFE in gynecology? These are two diagnostic manipulations that are combined with each other. Let's analyze them in detail. The decoding of the WFD in gynecology is as follows: "Separate diagnostic curettage." This procedure is necessary to confirm or refute the existing diagnosis. The doctor prescribes it in the case when he himself is not sure or cannot confirm his verdict in other ways. It is worth noting that the RFE in gynecology allows you to deliver a 100% reliable result. Whereas other diagnostic methods cannot give suchaccuracy.

Hysteroscopy is an examination that is carried out using a special magnifying device. It's called a hysteroscope. Diagnostics allows you to examine the uterine cavity and, if necessary, carry out medical manipulations: remove polyps, take a biopsy, and so on. The study is carried out exclusively in the hospital. The combination of hysteroscopy and RDD in gynecology gave specialists great opportunities for examining the patient and further prescribing the right therapy.

rdv in gynecology what is it
rdv in gynecology what is it

When research is needed: indications

Separate diagnostic curettage is provided in the following situations:

  • Neoplasms in the uterus or suspicion of them: fibroids, polyps, cysts, septa.
  • Structural changes in the endometrium: hyperplasia or dysplasia.
  • Menstrual disorders of unknown origin. We are talking about long delays or heavy bleeding.
  • Cancer of the cervix or body of the reproductive organ at any stage. Including if a pathology is suspected.

If the doctor assumes you have these diseases, he will give you a referral to the RFE. Gynecology provides free diagnostics for women according to indications. Also, manipulation is carried out in private clinics. But these medical institutions charge for the provision of their services.

Contraindications for manipulation

Some women are banned from such diagnostics. Consider the conditions in whichrefuse the procedure:

  1. Inflammatory process. If during the preparation it turns out that a woman has infectious diseases of the genital organs, then they must first be eliminated. Manipulation in the inflammatory process can increase the likelihood of complications.
  2. Stenosis of the cervix or cervical canal. With this pathology, vasoconstriction occurs. The doctor simply cannot expand the cervix without damaging it. Therefore, before manipulation, it is necessary to remove the spasm and undergo treatment.
  3. Pregnancy. If the patient is in an interesting position and wants to save the fetus, then such actions are categorically contraindicated. Any intervention in the reproductive organ and manipulation of the cervix can lead to termination of pregnancy.
  4. Viral and bacterial diseases. The procedure for separate curettage is postponed if the patient is sick. Even a common cold, fever or flu becomes a contraindication.
  5. Use of intrauterine contraceptives (spirals). Before diagnosis, such a device must be removed from the cavity of the genital organ.

Some sources indicate that WFD is unacceptable for advanced cervical cancer. However, this condition is doubtful. After all, the indication for the operation is an oncological lesion of the cervix and cervical canal. Therefore, in each individual case, the possibility of the procedure should be determined by the doctor.

what is hysteroscopy and rdv in gynecology
what is hysteroscopy and rdv in gynecology

Preparing for the WFD

BeforeThe patient must be examined during the procedure. A woman needs to donate blood for clotting. The presence of antibodies to HIV, syphilis, STDs is determined. Also, the gynecologist will take a smear from the vagina, the study of which will show the state of the microflora. A woman before the RFE needs to do a cardiogram, fluorography, and also visit a therapist. If you are allergic to any medications, be sure to tell your doctor. Manipulation provides for preliminary hygiene procedures. The patient needs to wash and shave. When you go to the hospital, take a change of underwear, sanitary pads and documents with you.

decoding rdv in gynecology
decoding rdv in gynecology

Progress of operation

About the WFD procedure (in gynecology), the reviews say that the manipulation is always carried out under anesthesia. Specialists prefer general anesthesia: intravenous. In this case, the patient is asleep and does not feel anything. Therefore, it cannot interfere with the work of doctors. If such anesthesia is not possible (for example, if there is an allergy), then the woman is simply cut off the cervix with painkillers. Next, the following actions are carried out:

  • vulva and cervix are treated with alcohol antiseptic or iodine solution;
  • cervical canal is dilated with a probe;
  • a hysteroscope is inserted into the cavity of the genital organ, which allows you to control the progress of the operation;
  • with the help of a curette, alternate scraping is done.

Separate diagnostic curettage got its name for the reason that it is first assembledmaterial from the cervical canal, and then from the uterine cavity. The procedure is carried out 2-3 days before menstruation or immediately after it.

referral to rfv in gynecology
referral to rfv in gynecology

During the period of menstruation: the opinion of some doctors

There are gynecologists who prefer to manipulate during bleeding. They talk about the WFD procedure (in gynecology), that these are the same periods, only artificial. The operation performed in this part of the cycle reduces the risk of severe bleeding and complications. When scraping, only the surface of the mucous membrane is separated, which grows within a month. The basal layer responsible for new cells is not affected. However, having an EFD during your period has its risks.

Status after the procedure

Manipulation continues for no more than 20 minutes. After that, the woman is transported to the ward, where she departs from anesthesia. During this time, the patient is closely monitored. Usually during the day, a woman stays in the hospital, where she receives antimicrobial therapy. In the absence of contraindications and complications, discharge is carried out the next day. However, after 7-10 days, the woman should return to the clinic and undergo an additional examination. It includes a gynecological examination, ultrasound diagnostics. The doctor evaluates the condition of the mucous membrane and finds out how it is healing.

rdv in gynecology consequences
rdv in gynecology consequences

Consequences of manipulation

Has RAD (in gynecology) consequences. But they are quite rare. Muchdepends on the qualifications of the doctor, the possibilities of the clinic and the modernity of the equipment. Among the complications, the following conditions can be distinguished:

  1. Perforation of the walls of the reproductive organ. Small lesions heal on their own, and large areas are sutured during an additional operation.
  2. Tear of the cervical region. Is fraught with scarring and difficulties during natural delivery.
  3. Formation of hematomas and hematometer. Blood accumulates in the uterine cavity, which cannot come out due to cervical spasm.
  4. Basal layer damage. This condition is not treatable.
  5. Inflammatory process. Starts due to poor asepsis, requires the use of antibiotics.

Almost all described complications have their own symptoms. This is an increase in body temperature, pain in the abdominal cavity, discharge from the genital tract with an unpleasant odor. Contact your doctor if you find any.

rdv in gynecology reviews
rdv in gynecology reviews

Research on material and results

After separate scraping, the resulting material is placed in sterile containers. In this state, he is sent for histological examination. In the laboratory, experts stain the cells in different colors, after which they determine their reaction. The diagnostic result is ready 10-14 days after the RFE. You can get a conclusion from the doctor who performed the manipulation, or your gynecologist. After that, you must definitely go to the next appointment with the doctor. The specialist will tell you about the values entered in the form.

Other tacticsdetermined in accordance with the received data. Therapy depends entirely on the result of the operation. If polyps, fibroids, cysts are found, then hormonal correction is prescribed. Sometimes surgery is required. Endometritis and inflammatory processes involve antibacterial therapy with the use of immunomodulators and vitamin complexes. Treatment tactics are chosen according to the age of the patient and the desire to have children in the future.

rdv in gynecology what is this photo
rdv in gynecology what is this photo

Instead of a conclusion

You have learned about the EDD procedure in gynecology. What is it, a photo of the operation, indications for its implementation - everything is described in the article. Such manipulation is always planned, it has its limitations. If you are assigned a separate curettage, then you should not refuse and be afraid. After all, the only way you can accurately know about your he alth. The results obtained reflect the condition of the mucous membrane of the cervical canal and the he alth of the reproductive organ. Manipulation allows you to evaluate the work of the reproductive system and the hormonal background in general. Good luck and good results!
