Cyst of the corpus luteum refers to fairly common diseases of the female genital organs. It can occur at any age after puberty. The cyst is benign and does not become malignant.
This is a benign neoplasm with heterogeneous serous fluid and blood clots. Normally, the corpus luteum forms every month. It produces progesterone, which is very important for conception. If conception did not occur, then the structure of the corpus luteum resolves on its own by the end of the monthly cycle. However, if functional disorders have occurred, then a cystic capsule is formed from its cells.
Features of the disease
Cyst of the corpus luteum is a tumor formation caused by the accumulation of fluid in the area of the ruptured follicle. Such a pathology refers to benign functional neoplasms. Its occurrence is due to a violation in the work of the ovaries. The corpus luteum cyst of the ovary is able to resolve on its own and is treated very well.

Localizedit is mostly on the side or behind the uterus. The size of such a neoplasm ranges from 3 to 8 cm, but sometimes it can even reach 20 cm. Like any other cyst, with a favorable course, such a formation does not require special treatment. It may completely dissolve after 2 - 3 cycles.
Feature of the disease during pregnancy
When carrying a fetus, the cells of the embryo begin to produce gonadotropin, which provokes the production of hormones. Progesterone ensures the subsequent normal development of the fetus during the first 2 to 3 months and helps to maintain the pregnancy. During this period, the placenta is formed, which begins to maintain a balance of estrogens and progesterone. With a fully formed placenta, the functioning of the corpus luteum stops, and it undergoes regression.

However, if this does not happen, then against the background of the development of pregnancy, the formation of a corpus luteum cyst occurs, which affects the general hormonal background. In the very early stages of pregnancy, there is a possibility of abortion due to a decrease in progesterone in the blood. In this case, hormonal correction is performed. In general, the cyst does not have much effect on pregnancy, and its reverse development occurs some time after childbirth.
The corpus luteum cyst is classified according to its structure into single-chamber and multi-chamber. According to the localization area, such neoplasms can be right-sided and formed on the left. Often abdominalstructure is formed on one side only. However, if there are 2 mature follicles in both gonads, which happens quite rarely, then the cystic capsule can form on both sides.
Cyst of the corpus luteum of the ovary, regardless of its form, does not differ at all in its symptoms. However, the tumor is most often found on the right side.
Causes of occurrence
All the factors that lead to the development of such a neoplasm have not been fully established. In the case of the formation of a cyst of the corpus luteum, the causes are mainly associated with hormonal disorders. Risk factors in this case can be various kinds of concomitant diseases and conditions of the body, in particular, such as:
- occurrence of inflammation in the ovaries;
- induced abortion;
- overweight or underweight;
- heavy stress.
Among the provoking factors is hard work. In addition, an incorrectly selected course of hormonal drugs and contraceptives is important.
Any of these factors can trigger the development of education in the ovary, including during pregnancy.
Main symptoms
Often, such a benign neoplasm does not manifest itself at all. It is able to proceed completely asymptomatically, and also during the course of the next menstrual cycle, it significantly decreases in size and completely disappears. Among the main symptoms of a corpus luteum cyst with large sizes, one can distinguish such as:
- pain in the appendages;
- bursting and feeling of heaviness in the neoplasm;
- menstruation disorder;
- development of anemia due to uterine bleeding;
- slight increase in temperature;
- frequent urination;
- discomfort and pain during intercourse.

With the development of complications, the signs of pathology are pronounced. In such cases, it is imperative to call an ambulance. The woman in this case requires an operation, as the consequences can be life-threatening.
If the neoplasm reaches a significant size, then a leg is formed, which acts as an attachment. When turning the cyst, the leg twists. Such clamping leads to a deterioration in blood circulation, and the tissues begin to gradually die off. The occurrence of sharp pain in the lower abdomen can indicate dangerous complications. The symptoms of torsion are quite acute and are characterized by:
- the presence of acute pain in the abdomen;
- discomfort in the lumbar region;
- nausea and vomiting.
If the neoplasm is not completely twisted, then the symptoms increase very slowly and gradually. If the cyst of the corpus luteum bursts, then the woman has an acute abdomen syndrome, provoked by bleeding in the peritoneum. In this case, signs such as:
- pain in the lower abdomen;
- pale skin;
- abdominal tension;
- stool retention;
- peritoneal irritation;
- sharppressure reduction.
If all the signs occur, you should urgently consult a doctor for a comprehensive diagnosis and treatment.
To make a diagnosis, an analysis of the patient's complaints is required. This takes into account:
- time of onset of symptoms;
- predisposing factors;
- ectopic pregnancy, abortion;
- regularity of menstruation.
After the interview, the doctor performs a gynecological examination. The neoplasm is defined as a painful elastic tumor to the right or left of the uterus. To clarify the nature of the diagnosis, ultrasound diagnostics is performed. The corpus luteum cyst on ultrasound is very well visualized and looks like a homogeneous tumor with smooth edges, oval or round in shape. Diagnostics should be carried out several times, namely in the first and second phases of the menstrual cycle.

Additionally, research methods such as:
- doppler study;
- blood test for tumor markers;
- pregnancy test.
Exploratory laparoscopy may be required for a more accurate diagnosis. This method involves a visual endoscopic examination.
Features of treatment
Methods of treatment of a corpus luteum cyst are selected strictly individually by the attending doctor, depending on the characteristics of the neoplasm. Since in most cases the tumorresolves on its own, then the patient is not prescribed any special treatment. With the development of a corpus luteum cyst in the early stages, constant monitoring by a doctor and periodic ultrasound monitoring are required. If the neoplasm does not decrease in size, then the gynecologist may recommend resorting to conservative therapy, which implies:
- drug treatment;
- physiotherapy;
- lifestyle correction.
With a rapid increase in tumor size, there is a risk of complications. In this case, the doctor recommends surgery.
Conservative Therapy
Many patients are interested if they found a cyst of the corpus luteum, what to do and how the treatment is carried out. After the diagnosis is made, the doctor observes the neoplasm under ultrasound control for 3 months. During this period, it is recommended to refrain from sexual activity and thermal procedures. After this time, the cyst may resolve on its own. If this does not happen, then complex treatment is prescribed. To do this, appoint:
- hormonal contraceptives;
- anti-inflammatory drugs;
- physiotherapy techniques.

Treatment of a corpus luteum cyst is carried out using monophasic hormonal contraceptives containing progesterone, in particular, such as Utrozhestan, Duphaston. When using such drugs, the hormonal background quickly normalizes, the size decreasesneoplasms. Rectal suppositories will help eliminate inflammation, in particular, such as Voltaren, Indomethacin, Diclofenac.
Folk techniques
A good addition to the conservative method is the use of traditional medicine. However, they can be used only after consultation with the attending physician and in combination with drug therapy. For faster resorption of the cyst, you can use tools such as:
- burdock leaf juice;
- dandelion root;
- upland uterus;
- chaga mushroom;
- green walnuts.
Upland uterus helps to cope with many gynecological diseases very quickly and effectively. Dandelion root helps to reduce the amount of fluid contained inside the cyst, as well as prevent the formation of new tumors.

Chaga mushroom is used even in official medicine and promotes the resorption of cystic formations not only in the ovaries, but also in the kidneys and mammary gland. If during 1-2 months of complex treatment the cyst has not decreased in size, then surgical intervention is required to remove the existing neoplasm.
If the size of the corpus luteum cyst is large enough or after conservative therapy the neoplasm has not decreased in size, then the doctor may prescribe an operation to remove the tumor. In addition, surgical intervention is required if there is a pronounced pain syndrome.
The main technique is laparoscopic removal of cystic formation. It is carried out using a special endoscope. It is inserted through small incisions in the abdomen. This technique is one of the most benign, since working capacity is restored within 3-5 days after the operation.
In the event of a sharp, acute circulatory disorder in the area of the cyst, with its suppuration or rupture, an urgent surgical intervention is required. The technique of the operation largely depends on the general condition of the patient. If the rupture of the neoplasm is accompanied by profuse bleeding, then a laparotomy is indicated. The rehabilitation period largely depends on the amount of blood lost and can last for a month.
Physiotherapy & Lifestyle
Together with the medical treatment, the patient is additionally recommended to carry out physiotherapeutic procedures. They contribute to the resorption of cystic formation. Often prescribed procedures such as:
- electrophoresis;
- balneotherapy;
- laser therapy;
- magnetotherapy.
Correction of the patient's lifestyle deserves special attention. Failure to comply with the most elementary rules that the doctor recommends can provoke the rapid growth of a cystic neoplasm. Patients who are overweight are advised to exercise and diet. All exercises are selected by the attending doctor and at first should be carried out under the supervision of an instructor. Amongcontraindications need to highlight sudden changes in body position and straining.

It is strictly forbidden to carry out physiotherapy, which implies warming up the lower abdomen. It is also recommended to refrain from wraps, as they have a squeezing and warming effect. A woman must definitely exclude excessive physical activity.
If during sexual intercourse there is discomfort and pain, then you need to refuse them. It is not recommended to visit the sauna or bath. It is advisable to give up sunbathing in a solarium or on the beach.
Possible Complications
Whether a corpus luteum cyst is dangerous is of interest to so many women who have been diagnosed with this. In some cases, complications such as:
- heavy bleeding;
- ruptured cyst;
- Twisting of the cyst stem.
With large sizes of cystic formation, pain in the lower abdomen of a pulling nature and an increase in existing symptoms may occur. In addition, the large size of the cyst is very dangerous because of the rupture of its membrane and the penetration of fluid into the pelvic area.
Especially dangerous is the condition when the rupture of the cyst occurs as a result of hemorrhage. Since the blood enters the abdominal cavity through the existing defect.
Prevention of cystic ovarian formations should be carried out by every woman in order to prevent the formation of a pathology that affects the reproductive function. For this you need:
- timely treatment of existing inflammatory diseases;
- minimization of gynecological and obstetric procedures;
- personal hygiene;
- correction of hormonal disorders;
- regular visits to the gynecologist.
Compliance with preventive measures can prevent the risk of developing the disease or determine it at an early stage.