Today, birth control pills are one of the most convenient and reliable means of contraception. There are many different drugs, but which one is better for a girl to start taking is determined by the doctor based on tests.
One of the most popular options are Jess tablets. Reviews about this drug are mostly positive, but there are also negative comments. However, first things first.

Form and composition
First of all, it is necessary to talk about what the drug "Jess" is. And instructions and reviews will be discussed a little later.
So, this is a monophasic contraceptive that comes in pill form. The drug is packed in a blister of 28 pieces. Of these, 24 tablets contain active substances, and 4 - placebo. They do not have a contraceptive effect, but they help a woman not to forget during a break about how muchdays to start the next pack.
The composition of the tablets includes the following active ingredients:
- Ethinylestradiol (20 mcg). This substance helps to compensate for the deficiency of estradiol in the body. It also has an anabolic effect, affects metabolism, and also minimizes the amount of cholesterol. Ethinylestradiol also increases insulin sensitivity, normalizes the level of calcium and sodium in the blood.
- Drospirenone (3 mg). This is the name of a derivative of spironolactone, which has antiandrogenic, antimineralocorticoid, antigonadotropic and progestogenic effects.
In a small amount, the composition of the drug also includes lactose monohydrate, magnesium stearate, corn starch, talc, titanium dioxide, dye and hypromellose. By the way, placebo pills are made from the same substances.
How does the drug work?
If you believe the reviews of women about "Jess", then these are very high-quality, well-proven tablets. And this is not surprising, because the drug belongs to the monophasic oral contraceptives (OC) of the new generation.
The principle of its action is similar to that of other contraceptive pills, only the Jess formula is improved, improved. And all because it contains drospirenone, a fourth-generation progestogen. Its action is as close as possible to the natural hormone progesterone.
Drospirenone blocks fluid and sodium retention in the body, which is why women experience side effects in the form of edema and weight gain. However, thispositively affects the tolerability of the drug.
Plus, taking pills is good for PMS. They significantly alleviate the condition of the girl in case of severe premenstrual syndrome. Many women who leave reviews about Jess tablets note the following positive changes in their bodies:
- Psycho-emotional disorders disappear.
- Mammary glands stop swelling before menstruation.
- Pain in muscles, joints and back.
- Head stops hurting.
- Apathy and fatigue are not felt at all.
It should also be noted that these pills contain much less estrogen than other contraceptive counterparts. Microdoses are gentle on the sensitive female body, which reduces the risk of side effects and complications to a minimum.

How to take the drug?
Before proceeding to review the reviews, the instructions for "Jess" also need to be studied, as well as the composition.
So, you need to start taking it on the first day of your period. The instructions say that in this case, you do not need to use additional contraceptive measures. It is allowed to start drinking pills on the 2nd-5th day of the cycle, but then you will have to use condoms for the next 7 days.
Use the medicine every day at the same time. If an active tablet (pink) was missed, but the girl was “late” by less than 24 hours, contraceptive protection is not reduced. However, you still need to take the pill as soon as possible. If the delay exceeded 24 hours, then you must also take the missed pill, even if you have to do it together with the next one (that is, take two at once).
Having studied the reviews left about the use of Jess, it can be noted that many girls switched to this drug, abandoning other OKs or contraceptive patches and a vaginal ring. In this case, the first tablet should be taken the next day after taking the last active pill from the package of the previous remedy (or after removing the patch/ring).
What if a girl switches to Jess from progestogen-only mini-pills? Then she can start taking it any day without even finishing the previous drug. But be sure to use condoms for the next 7 days.
After an abortion done in the first trimester, you need to start drinking Jess immediately. If the abortion was in the second trimester, you will have to wait at least 21 days (maximum 28).

How does adaptation work?
In their reviews of "Jess", birth control pills, girls talk about how their body got used to the drug. In most cases, the following changes are observed:
- Dizziness, weakness and nausea. They occur a couple of hours after taking the drug (it takes about 2 hours for the absorption of active substances).
- Swelling of the mammary glands and their increased sensitivity.
- Smearing scanty red-brown discharge,appearing 5-6 days after the start of the drug.
- Increased appetite. I really want to eat. Many girls say that a persistent feeling of hunger occurs even an hour after a hearty meal.
- Mood swings. From optimism to depression.
According to statistics, this occurs in 3% of girls who started taking the drug. But it normal. Substances that are still unfamiliar to him begin to enter the body, the concentration of hormones increases, which, of course, is stressful for him.
This phenomenon is temporary, everything passes in a few days, and with the beginning of the next pack, none of the above is observed.
The most important thing is not to interrupt the reception. This is stated in all the reviews of women left about Jess. Plus, the same is advised by doctors. If you interrupt a reception that has just begun, you can hurt yourself even more.
Unbearable pain and heavy bleeding, of course, cannot be tolerated either, but in this case it is absolutely necessary to urgently consult a doctor, as this is not quite normal.

Collateral buffs
The main effect of pills is contraception. But there are also side effects for which this drug is appreciated by many girls. The reviews of "Jess" list the following obvious advantages of these tablets:
- Pimples, rashes and acne disappear. The general condition of the skin improves significantly. It becomes cleaner, rosier, even the scars are smoothed out. Especiallyhelps the drug for girls with oily skin.
- With long-term use, it is possible to get rid of internal acne. Subcutaneous boils, as they are also called, are one of the serious and painful skin problems. However, you need to take the pills for at least six months to see the result.
- Appetite normalizes, excess fluid in the body does not linger.
- All PMS symptoms are greatly relieved, and many disappear altogether.
- Improve the condition of the hair. Most often, girls note that they stop quickly getting dirty. Long-haired ladies say washing twice a week is enough.
- Chest takes shape, slightly enlarges. This pleases many.
- The cycle is normalizing. Menstruation is regular, accurate to the hour. Girls who, before taking OK, they lasted about a week, say that the duration is reduced to 3-4 days. And the amount of blood lost is also significantly reduced.
- The drug does an excellent job with its protective functions. Having studied the reviews left about the Jess contraceptive pills, it can be noted how some girls admit that they sometimes missed an appointment due to forgetfulness. But despite this, there were no "misfires".
Also, girls refer to the benefits of this drug and its cost. The price is about 1200-1300 rubles. It is not very cheap (“Regulon”, for example, costs about 400 rubles), but there are drugs for 4000 rubles. – Charosetta or Exluton.

Negative Consequences
It should immediately be noted that taking OK can lead to he alth problems only if the girl arbitrarily prescribed them to herself, and did not follow the recommendations of the gynecologist. Each woman is suitable for different drugs. The hormonal background is a delicate mechanism, it must be handled with care.
Also, problems arise from neglecting the instructions. Some girls may take several pills at once, not take a break between packs, etc. Here are the consequences of all this:
- Increase in blood insulin, cholesterol and sugar.
- Insulin resistance (a consequence of metabolic disorders).
- The appearance of excess weight.
- Venous insufficiency, mistakenly referred to as varicose veins by some.
- Dry mucous membranes.
- Dehydration and pseudo-cellulite, which is actually a manifestation of extreme skin dryness.
- Depressive states and sudden manifestations of aggression.
- Migraine and persistent headaches. Some attacks last for several days.
- The appearance of "sand" in the gallbladder (excess cholesterol).
All of these consequences can not be called pleasant. And these are just the main complaints that girls make in their reviews of Jess.
Therefore, in order to avoid long-term treatment of these problems, it is better to spend a little time visiting the gynecologist and waiting for the results of the tests, after studying which OK is prescribed.
What is the risk of canceling "Jess"?
Some girls for one reason or anotherreasons to stop taking birth control pills. Some do it because they do not have a sexual life, others because of plans to become pregnant. If you believe the reviews of women about Jess, for many, drug withdrawal does not go away without consequences. Here are just some of the challenges they face:
- Absence of menstruation for several months. This is called amenorrhea. Some cycles do not have six months. Doctors call this ovarian hyperinhibition syndrome. It takes some time to restore their work.
- Hair problems. They just fall out, and in large numbers. But then, as the general hormonal background is restored, the situation is getting better. If you plan to stop taking OK, you need to stock up on vitamins for internal nourishment of hair and ampoules for external stimulation of their growth.
- Skin problems. Acne and pimples appear not only on the face, but also on the shoulders, back and neck.
- Big hormone problems. Having studied the reviews left about Jess, you can see that in some girls, after the withdrawal, not a single hormone was normal, with the exception of TSH produced by the anterior pituitary gland. They say that the background is getting better within a year, and by itself, without treatment.
- Prediabetes. One of the most serious consequences. This condition has to be treated with a long diet and serious drugs.
- Problems with weight loss. Due to the notorious pre-diabetes and previously mentioned insulin resistance, it is very difficult for girls who gain weight while taking OCs to get rid of the pounds that have appeared.
Bin especially severe cases, women experienced intestinal colic. After the cancellation of OK, hormonal changes in the body occur, which can be manifested by severe pain in the right side, at the location of the appendix.

Jess plus pills
Reviews about this drug also deserve attention. But first of all, you need to figure out what is the difference between the usual "Jess" and the "plus" one? Because this question worries many women who plan to start drinking OK.
And the difference, according to the instructions, is in their composition. In "Jess Plus", in addition to the previously mentioned active ingredients, calcium levomefolate is included. This substance helps to fill the deficiency of folic acid.
This version of the drug is recommended for women who plan to become pregnant after stopping OK. Taking "Jess Plus", it is possible to maintain a normal balance of folic acid, which will further contribute to rapid conception and prevent deviations in the development of the fetus.
Many women who decide to get pregnant have to prepare for this for a long time. They buy various vitamins, drink he althy drugs in courses. And the girl who took this version of the drug, the body is already prepared, so conception can occur in the coming months.
If you study the reviews about "Jess plus" doctors and women, you will notice that they are mostly positive. A large number of girls who used this drug did not have problems with conception. So what about the advisability of taking this particularversion OK you can say.
Contraindications and recommendations of doctors
It has already been said above about Jess Plus, reviews and instructions for this drug. It is necessary to talk about contraindications. Because many girls face side effects precisely because of their neglect. True, they forget to mention this in their reviews of "Jess".
So, it is not recommended to accept OK if there is any of the following:
- Arterial or venous thrombosis, as well as cerebrovascular disorders. And both now and in history.
- Liver disease, including failure.
- Presence of conditions preceding thrombosis. Angina, for example.
- Adrenal insufficiency.
- Hereditary or lifelong predisposition to thrombosis.
- Diabetes mellitus of any degree.
- Diseases associated with impaired peripheral circulation. Lupus erythematosus, eg ulcerative colitis, phlebitis.
- Suspicion of pregnancy.
- Recurrent and regular migraine attacks.
- Oncological diseases.
- Vaginal bleeding of unknown nature.
- Malignant diseases of a hormonal nature.
Considering the reviews and instructions for use of "Jess Plus", it should also be noted that this drug is prohibited for use by girls suffering from lactose intolerance or having a lactase deficiency. Because OK contains substances that are similar in nature to them.
Also,contraceptive pills should be used with caution in actively smoking girls. But if you carefully study the reviews left about Jess, you can find many comments written by those who like to treat themselves to nicotine. Some of them claim that they smoke a lot, at least a pack a day, but they drink OK and neither side effects nor a decrease in the contraceptive effect are observed.
By the way, if we talk about bad habits, it should be noted that drinking alcohol can weaken the effect of "Jess". At least that's what the doctors say.

Possible side effects
It is worth talking about them at the end of the discussion of the reviews left about Jess. Instructions for use without fail contain a list of side effects.
Manufacturers honestly warn about the consequences that may occur, although such cases, according to statistics and clinical studies, are extremely rare. However, the instructions list the following:
- Candida (thrush).
- Thrombocytopenia, characterized by a decrease in the number of platelets below 150 109/l.
- Anemia, manifested in a low concentration of hemoglobin.
- Allergic reaction and hypersensitivity. This is, by the way, the most rare side effect.
- Metabolic disorders. It can manifest itself both in an increase in appetite and in the development of anorexia.
- Hyponatremia. Manifested in a decrease in the concentration of sodium ions.
- Depression, emotional lability, insomnia, drowsiness, nervousness, anorgasmia.
- Hyperkalemia. Manifested as an increase in plasma potassium concentration.
- Headaches.
- Paresthesia. It manifests itself in the spontaneous occurrence of itching, tingling, goosebumps and burning.
- Dizziness.
- Migraine.
- Tremor (trembling fingers) and vertigo (sudden loss of coordination). These two side effects are also extremely rare.
- Dry eyes and conjunctivitis.
Also, the list of possible side effects includes arterial thromboembolism, cholecystitis, phlebitis, vulvovaginitis, asthenia, etc.
But practically no one has come across this, according to the reviews left about Jess. Doctors say that only girls with very weak immunity and a predisposition to a number of diseases can expect this.
So don't be afraid to take birth control pills. Antibiotics also have contraindications and possible side effects, but no one refuses to take them prescribed by a doctor for a particular disease.