The company "Evalar" is engaged in the production of dietary supplements, medicines and vitamins. It is considered one of the most famous enterprises for the production of dietary supplements and drugs in the Russian Federation. The main advantages of the company's products are availability, inexpensive prices and good quality.
About us
The main office of the company is located in the Altai Territory, in the city of Biysk. In the production of Evalar products, only natural ingredients are used.

The company is engaged in the manufacture of not only dietary supplements and vitamins, but also medicines. All products are manufactured according to quality criteria accepted throughout the world. The manufacturing process of these medicines and vitamins is subject to rigorous testing. In production, both domestic and foreign raw materials are used. Innovative technologies that are used at the enterprise make it possible to preserve the beneficial properties of natural ingredients as much as possible.
Thanks to a wide range of products, the company is popular and has earned a good reputation among customers and among many physicians. The fact that doctors today consider Evalar medicines and vitamins to be effective and safe largely explains the trustbuyers for the goods that this firm produces.
Product types
The company offers a wide range of different products. Evalar products are represented by the following types of goods:
- Medications (tablets, capsules, infusions, oils, ointments).
- Weight loss products that come in various forms and contain herbal ingredients (ginger, green coffee, pineapple extract, etc.).
- Bioadditives to improve the functioning of the heart, blood vessels, joints, organs of the reproductive system and vision.
- Medications with a slight sedative effect (melissa, motherwort).
- Drugs to combat the symptoms of a cold.
- Anti-aging products.
- Supplements to improve the condition of hair and nails.
- Special nutrition for people who play sports.

Vitamins "Evalar"
This product is suitable for both adults and children. Vitamins must be taken, since the useful substances that come with food are not always well absorbed by the body. Avitaminosis begins to manifest itself strongly in the autumn-winter period. It can also be observed during pregnancy, increased physical and intellectual stress, the predominance of preservatives and refined foods in the diet. That is why, in order to avoid illness and overwork, doctors recommend taking vitamins. Such Evalar products are represented by various products, for example:
- Lutein.
- "Aevit".
- Ostrum.
- "Baby bear formula" (calcium, vitamin C).
- Optimistin.
- "Vitamin D-sun".
- "Mountain Calcium".
- "Biorhythm".
- Star Eyebright.

Dietary supplements
Dietary supplements, like vitamins, are needed by everyone. They are especially necessary for those people who have been diagnosed with any pathologies or there is a threat of their occurrence. But even if a person feels good, taking dietary supplements will bring undoubted benefits to his body. Dietary supplements "Evalar" are represented by the following types of products:
- "BP minus".
- Adenon.
- "Pineapple extract".
- Aroma Evalar.
- Hepatrin.
- Mastocaps.
- "Upland queen".
- "Kelp".
- Carnosine.
- "Multiflora".
The company is engaged in the production of drugs that are used to treat various pathologies. The company produces many medicines to combat the symptoms of colds and flu, disorders of cerebral circulation and heart activity, diseases of the joints, male and female reproductive organs. Preparations "Evalar" are represented by the following types of goods:
- "Effect Sildenafil".
- Rotokan.
- Ginkoum.
- Aquamaster.
- "Pantea".
- Qi-Klim.
- Elixir Evalar.
- Orvis Flue.
Opinions of doctors and customers about products
As already mentioned, many medical professionals trust the drugs of the company "Evalar". The reason for this relationship is the composition of the product. Indeed, in the manufacture of goods, manufacturers use only natural raw materials.

However, many experts are very skeptical about Evalar products. This is due to the fact that there are no exact data that the effectiveness and absolute safety of drugs have been proven. Some doctors believe that the effect of many dietary supplements, vitamins and drugs is subjective. That is, it is due to the so-called “placebo effect.”
As for buyers, their feedback on Evalar products is also very ambiguous. Some consumers claim that drugs and vitamins give good results, significantly improve physical well-being and do not have a negative effect on the body. In addition, the funds have such advantages as low prices and availability (they can be ordered online).
However, other buyers talk about the negative properties of drugs. The fact is that many of them cause side effects: nausea, vomiting, heart rhythm disturbances, weakness and dizziness. Naturally, in such cases, it can be assumed that drugs and vitamins affect everyone differently and may cause intolerance in some people. Therefore, it is necessary to select drugs, even such as dietary supplements, very carefully, taking into account individual factors.