Skin allergy: possible causes, symptoms and treatment features

Skin allergy: possible causes, symptoms and treatment features
Skin allergy: possible causes, symptoms and treatment features

Many people face the problem of allergies. Rashes appear on the skin, the integuments turn red and begin to peel off, and the whole process is accompanied by constant itching. Familiar symptoms? This disease affects people regardless of age and gender. And, of course, in such a situation, it is important for a person to receive qualified medical care.

What is an allergic reaction?

Itching with allergies
Itching with allergies

In modern medical practice, cases of skin allergies are quite often recorded. Red spots, swelling, blistering rash, constant itching are just some of the symptoms of this pathology.

First of all, it is worth dealing with questions about why the disease appears. Allergy is associated with an inadequate response of the immune system to a particular substance/exposure.

The body begins to produce specific antibodies (immunoglobulins E). Once in the bloodstream, these biological substances trigger a cascade of reactions, as a result of which they are activatedmast cells. The process is accompanied by the release of a large amount of histamine. In turn, this biogenic amine causes expansion of the lumen and a decrease in the permeability of the capillary walls, spasm of smooth muscles, a decrease in blood pressure, blood clotting and swelling of soft tissues.

Most often, this pathology affects the integumentary and mucous tissues. Redness and rashes appear, which are very itchy. Skin allergies can be supplemented by disorders of other organ systems. For example, stinging eyes, watery eyes, burning nose, rhinitis are also symptoms of an immune response.

What can cause allergies?

What triggers an allergic reaction
What triggers an allergic reaction

Many people are faced with such a problem as the appearance of rashes, acne, red spots. Skin allergies can develop upon contact with a mass of allergens. The reaction develops at:

  • consumption of certain foods (e.g. nuts, honey, cocoa), as well as flavorings, flavors, preservatives;
  • use of creams, soaps, skin lotions, unsuitable decorative cosmetics;
  • bites of certain animals and insects (some of them release toxic substances during the bite);
  • taking certain medications;
  • wearing synthetic clothing;
  • skin contact with household chemicals, powders, rinses for clothes;
  • interaction with natural allergens, such as plant pollen, animal hair, insect waste products;
  • exposureon the skin of certain chemicals, reagents, metals, etc.

By the way, the skin is often allergic to cold. The reaction can also occur when exposed to high temperatures, ultraviolet radiation.

It is worth noting that when an allergy occurs on the skin, it is very important to determine what exactly triggered the reaction from the immune system. In many ways, the success of therapy depends on this.

Key risk factors

As already mentioned, skin allergies are the result of an inadequate response of the immune system to certain substances. Scientists have been able to find out some factors, the impact of which increases the likelihood of developing this disease. Their list includes:

  • hereditary predisposition;
  • the patient has systemic autoimmune diseases;
  • previous radiation or chemotherapy;
  • living in areas with adverse environmental conditions;
  • previous bacterial or viral infection;
  • presence of foci of chronic inflammation in the body.

Varieties of rashes and other allergy symptoms

Rashes with allergies
Rashes with allergies

This disease is accompanied by inflammation and skin lesions. There are several main types of rashes and symptoms:

  • The disease is sometimes accompanied by erythema, in which some areas of the skin turn red. The process is associated with excessive filling of small subcutaneous vessels with blood and is one of the characteristic symptoms of skin allergies. Red spots itch, tissues begin to peel off, which gives the patient a lot of discomfort.
  • Possibly the appearance of flat, dense bumps called papules.
  • Vesicles are small bubbly structures with watery, transparent contents. Such neoplasms also often appear on the skin (allergy to cold and hives are accompanied by similar signs).
  • Sometimes the reaction of the immune system leads to inflammation of the hair follicles and the formation of pimples with purulent contents on the skin.

It is these symptoms that accompany skin allergies. The spots itch, itch, the skin on them becomes dry. Often you can observe the appearance of edema. Fabrics become hot to the touch. If left untreated, the skin begins to peel off, become covered with cracks, sores, erosions, which only aggravates the situation.

Urticaria and its symptoms

Urticaria is one of the most common immune reactions, accompanied by the appearance of lesions on the skin. Allergies in adults and children often occur through contact with chemicals, exposure to low temperatures and ultraviolet radiation, and taking certain medications.

Small blistering rashes appear on the skin with liquid, transparent contents - this resembles a burn from contact with nettles, which, in fact, is the reason for the name of the pathology. The reaction is also accompanied by severe hyperemia of the skin, severe itching. In this case, the allergy symptoms go away on their own a few days after contact with the allergen is eliminated. Rarely does the process go intochronic form and lasts about 2 - 3 months.

Contact dermatitis and its features

This allergic reaction develops, as a rule, after close contact of skin tissues and potentially dangerous substances. The disease has a number of very characteristic features:

  • first, redness and swelling appear on the area of the skin that was in contact with the allergen;
  • patients complain of severe itching in the affected area (children often scratch these places, which leads to the formation of wounds);
  • further small bubbles form on the skin with a clear liquid inside;
  • vesicles begin to burst, releasing liquid contents, accompanied by burning and increased itching;
  • painful erosions form at the site of opened blisters;
  • gradually the skin begins to recover - yellowish crusts form at the site of the rash.

It is worth noting that allergies in this case are often complicated by a bacterial infection, as wounds and erosions become gateways for pathogenic microorganisms to penetrate tissues.

What is eczema?

Diagnostics of the skin form of allergy
Diagnostics of the skin form of allergy

Eczema is a form of allergy, which is accompanied by the appearance of red spots on the skin, covered with dry scales. As a rule, lesions are localized on the elbows, in the area under the knees. The disease often affects the scalp. In children, eczema is mainly accompanied by the appearance of rashes on the cheeks.

Erythema formation can be seen first - affected areareddens, slightly swells, and the skin in this area becomes dry. In the future, nodules (papules) of pink color are formed, which rise above the surface of the integumentary tissues. As the disease progresses, the papules fill with serous fluid, turning into vesicles.

Gradually the contents of the bubbles become cloudy - a purulent process begins inside, which is accompanied by very unpleasant sensations. Vesicles and pustules burst as they “mature”, and painful erosions form in their place. They often merge with each other by the edges, forming very extensive areas of the lesion. The skin in neighboring areas becomes dry and thin. If there is a lesion of the skin of the scalp, then hair loss can be observed. Erosions are gradually covered with dry crusts, which begin to peel off. At this point, the process usually dies down.

It is worth noting that this disease is characterized by a chronic course - periods of remission are replaced by exacerbations and vice versa.

Neurodermatitis: features of the course of the disease

Symptoms of neurodermatitis
Symptoms of neurodermatitis

Neurodermatitis is another type of allergy, however, in the development of this disease, an important role is played not only by contacts with potentially hazardous substances, but also by the state of the organs of the nervous, digestive and other organ systems. For example, an allergic reaction often aggravates against the background of stress, nervous and physical overstrain.

Rash with neurodermatitis affects, as a rule, the zones of the elbow and knee folds, the skin of the face, inner thighs, external genitaliaorgans. The affected areas of the integument first become dry. The skin here begins to peel off, becoming more prone to various kinds of injuries.

Further, small papules begin to form on the tissues, inside of which fluid sometimes begins to accumulate. The lesions do not have clear contours. The inflammatory process is accompanied by severe itching, which is aggravated by contact with water, cold air, and cosmetics.

Due to dryness and constant scratching, painful cracks form on the skin, which then begin to get wet. The secreted blood and lymph dry up, forming crusts on the surface of the skin. In places of inflammation, the skin begins to thicken. Gradually, the allergic reaction fades, and the affected tissues recover, although even during the period of remission, hyperpigmentation of the integument persists.

Of course, such unpleasant symptoms also affect the emotional state of the patient. People often suffer from insomnia, fatigue, apathy. Concentration problems appear, performance decreases. Patients suffer from increased irritability, have difficulty communicating. Against the background of this form of allergy, a decrease in immunity is observed, which is fraught with the development of secondary bacterial and viral inflammations of the skin.

Drug treatment for skin allergies

Skin allergy ointment
Skin allergy ointment

When symptoms appear, see a specialist. In the process of diagnosis, it is important not only to confirm the presence of an allergic reaction, to diagnose its type and form, but also to isolate the allergen,that cause inflammation. For this purpose, blood tests and allergy tests are carried out. Only after that, the doctor will be able to draw up a treatment regimen, pick up pills and ointments for skin allergies.

  • First of all, you need to exclude any contact with potentially hazardous substances, whether cosmetics or food.
  • The doctor will also select an effective ointment for skin allergies. Such drugs as Solcoseryl, Fenistil, Panthenol, Levomekol are considered effective. These products help to cope with itching, burning and peeling, accelerate the regeneration of skin tissues.
  • An obligatory component of therapy are antihistamines. These drugs block the release of histamine by mast cells, which leads to a gradual attenuation of the allergic reaction, a decrease in edema and skin manifestations of pathology. Their list includes Tavegil, Allertec, Astemizol, Diphenhydramine.
  • There are other drugs that are used to treat skin allergies. If the spots itch, there is a pronounced inflammatory process and the symptoms cannot be removed with the help of antihistamines, then hormonal ointments, which contain glucocorticosteroids, are included in the treatment regimen. Effective are "Afloderm", "Prednisolone", "Momat". By the way, such drugs have a lot of contraindications, so they are sold by prescription. Only a doctor can choose the appropriate ointment for skin allergies in adults and children.

All the above drugs can only eliminate the symptoms of the disease. For todayday the only really effective method of treating allergies is the so-called desensitization. A microdose of an allergen is injected into the patient's body for a certain time - in this way the immune system can adapt to the presence in the body of one or another substance that stimulates the appearance of an allergic reaction.

Folk remedies to relieve symptoms

Treatment of allergies with folk remedies
Treatment of allergies with folk remedies

Of course, folk healers offer a huge number of ways to treat skin allergies. Red spots, rashes and itching can be removed with decoctions, tinctures and other home remedies.

  • Good results are obtained by using a decoction of chamomile (dried flowers can be purchased at a pharmacy). From the infusions of this plant, lotions and compresses are made for the affected areas of the skin. This herb has strong anti-inflammatory properties.
  • A decoction of a string is recommended to be added to bathing water. This medicine helps relieve itching and soothe the skin. By the way, tea is also made from this herb, however, in this case, it is better to collect the plants yourself.
  • For the preparation of baths, you can also use elecampane, calendula flowers, St. John's wort.
  • It is believed that fresh celery juice will help relieve an allergic reaction. A tablespoon of fresh juice should be taken three times a day, about half an hour before meals.
  • Mumiyo is considered a good medicine. 1 g of this substance must be diluted in 100 ml of boiled water. The solution is recommended to treat the damagedskin. If an allergy on the skin itches, then this remedy will help relieve itching and discomfort.
  • Eggshell helps with atopic dermatitis and eczema. It must be dried, after separating the film from the inside, grind in a coffee grinder. A quarter teaspoon of the powder should be "quenched" with lemon juice and taken after meals. The procedure is repeated once a day for 2 months.

Skin allergy is an extremely unpleasant and dangerous disease that should not be ignored in order to avoid dangerous complications. When the first symptoms appear, you need to consult a specialist.
