The human body is a rather complex system, where each organ performs certain functions. The throat is no exception. The main task of this organ is to ensure the flow of food and liquid into the stomach. In addition, it is responsible for the process of breathing and communication with people. Therefore, diseases of the throat, especially tonsillitis, negatively affect the state of the body as a whole. Doctors came to the conclusion that the psychological component is now gaining special importance. The emotional state of a person affects his he alth. This article will consider the psychosomatics of angina and its role in modern medicine.
What is psychosomatics?
People have long found out that the psychological state of a person, one way or another, affects the physical. This relationship is called psychosomatics. Adults and children are affected equally. It seems to many that if a child cannot express his problems, it means that he experiences them more easily. This statement is fundamentally wrong. Even an adult, who accumulates everything in himself, creates the basis for the appearance of the disease. And what about children then?

When an illness occurs, no one pays attention to psychological factors. Although they often become the real causes of the disease. Damage to the nervous system is widespread at the moment, as the pace of life has increased, and people work hard to keep up with everything. Chronic fatigue and the inability to rest negatively affect he alth, and the psychosomatic factor comes to the fore.
Can psychosomatic angina appear?
Currently, doctors have proven that the emotional state of a person can cause not only skin itching, but also other, more serious diseases. The psychosomatics of angina was considered earlier in the context of stress factors that affect the pathology. Now this is one of the main causes of angina.

It would seem that an infection got into the body, which led to inflammation of the throat, and what does psychology have to do with it? But if you look from the other side. A person experienced severe stress, which resulted in a weakening of the body's resistance. This leads to the appearance of inflammation, and, accordingly, angina. Psychological factors should not be underestimated. Because of them, very serious diseases can develop.
Causes of sore throat
The following factors can be distinguished that affect the appearance of the disease:
- very strong stress, prolonged depression;
- anger that keeps inside;
- restrained irritability;
- loneliness,unwillingness to communicate with people, attempts to isolate themselves from society.

It can be concluded that in an adult the disease occurs due to strong negative emotions that a person does not voice. It is unexpressed anger and repressed fear that become the main causes. Sometimes an ailment may appear due to the inability to solve the problem.
Causes of sore throats in children:
- quarrels between adults in front of a child;
- lack of attention;
- development of complexes, lack of appearance;
- insults, humiliation on the street and at school.
Many doctors claim that angina, as a psychosomatic disease, can develop from early childhood. At first it looks like a lump in the throat, then it becomes difficult for the child to speak, and an illness occurs.
Symptoms of sore throat
Psychosomatics of angina in adults and children is quite difficult to determine. This means that the signs of the disease are identical in the case of the appearance as a result of infectious influences, and psychological. Only an experienced doctor, through a thorough examination of the throat and interrogation, will be able to identify psychosomatic causes. The following factors will help to push this idea:
- the disease appeared instantly, for no particular reason;
- the patient himself associates angina with stress;
- the disease often disappears and reappears, while not affected by drugs.

Suspicion ofpsychosomatics of angina occurs if the patient complains of a lump in the throat that interferes with normal breathing.
As already noted, it is quite difficult to identify the true causes of the disease. To do this, you need to use the efforts of several doctors. The psychosomatics of angina in children and adults is determined by examining a therapist, an otolaryngologist and a psychologist. They prescribe special procedures:
- collection of urine and blood for analysis;
- sowing from the nasopharynx, this is done in order to detect sensitivity to drugs;
- body temperature measurements.
At the end of the examination, it is necessary to have a conversation with a psychologist who will give you advice. They should not be neglected, as this can lead to a relapse of the disease.
Treatment of angina
To get rid of the problem, the course of therapy must be comprehensive. In addition to standard methods of treatment, you need to use the services of a psychiatrist or psychotherapist. Treatment can be:
- hypnosis;
- relaxation technique;
- psycho-corrective way.

When identifying the psychosomatics of angina, treatment is prescribed. It may consist of taking antidepressants to help the person cope with depression. Therapy in each case is different, and depends on many reasons. The doctor must understand the activators of the disease, and eliminate them in the most effective way. To avoid problems of this nature, you need to monitor your psychologicalcondition, and, if necessary, seek help from specialists.