Sometimes patients are prescribed the drug "Dibazol". What is this medicine for? "Dibazol" is a synthetic drug with an active substance called bendazol, characterized by vasodilating, hypotensive and antispasmodic effects. It well reduces blood pressure, promotes the restoration of peripheral nerves, and also stimulates the functions of the spinal cord. The drug "Dibazol" has an immunostimulating effect, increasing the body's resistance to the effects of certain infectious pathogens.

Relaxation of the smooth muscles of blood vessels or internal organs occurs due to a decrease in the content of free calcium in them. The drug "Dibazol" causes an improvement in synaptic transmission in the spinal cord, an increase in the synthesis of nucleic acids and proteins. Due to the formation of antibodies when taking the medication, the synthesis of interferon and phagocytosis, it activates the patient's immune system. Bendazole improves interneuronal contacts in the spinal cord.
Intravenous orintramuscular injections, tablets with different dosages for adults and children allow the use of the Dibazol drug both in a hospital setting and in outpatient treatment. What does this medication help with? He successfully copes with the removal of hypertensive crises, with the treatment of arterial hypertension at an early stage in combination with other means of hypotensive action.

With peptic ulcer of the gastrointestinal tract, intestinal, renal, hepatic colic, the drug helps relieve spasms of the smooth muscles of these organs. Has a medicine "Dibazol" indications for use in neurology. So, it is used to eliminate the residual effects of poliomyelitis, to treat peripheral paralysis of the facial nerve, polyneuritis and other ailments. The drug "Dibazol" is also prescribed by doctors as a prophylactic against influenza.
Injection dosage for adults
Injections of the drug "Dibazol" are widespread and often used in the hospital. The drug is produced in the form of a 0.5% or 1% solution for parenteral administration, 1, 2 or 5 ml in each ampoule. The dosage should be determined by the attending physician, who knows all the subtleties of the course of the disease in a particular patient, as well as the characteristics of his body. In a hypertensive crisis, intravenous administration (more effective than intramuscular) of the drug is usually prescribed. Dose - 3-4 ml (at 1% solution) or 6-8 ml (at 0.5% solution).
But with hypertension without symptoms of a crisis, as a rule, 2-4 ml is prescribed (with1% solution) or 4-8 ml (at 0.5%). But if there are other diseases, the dosage may be increased or reduced at the discretion of the doctor.
The drug "Dibazol" in tablets
Medication in the form of tablets is available for children at 2, 3, 4 mg and for adults at 20 mg. The package contains 10 pieces. The drug "Dibazol" (tablets) instruction recommends taking an adult patient 2-3 times a day - the dosage is from 20 to 40 mg of the drug for each dose. For the best effect, the medication is consumed 2 hours before a meal or 2 hours after it.

With lesions of the nervous system, the average dosage of the drug (5 mg) is shown from 5 to 10 times a day. Maximum doses for adult patients: at one time - 0.05 g, per day - 0.15 g of the drug. The course of treatment with any form of medication should last about 3-4 weeks. If necessary, it can be repeated, but not earlier than in one or two months.
The drug "Dibazol" (tablets) has a fast-dissolving and thin outer shell. This allows the active substance bendazole to begin to act quickly. This form of medication is easy to use, which makes it convenient for use in outpatient treatment. It is remarkably absorbed in the intestines, the effect of the application can be observed after half an hour. The action of the product lasts for two to three hours.
Use in childhood
The drug is prescribed for children in the treatment of diseases of the nervous system, ulcers andcolic, and also as a prophylaxis during the flu season. The question of the need to use the drug is decided only by the doctor, having assessed the course of the disease, the individual characteristics of the organism of a particular child, and also making sure that there are no contraindications.

For outpatient or inpatient treatment, pediatric dosage tablets or IV/IM injections are used. The form of the drug is also prescribed only by a specialist. During the course of treatment, the doctor monitors the condition of the child, although the side effects of the medication are rare. The instruction allows children to take the Dibazol drug and determines the dosage according to age:
- over 12 years - 5 mg/day;
- from nine to twelve - no more than 4 mg / day;
- four to eight - no more than 3 mg/day;
- from one to three years - no more than 2 mg / day;
- up to a year - no more than 1 mg/day.
The doses in the instructions are advisory in nature, therefore, under no circumstances should they be used for self-medication. If further use of the drug is necessary, subsequent courses of therapy are prescribed after 1-2 months.
Use for pregnant and lactating women
Often in obstetrics and gynecology, the drug "Dibazol" is prescribed. What is it prescribed for, is it safe to use? These questions are of great concern to women. The drug "Dibazol" is widely used to treat pregnant and lactating mothers. It effectively reduces blood pressurepressure.

For more than 60 years of its successful use in medicine, no negative effects on the fetus or newborn have been observed. But still, you need to know that the drug should not be used for self-medication without a doctor's prescription. It is not suitable for daily use and is considered an emergency aid for pregnant and lactating women.
Having found out everything about the drug "Dibazol" (from what it is prescribed and in what doses it should be taken), you also need to learn about all the contraindications. The drug should not be used in case of increased individual sensitivity to its components. The drug "Dibazol" is not recommended for use in arterial hypotension and in severe renal dysfunction. It can not be used to relieve spasms of the digestive tract, if peptic ulcers are accompanied by bleeding. The drug is prohibited from prescribing to patients who have diabetes, severe heart failure, convulsive syndrome or diseases accompanied by a decrease in muscle tone. When taking the drug, you must be especially careful to drive vehicles or complex mechanisms.
Side effects
Most often, the drug "Dibazol" is well tolerated, but in some cases allergic reactions to its components are observed. When used in high doses, increased sweating, a feeling of heat, nausea, dizziness, and headache may occur. Caution should be exercised when prescribing long-termtreatment courses for the elderly, as the drug can cause a deterioration in the results of the electrocardiogram.
Pain that is caused by involuntary contractile activity of the smooth muscles of blood vessels and organs is called spasms.

To facilitate them, antispasmodics have been created, which are divided into groups depending on the area of influence (vessels, organs of the gastrointestinal tract, bronchi). In the last century, in the 40s, one of these drugs, Dibazol, was synthesized. "Papaverine", "Papazol", "No-shpa", "Tanacehol", "Avisan", "Baralgin" - all these are antispasmodic drugs with a similar effect (analogues).
Synonymous drugs include drugs with the following names: "Bendazol", "Dibazol-UBF", "Dibazol-Darnitsa", "Dibazol-Vial".