Probably everyone has ever noticed how often his eye twitches. Moreover, this nervous tic begins incomprehensibly from what and can last from a few seconds to several days. If this unpleasant sensation bothers you for a long time, of course, you need to see a doctor. “But which doctor should I go to: an ophthalmologist or a neurologist?” - you ask. First, make an appointment with an ophthalmologist. He will look at your eye, explain, for example, why the right eye is twitching, and prescribe treatment if necessary. But neuropathologists often deal with the problem of a nervous tic.
Causes of a nervous tic
What is a nervous tic?

This signal is given to you by the nervous system about some kind of failure in the body, that is, the nerve endings of the eyelid eye received a signal. Most often, the eye twitches from fatigue. If you don’t get enough sleep, you have a busy working day, you “fall off your feet” from fatigue, but you have to finish the job, then your body starts to fail. After all, he also needs rest, tranquility, normalized sleep, fortified food and other "privileges". You must interrupt yoururgent matters and switch off in the literal sense of the word. If the right eye twitches, it is overwork. Therefore, you need to close your eyes and give them a rest. Taking a vacation for yourself, if possible, or at least a weekend for a few days, you will feel a surge of new strength, your mood will rise, and the tic will calm down. You will no longer worry about the question of why the right eye is twitching.
Stressful situations, daily work at the computer,

overwork and heavy physical or mental work make themselves felt sooner or later. In these cases, the problem of why the right eye twitches is solved independently. But it happens that a nervous tic torments for a long time or is repeated intermittently every day, and a long rest does not help. Here you need the help of a specialist. The neurologist will prescribe medication. But you can't run eye problems. If a nervous tic appears frequently, you should immediately, without delay, consult a doctor.
How to stop nervous eyelid twitching
What to do if you have a nervous tic, you feel uncomfortable and want to get rid of it faster? To do this, you need to perform a simple exercise. It is necessary to squeeze the eyelids tightly, and inhale and exhale deeply 6 times. With this proven method, you will get rid of the obsessive problem of why the right eye twitches.
To strengthen the nervous system and the body as a whole, you need to undergo treatment with sedatives. But you should not get carried away with pills, it is better to take herbal remedies. To bringmaximum benefit to the body, visit a therapist. It is he who will recommend

to you fortifying agents with extracts of the healing properties of plants.
You should also pay special attention to your diet. It should be balanced, rich in vitamins and minerals. Therefore, fresh vegetables, fruits and herbs daily on your table are the key to your he alth.
It is known that many signs are associated with the twitching of certain parts of the body. If the right eye twitches - a sign in this case speaks of an increase in your we alth and quick profits. If a nervous tic is in the left eye, this promises trouble and even tears. But believing and not believing signs, you must take care, first of all, about your he alth. After all, you can't buy he alth for money.