Not everyone knows what to do if the eye twitches. Many people face this problem every day. Some might even find it funny. In fact, involuntary twitching of the eye muscles is the first sign of a nervous tic. This situation may indicate that there are certain problems in the work of the central system of the brain. But such a phenomenon may also have nothing to do with nerve damage. In any case, in order to draw any conclusions, it is necessary to consider the situation in more detail. What causes twitching of the eye muscles? Is it worth giving special importance to this symptom? Where should treatment begin? This will be discussed in this article.
Central nervous system damage

So what do you need to know about this? If the eye twitches due to nerve disease, the first step is to determine how serious the problem is. For this, you should definitely visit a doctor. Usually, decreased muscle tone leads to eye twitching. Perhaps the person simply suffers from reflex excitability. With disturbances in the work of the central nervous system, reflexes may be distorted. Then the muscles respond inadequately to the received impulses. This leads to convulsions and hypertonicity.
Hereditary causes
What to do if the eye twitches, but everything is in order with the nervous system? In some cases, it may be a hereditary predisposition.
Sometimes a person systematically twitches the eyelid. What to do in this case? Twitching can occur unexpectedly, even if it is not preceded by strong feelings or stress. The tick just starts on its own. What if the problem is in heredity? It remains only to wait. These symptoms usually disappear as the child grows older. Such an ailment rarely brings discomfort. Also, this kind of tics don't last long.
Other reasons
Let's take a closer look at them. The eye can also twitch for more serious reasons. Often this manifests itself in the early stages of Bell's palsy, Tourette's syndrome, Parkinson's disease.
Also, the cause of a nervous tic may lie in reduced immunity. Often the nervous system reacts in this way to an infectious disease. It could even be a common SARS. Be that as it may, often in this condition a person twitches under the eye. What to do in this case? First of all, it is necessary to complete the course of treatment for the virus. For this purpose, it is imperative to take drugs that restore immunity.
The cause of a nervous tic can also be ailments such asblepharitis, conjunctivitis and others. This condition can be provoked by the habit of spending a lot of time at the computer. If you watch TV for days on end, then it is also not surprising that, for example, your lower eyelid of your right eye twitches. What to do in this case? First of all, it is necessary to reduce the time spent in front of the screen.
Foreign body hit

What to do if the eye twitches? The upper eyelid may also tremble due to the ingress of a foreign body. Often these problems occur in those who do not use lenses correctly. As a result, you may, without noticing it, begin to "wink" at strangers.
What if there is nothing in the eye, but the problem remains? For example, the lower eyelid of the left eye twitches. What to do? Often the cause is irritation - twitching can be caused by a simple allergic reaction.
Because of what else can the eye twitch? A fairly common cause is a lack of vitamins. It is not surprising that in our time, when natural products are being replaced by artificial additives, people are increasingly faced with these types of problems. The body is simply reacting to the absence of any essential components.
Motor disorders in the work of the eye muscles may be associated with a lack of calcium. The processes of neuromuscular conduction simply do not proceed as expected. Also, the lack of glycine negatively affects the central nervous system. This state of affairs can be easily remedied byspecial drugs.
Impaired cerebral circulation
This is a very serious reason. Eyelid twitching often occurs as a result of high blood pressure or cerebrovascular accident. In this case, it is necessary to undergo a complete examination. Better get an MRI. If a nervous tic does not go away for a long time, this is an occasion for a visit to the doctor.
Twitching of the upper or lower eyelids

What could be the reason? What to do if the eye twitches? Often the problem concerns only one century. If a person does not have any serious diseases, then most likely this unpleasant symptom will soon stop. All you have to do is get enough sleep, eat vitamin-rich foods, and cut down on TV and computer screens.
Be sure to include foods rich in magnesium and calcium in your diet. Also, long walks in the fresh air have a positive effect on the state of the body. In this case, the body will be easier to cope with overvoltage. If all the preventive measures listed above have not brought results, then you should consult a doctor as soon as possible. And if twitches occur rarely, then you can not worry once again.
So, the left eye is twitching. What to do? Reasons for what is happening? Most likely, it's a minor disorder of the nervous system. It is unlikely that you will need to take serious medications. Help to cope with the symptoms of the diseasesimple eye exercises Try to close your eyes tightly and wait a while. Then open your eyes wide. Then it is recommended to blink quickly. Another exercise that can help is to close your eyes and describe circles with them. If the tic started while working at the computer, step away from it for a while and just sit with your eyes closed.
Vitamins and diet

Doctors sometimes even prescribe a special diet for those who have left eyelid twitching. What to do and what foods to eat? As mentioned earlier, one of the possible causes is a lack of vitamins. Perhaps your diet simply lacks magnesium. This component is found in large quantities in foods such as pumpkin seeds, walnuts, sesame seeds, beans, bran, sprouted wheat, rye bread. If the body feels a lack of calcium, then it is necessary to eat dairy products, such as cheese and cottage cheese. A large amount of this element is also found in sunflower seeds, dried apricots, peanuts. Pay attention to the quality of the water you drink. It may contain aluminum. This can negatively affect the state of the nervous system and dental he alth. Keep in mind that this element is often present in the composition of deodorants. It is better to use natural rock s alt antiperspirants. You can also treat the armpits with a regular soda solution.
It often happens that involuntary muscle contraction occurs only on one side,for example, the left eye twitches. What to do in this case? First, you should stop drinking tonic drinks. It's about coffee and energy drinks. You should also avoid drinking alcohol. These substances have a negative effect on the nervous system of the body.

Nerve twitches of the eye muscles can occur as a result of trauma. Most likely, the damage in this case is quite serious, so you can’t do without the help of doctors.
Sometimes a person's eyes can twitch for several days without stopping. Reasons, what to do, how to treat - that's what patients are usually interested in. At the first sign of an illness, you should definitely consult a neurologist. The doctor may prescribe sedatives and anticonvulsants.
Folk remedies
Sometimes nervous twitching of the eye can be cured with the help of folk remedies. As a rule, we are talking about such sedatives as a decoction of valerian roots (it works more effectively than drops), motherwort or peony tincture. You can also try drinking mint tea. This plant helps relieve spasm from the eye muscles. Pay attention also to the leaves of geranium. This is an effective and proven remedy with which you can easily get rid of unpleasant symptoms. How to apply it? It is enough just to cut a leaf from the plant and attach it to the eye. Decoctions from the leaves of this flower also bring a positive effect.
Chamomile flowers and motherwort herb also help get rid of eye twitching. Must be mixed intoequal proportions of these components, add chrysanthemum leaves to them and brew like a simple tea. For severe tics, you can try making chamomile and lemon balm compresses.
What to do when your eyelids twitch?

Sometimes spasms affect only one eyelid. For example, the right eye twitches. Causes, what to do, how to treat? Perhaps, muscle tension has simply accumulated around the organ of vision. To reduce the stress load on the body and relax the psyche, the palming technique is well suited. Sit on a chair so that the back of your head and back form a straight line. This posture helps maintain optimal blood flow in the brain. Shake your wrists several times. This will help you relax a little. Rub your palms to warm them up. Place the elbows of both hands on the table. Fold your palms in boats and attach them to the eye sockets. Closed eyes should be opposite the recesses in the hands. The phalanxes of the little fingers must be crossed like a pair of glasses on the bridge of the nose. The remaining fingers are placed on the forehead. Large ones should be pressed to the brushes. The palms should not be too close to the eyes. Position them so that the eyelids can blink freely. At the same time, light should not pass through the places where the palms are in contact with the eye sockets. In this position, with your eyes closed, imagine something pleasant. It should give you pleasure and make you smile. Such an exercise to relax the psyche must be performed at the first sign of eyelid twitching and fatigue. Periodicity and durationits performance depends on the required level of psychological relaxation.
If you notice that your eye tic occurs regularly, then most likely you just need to reconsider your daily routine. Don't overwork yourself. If you think that stress and fatigue are the cause of tics, try to combat them using various relaxation techniques. Yoga classes have a good effect. Also try to limit the time spent in front of the monitor. Try to watch TV as little as possible. When working at a computer, use special eye drops that eliminate dryness.
Another possible cause of ticks is lack of sleep. The muscles of the eyelids are very sensitive. At the slightest imbalance, they can stop functioning normally. Including lack of sleep. The way to solve the problem in this case is quite obvious - you just need to get a good night's sleep. Try going to bed early. A person usually needs 8 hours of sleep a day.
Such a problem as eye twitching also occurs with incorrectly selected glasses. If this symptom is observed while reading or working, then most likely you should contact an ophthalmologist. It looks like the eye muscles are very tense.

What to do if the eye twitches? First, you need to determine the reason. Of course, it can be banal overwork and fatigue. In this case, sleep and relaxation will help solve the problem. If the cause is more serious, for example, an infectious disease, then it will not be possible to do without a course of treatment. Perhaps eye twitching occurs due to inflammation in the optic nerve. Similar symptoms can also be provoked by cerebrovascular accidents, neurological diseases and tumors. In this case, be sure to contact your doctor.
Eye disease is a very serious problem that can lead to negative consequences. Therefore, if you feel any symptoms of visual impairment, then immediately contact a professional specialist for advice.